The Sacrifice

in tantramaya •  7 years ago  (edited)

Last year one of the few remaining noble monastics from Ananda Marga came to visit el Misterio. He wanted to join us in the revolution and said that our work was exemplary. I knew he had suffered greatly remaining within the old, corrupt order. He admired us for being moral rebels and going against the grain of our own tradition and withstanding the attacks against us for this. We are not monastics nor formal meditation teachers yet people around the world think that we are doing the work of Ananda Marga when in fact we are entirely independent. I told him that I was commissioned by some of the older, direct disciples of Anandamurti to help continue the work of Ananda Marga after the organization had failed. I told him about our meeting with Ramananda so many years ago and how Ramananda spoke well of el Misterio just before his death and said we were doing the work that Anandamurti intended. I met with leaders of Ananda Marga like Ramananda and Chandranath after the Purulia Arms Drop in 1995. They knew Ananda Marga was infiltrated and was no longer really Ananda Marga. Some factions of A.M. had sold out to the Indian government, others to the communists in West Bengal, while others had sold out to the CIA and Interpol to help frame Ananda Marga as a terrorist organization. Due to this an entirely different approach must be taken. Anandamurti had foretold this years ago and said that the social organization of Ananda Marga would be annihilated but the ideas would later continue under new forms. Ramananda, although still holding a very high organizational rank in Ananda Marga, inspired us in this revolutionary direction.

After hearing this history the noble monk visiting us slammed his fist on my table, alighted upright and shouted “Let us tell them all to go to hell and start over with just Yama and Niyama and Kiirtan!” I was so happy because we needed some orange in this revolution, monastics who can work outside the organization, yet still follow the discipline of Ananda Marga monastics.

I thought we had some hope. However, he went back to his tribe in Ranchi that is controlled by gangsters and and nun beaters and told me we needed to make deals with them. This effectively put an end to any possibilities of working with Ananda Marga monastics.

As much as I did not like the idea of my friends re-entering the Ananda Marga Mexico saga last year, I must admit that some interesting facts were discovered while they were involved for that brief period. Yogendra, the president of Ananda Marga Mexico, had promised my friends that he would create a transparent, democratic panel for a new Ananda Marga Mexico. This would permit member oversight of financial transactions and oust the influence of Ranchi in Ananda Marga Mexico, a national organization independent of the multinational Ananda Marga Inc. While they were on the inside, they were able to see factual and legal evidence of the crimes I referred to in the Headkick Headtrick Tantra. Our part in this drama started when Cirananda, the head kicking, mad monk, threatened death to Yogendra, the President of A.M. Mexico, because Yogendra did NOT want to sue Rancho El Misterio for teaching the universal mantra of BABA NAM KEVALAM to humanity at large. For that reason they had some trust in Yogendra and decided to give him some moral support with the aggressions of Cirananda and Ananda Marga Inc. Later, Cirananda and A. pilfered $150,000 from one of Gagan’s offshore bank accounts while A. was executor of Gagan’s estate which A.M. Mexico has inherited. Now Cirananda exposes himself indecently in the street and makes sexual threats at women who pass by. The whole neighborhood is organizing against him for this as more and more witnesses come forth. He has became an infamous local icon.

This is a perfect example of tantric justice. The guy thought he was better than everybody else because he met Anandamurti personally and always boasted about it. This was always his “one-up on you” ego move when it came to knowing who really has more grace and wisdom and who is in charge. The people in orange talk about how they were the chosen ones of Anandamurti. Now Cirananda and so many others need to be in insane asylums. I think the message is very clear: Ananda Marga really is dharma and nobody can mess with it. Ananda Marga is a set of practices and principles that transcends organizations and groups. Its universality is protected by a very special virtue. Anybody who transgresses its principles gets hit with a spiritual fall very quickly… Dharma is no clown show, nor good old boy club where justice is partial to insiders. There will be no monk-y business or distorting A.M for selfish ends. Cirananda has thoroughly tested the law of compensation for us and we see the shameful results of this monkeying around with spiritual power in the name of the guru.

My friends got too close to the facts and discovered that Yogendra was also involved in financial scandals with the A.M. Mexico inheritance. They discovered this and at the same time Yogendra annulled the democratic board that he established for my friends that would help them democratically re-establish A.M. Mexico with transparency. While my friends were involved there were no financial transactions nor selling of any properties. On the contrary, they saw evidence of the corruption and theft of Ananda Marga properties as well as suggestive evidence about the murder of Gagan by the Ananda Marga VSS. My friends went back in Ananda Marga Mexico and then discovered a slew of crimes. They determined there is no hope for renewal nor revolution, and have now entirely left the scene.

A.M. Mexico really has no strong ideological members. but they do have all of the money that Gagan left them. For this reason both sides of the divided A.M. are fighting for this money. Whoever gets the money will get better lawyers for their international court cases. They want to funnel this money towards India to fight court cases and don’t care about helping Mexico. The money from Gagan’s estate could be used in very urgent service projects in Mexico. One would think that all of those millions of dollars could help such a country in need like Mexico. Recall the earthquakes this past month! However, the members of A.M. Mexico and the dirty monks that have craftily cultivated them think only of how to steal this money for themselves or their respective gangs. Now we really understand what Ramananda foretold us so many years ago.


