S.L.A.P. rounds replace the standard bullet with an advanced polymer gel. When the gel globe strikes the target it instantly expands into a flat pancake, transferring its energy over a wide surface onto the target, throwing them off their feet and enabling the operative to catch up with and subdue the target.
Soft Load Anti-Personnel rounds cost 1.5x the normal cost for a standard load and use similar technology as in the shiver BB guns. A target struck by a S.L.A.P. round must make a Physique roll against a difficulty equal to the gun’s normal Damage + Armour damage in order to remain standing. The S.L.A.P. rounds otherwise are considered to only do one damage with a penetration of -4 and no armour damage. If struck by a multiple fire burst from a single attacker, each additional round striking adds +1 to the difficulty, additional damage that would normally be applied, from whatever source, is also considered to add to the difficulty.
Pistol Examples:
CAF – Difficulty 3
8mm Long – Difficulty 6
10mm Auto – Difficulty 7
12mm – Difficulty 8
12.7mm – Difficulty 11
10 gauge slug – 11
Rifle Examples:
CAF – Difficulty 4
8mm Long – Difficulty 9
10mm Auto – Difficulty 10
12mm – Difficulty 11
12.7mm – Difficulty 16
17mm – Difficulty 36
10 gauge slug – Difficulty 14
Prototype HEFF rounds (High Energy, Fully Flattening) sometimes turn up on the black market, they have a higher difficulty by +2 and do 2 damage instead of 1, but their heavy recoil both wears out and damages firearms, and causes a -2 penalty to hit.