Stargates, UFO's & Symbols

in symbols •  2 years ago 

"The “miniature UFO” was discovered in Silpho Moor near Scarborough, North Yorkshire,in 1957.

The metal disc was 16 inches in diameter, weighed 22lbs and was inscribed with hieroglyphics which are similar to the wreckage of the “spacecraft” alleged to have crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in June 1947.

Inside the object was a book of 17 thin copper sheets with each sheet covered in more hieroglyphics."

"A MYSTERIOUS link between the infamous Roswell flying saucer crash and the Rendlesham UFO sighting has been alleged after Ancient Egyptian-like hieroglyphics were seen by witnesses in both cases."

"Though Stargates vary in design, they share several common elements. First, all Stargates have a group of glyphs spaced around the inner ring (39 for Milky Way gates, 36 for Pegasus and Destiny-style gates) and nine chevrons spaced equally around the outer edge. The glyphs on Milky Way and Pegasus gates represent constellations, while Destiny-style gates use a collection of abstract symbols for lack of consistent stellar landmarks. These two features are used as a coordinate system for the gate to target and form a connection with another gate; each chevron is locked to a specific glyph, thereby allowing the gate to connect to another. This is known as an address for a gate; gate addresses are described in terms of how many chevrons are needed to dial them, seven at the least and nine at the most."

"Step 1 – Choose a stargate address

First you need to choose an address for your stargate. This will be a unique address for your stargate alone. The address will be put in the table on top of this page so that others can dial your stargate and establish a wormhole. You need to choose 6 symbols for the address. When you know what symbols you want to use for your stargate address you need to convert those to a format that the program can use. Each symbol is represented with a number and a stargate address looks like this [7, 5, 20, 27, 32, 21]."

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