Ramananda died recently. He left an autobiography about his life as personal secretary to Anandamurti. I first met him in 1995, just before the Purulia Arms Drop. He came out of his room to speak to a few of us who were visiting from Europe and the U.S. His eyes were a little sleepy. If it weren’t for his overall blissful composure, he almost appeared intoxicated. It was so obvious this man was really god-intoxicated and had just been truly enjoying a trip into deep meditation. And now he has to come out of it and talk to us. How could a mundane person understand such a state of mind other than referring to some sort of drug or alcohol altered state? Only his eyes were sleepy-looking, but his mind was so awake and sensible. His presence could certainly make one chill out much deeper than with wine or weed.

My friends had noticed something in me of late; that after deep and long meditation along the river, it looked like I was stoned. The joke with them was that I wasn’t really meditating, but secretly smoking something, that I was truly an incorrigible Austinite. I didn’t mind because I was really much lighter and healthier than I ever had been in my entire life and without pharmaceuticals, recreational drugs, alcohol, or meat.

I really liked him from the first moment he entered the room. I got a little of that eternal floating feeling that I would later experience even more strongly when I would meet Chandranath and his wife, Ram Parit Devii. I learned to distinguish between the politician and the saintly monastics by the vibration they left upon me. Sometimes that subtle vibration would last for days and would make one wonder, “where do they get this energy from? how can they invoke this bliss in others?” I saw that Ramananda had probably been enjoying for decades of meditation what I had only recently discovered after my initiation into tantric meditation a few years earlier.

When I saw Ramananda again it was several years later. I was already way far out on the fringes of a.m. I knew who was true but could see how so many people were falling into scandals and all sorts of non-sense. My protests were never public in those days and I only spoke about these issues with my friends. I had come to Mexico for naturopathic treatments with Giitanjali. I had a dream that I had a strange brain growth in my right hemisphere and then later had it confirmed with a PET scan. I never pursued any treatments or further diagnosis because I knew no doctor would ever understand what is going on with my brain under the fire of kundalini. I started therapies with Giitanjali a year earlier while I still lived in the U.S., but wanted to immerse myself in them more thoroughly by visiting her clinic in Mexico.

Ramananda passed through Mexico at that time. He was surrounded by clowns and posers; monks puffed up with the vanity of being the ones chosen to implement “the mission of Baba.” It was all mostly ambitious self-delusion, the discourse of these spin-doctors. I had very little respect for the orange cloth by that time, but I felt very different near Ramananda. I remembered our first encounter and realized that this monk really belongs to an altogether different category than the others.

I meditated near him and some other monks. There was a dense vibration with the other monks. They were all mostly depressed, angry, and suffering from a lack of confidence in themselves and their organization after the arms drop and the a.m. civil war that ensued. There was also a recent scandal about how the monks were editing philosophical and social texts of Anandamurti. Not even a decade had passed and they had already started the adulterations that would give more power to the monastics instead of lay members of A.M. It was difficult to meditate near them. I opened my eyes to see who was sitting beside me emitting such a heavy vibe. I saw who it was and then I saw Ramananda sitting on the other side of me at total peace. I closed my eyes and tried to forget about the other monks. I once again felt that lightness emanating from Ramananda like I remembered from 6 years earlier. It was a pleasant relief to know that there were still some yogis left in a.m.

The next morning he told me a story of how he was present when Anandamurti mentioned that he had created alternative movements in case the monastic institution of A.M. fails in its objective. Ramananda was amazed to see Anandamurti speaking to another, unknown person in great detail about some other organization that Ramananda had never heard of. Ramananda was next to Anandamurti almost 24 hours a day. He told me this story and then looked at me intently and said, “you know, we really could fail.”

I was shocked. Why had he told me this? Nobody in A.M. spoke in that manner. Anandamurti was the incarnation of god and the monastics were chosen to propagate his mission over the entire planet. This was the common discourse, anyway. And why was he speaking to me so sincerely about this? He really didn’t even know me, at least in the common sense of having spent time with somebody and shared experiences, etc. However, I realized that he trusted me as much as I trusted him, and that he too felt a deep connection with me ever since our first encounter. It was so obvious he was telling me something more, but what was he saying?

Later that night I finished my treatments with Giitanjali. I knew that some really good energy had jumped over to me through Ramananda. I could feel that the gurus blessing was transmitted through him, as if Anandamurti had left a package with him to deliver to me in the right moment. I start to hear the OM sound more loudly than ever before, as if somebody had started up a motorcycle inside the house. I fell over in a trance for I don’t know how long. I heard OM for 3 days and hardly slept. It was perfect bliss. I could see my future unfolding before me and knew that the principles of A.M. would continue despite what happened to the organization. It was all very mystical. I understood I was to take radical measures regarding A.M., and prepare for its absolute disintegration. Giita and I were to be a team that would undertake an alternate path to help preserve the ideals of A.M. It was all so lucid, and only becomes more so as the years pass on and I recall those realizations. Ramananda never gave orders, he only gave me his trust. He knew all would be well. It was one of the clearest and simplest heart connections I have ever had with another human being.

