Trump Cabal Threatens Syria With A False Flag Chemical Attack - #NewWorldNextWeek

in syria •  6 years ago 

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This week on the New World Next Week: false flags fly over Syria as the Trump neocons begin to circle Idlib; the technocrats patent our Orwellian nightmare future; and a cancer researcher is called out for undisclosed links to Big Pharma.


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Trump is Controlled by those that Control the Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve was set up by the Rothschilds and their Cronies. The Rothschild Family however has the Official Title : " Guardians of the Vatican Treasury ", its even in the Encyclopedia Judeica. And Dynasty Founder Mayer Amschel Rothschild was Already a Member of the VATICAN Knights of Malta. So yes the Rotschilds have a Degree of Power, but they SERVE the 1500 yearold Vatican System. Once Again : All ( NWO ) roads lead to the ANTICHRIST Papacy in Rome. And Yes this Current System will Fail and the Papacy will Play the Role of " Savior " : Offering the Marxist One World System and One World New Age Religion as a " Solution ". While Unknown to Many the Papacy, the JESUITS and Other Secret Societies Created Much of the Problems in the First Place. Please do your Own Research and Get Born Again, God bless.

Very interesting, never heard of the title "Guardians of the Vatican Treasury". Vatican City is the capital of the Roman Catholic Church, yet the Rothschilds are Jewish. I guess wealth knows no religious bounds.

Just to say Rothschilds are not Jewish. They pretend to be, all the "Elite" pretends to be Jewish but they're really not. I won't get into the (possible) reasons they pretend to be Jewish, just think about it.

Both sides in the Syrian War are controlled by the Central Banks,James.
Stop falling for the hegelian dialectic.
War has always been a scam.
Both Assad and Putin are Zionists.

Bashar Al Assad's Grandfather was a hardcore Zionist.
Hafez Assad and his cronies in the Amal Movement fought against Palestinian Militias from the PLO
Hafez Assad trained in the Soviet Union and he had intimate ties to the Russian Jewish Mafia.
Saddam Hussein Exposed Hafez Assad For the Closet Zionist That He Is

Former Hezbollah leader Subhi Al Tufayli described the current Hezbollah organization as border guards for Israel.

Israel's defense minister Avigdor Lieberman recently praised Bashar Al Assad.

I would never expect a response from you regarding these inconvenient facts because you alongside the rest of the Alternative Media has been compromised.
Why do you continue to refuse talking about the Talpiot program and Israel's domination of the high technology sect?
Look up the Talpiot Program and Israel's domination of the high technology sector to escape the Cambridge Analytica created Alt Media Narrative.

nice video

Anyone still saying TRUMP is our savior is an IDIOT❗️