Officially, no one has said which is the most armed state in the world. It is not the USA, Russia, Israel or North Korea.
It is a European country where the army and the population are invisible, and every man is also a soldier. A state that gives you a free gun after you turn 50 and asks you to buy some gun at a discount.
It is a country that can mobilize an army of 650,000 soldiers in four hours, and an army of 1.7 million soldiers in two days. For comparison, the US can mobilize only 1.3 million soldiers
This ultra-militarized country is located on a very mountainous relief, where the mountains are like the walls of a fortress, and countless tunnels are dug into the rocks, which allow you to reach any corner of the country without being seen by anyone. This heavily militarized state is located where you would never have expected, right in the heart of Europe.
It's about Switzerland! A country that had and has a very well developed defense plan that makes it very difficult to conquer. Bridges, roads and railways were built in such a way that they could be detonated from a distance to prevent the enemy from using them.
In the event of an attack, their official defense tactic is to abandon the cities and retreat to the mountains, where the Swiss have built more than 26,000 camouflaged defense bunkers and fortresses well connected to each other by tunnels.
In the event of a nuclear war, Switzerland is the only country in the world that has enough fallout shelters for 114% of the population, i.e. 8.6 million bunkers, where all Swiss and many refugees can go. Every Swiss man is required to do the army which lasts only three months and within 72 hours he is mobilized. However, this time is enough to transform a young party-goer into a responsible man.
After these three months, the young man receives a gun, a can and a military uniform, which he takes home. Periodically, Swiss men are recalled to the army, so as not to forget the accumulated military knowledge and skills.
By the age of 32, a Swiss man is recalled to the army seven times, where he must stay for three weeks each. In the next 10 years, he will be recalled three more times, for two weeks, and in another 10 years, once for two weeks.
When the Swiss turns 51, he is officially released from military service and is obliged to return his weapon and uniform to the state. So is the can. No one can refuse military service, not even millionaires and bankers.
Switzerland is a country that is only 300 km long and has a military budget of 7.5 billion dollars, but it has 800 tanks and armored vehicles and 350 military planes! The civilian population is armed to the teeth.
Thus, it has been calculated that the Swiss legally own 1.5 million semi-automatics and 2,000,000 pistols at home. In Switzerland, the number of shooting ranges is equal to the number of cafes. Perhaps for these military reasons, not even Hitler had the courage to attack Switzerland!