We've studied war for 12000 years. We aced it. Learning peace and forbearance is totally new for us. Rome wasn't built in a day, nor did it fall in a day. Peace moves slow but crushes any empire bent on war. Any sovereign powers. He said, "People who think we can live without #government are meatheads." I said Bro, take inventory on self love. Throw this spoiled perception out before it contaminates all the healthy ones. I said Bro, only one entity has sovereign power over me, God and God alone. Certainly no toxic nation state. I said Bro, stop forcing others to be productive members of society and be productive by producing inner peace. Inner peace is the most productive state. Inner peace and everyone in your presence produces. Inner peace and everyone around you becomes productive even generations after you die. Inner peace builds an indestructible empire.
So remember, there are no higher intelligences, only variations of understanding. Truly there are no ugly people, only varying degrees of beauty. Everyone is already designed perfect, made perfect by the sovereign power. Perhaps we had choice on our bodies and parents before being born. This chain of life from one life to another. But even if you don't subscribe to the #karmic concept of life, one thing we agree is that the past is immutable, there's no going back. Onward and upwards.
So remember, weapons are solids or states. The highest state is peace, which also is the most powerful weapon. The highest solid is your word, what you say has infinte consequences. 3rd the written, 2nd the spoken, 1st the unspoken. Therefore when we develop our weapons, the most powerful tool will be our state of mind. The past was good verses evil. Today it's health verses sickness. Don't exhaust your breath fighting #evil. Spread healing words. Take healthy action. The most crucial medicine to humans is other company. Not a single drug exist to match the healing power from shooting the shit with our friends. Doctors act for selfish gain, healers from self sacrifice. Doctors are schooled in medicine, 1 of 99 components. Healers educate patients on all 99 components, then patients themselves become healers. Tell a man how to fish, he might not remember. Show a man how to fish, he could forget. Involve a man in fishing and he will never forget. He will live his remaining years involving others, who involve others, who involve others.
To restrain is harder than to push forward. Think of government like weather. Rain isn't always enjoyed but who can refute its necessity? It gets us further to adapt to it than opposing it. World War 3 is today, it's people in despair of government. Nuclear weapons aren't nearly as threatening as civil war within every country. See, the government thinks I work for them, it's true I do. I work steadily to improve all governments, to love God, so to do this I must unite His human family, including those who wish to be ruled. However, these current governments are like cancer, they will kill us all if we keep voting them up. Vote towards #anarchism for those who desire total freedom from groups and #synarchism for those who desire being governed. Vote with what you say. Vote with your money, your steem. Value what I say or don't. Everything has value, especially our words.
- Jimmy James
Of the Growling Griffin tribe
Redday, Uranus 11, Year 1