A great master like Anandamurti could heal any disease, physical or mental because he could see the subtle causes deep in the mind and tell people what they needed to do to transform themselves while taking on a great load of the burden himself. He had infinite love and those very close to him also expressed great compassion. Being close to some of these mature disciples was the greatest blessing of my life and I owe everything to those sincere beings that have sacrificed their lives for the work of dharma. I met some who reflected their guru's compassion so deeply that they began to absorb the suffering of others. They took over the debts, the negative samskaras or negative "karmic" reactions of others so that those struggling to develop their spiritual practices could become strong themselves. It is not that they desire this. Due to their own spiritual freedom and compassionate realization the Macrocosmic Mind expressed this grace through them, as it did through Anandamurti.

Chandranath once explained to us that sometimes great disciples of the guru may manifest some degree of grace, but it is very little compared to what Anandamurti expressed. Yogis of this level of maturity are the most valuable people in human society. Their sole duty on this planet is to help others and maintain the balance of dharma. Most of them are now gone. They became very ill as they were aging and their physical bodies no longer had the energy to burn off the samskaras of others. Some died very painful deaths. Despite the fact that so many of their fellow disciples are now falling from the path and only plagued and bogged them down with their deviant expressions, their memory is a testament to the greatness of Anandamurti. Without these beacons of hope, the work of Anandamurti would have never reached the world. The fury of the Headkick Headtrick Tantra is but to lighten their burden by doing my part to get rid of some dead weight.

The Headkick Headtrick Tantra

Tantra Maya and the activities of Rancho el Misterio have been an attempt to preserve Anandamurti's philosophy and humanitarian ideals through social service activities in Mexico. It is not an Ananda Marga division or some sect claiming to have some true and exclusive interpretation of Ananda Marga ideology. We are practical people and work with ideas, practices, and activities with progressive societies that really function and bring about good results.

Ananda Marga meditation, philosophy, and social ideals have always been an unwavering, perennial source of inspiration. The philosophy of Ananda Marga and the practices of Tantra Maya comport well together. It has helped us find a universal expression for the intuitive science of tantra yoga. However, there exist fanatics in the old and corrupt organizations that have threatened Rancho el Misterio with violence if we continue to teach people meditation with the supposedly universal mantra of Baba Nam Kevalam, a simple meditation tool that Anandamurti gave to humanity at large, and not just his followers in Ananda Marga. We were also threatened with legal action if we were to continue. I hear rumors they really even want to patent their mantra with their international corporate status of Ananda Marga Inc. The way things are going, nobody will eventually believe in the ideals of Ananda Marga.

The absurdity of such threats and the ridiculous name of "Ananda Marga Inc." only gave us occasion to make many jokes which lightened the heaviness of this conflict. It is better to laugh than to cry. In allegories I was depicting how both sides of Ananda Marga have very corrupt and criminal leaders who have divided the organizations into political factions. There were two main groups back when I wrote this, The "Bengalis" and the "Hindis." The leader of the "Bengalis," Shamitananda or "CobraKiller" actually tried to murder his unrequited love, a nun, with cobra venom because she refused to marry him. I wrote about this more seriously in "Tantrics of the Dark and the Light."

Everybody on Bengali side knows about this crime yet say nothing. The circles of A.M. in Asheville, Denver and Austin are part of the cover-up. He still remains the leading spiritual figure for the Bengalis in North America and refers to the Ananda Marga saga as something similar to the Bhagavad Giita. Many Hindu religious zealots and politicians tow that old line to proclaim their own virtue while denouncing the immorality of the enemy in order to rouse the masses to their cause.

From the other side, Ananda Marga Inc., the "Hindis" or "Ranchi" we received threats from Cirananda, who zealously kicks the heads of other monks who disagree with him. I have referred to him as the "Headkicker," the true inspiration for my absurd saga, "The Headkick Headtrick Tantra." Those whom he beat up went running off to the Bengalis, who with such an infamous leader as CobraKiller will forgive any misdeeds and will gladly take fallen monks and nuns in to their ranks. Truly, the "Bengali" faction of Ananda Marga has accumulated much of the perversion and criminality of Ananda Marga. However, this doesn't mean I support the Headkicker and his friends in Ranchi. They are the opposite, extreme, repressed, ultra conservative pole while the CobraKiller and his followers are the perverse libertines. In the end they all fall into the same darkness that all ambitious politicians eventually do. However, these guys actually engaged in gang warfare in India and crushed each other's skulls and even beat up many, many nuns.

The Headkick Headtrick Tantra is cosmic vigilante vengeance. It is the story of how a bunch of hippy wizards of the desert engage in psychic warfare against the dark priests of A.M. with the aid of extra-terrestrial Motherships, the Dead Dada's Society (the ascended saints of Ananda Marga) and my donkey Relampago; all the while spoofing Shamitananda's "Bhagavad Giita."

Sometimes certain truths are too dark to speak of directly. For that I apologize, dear reader, but this is where the "Theatre of the Absurd" enters the scene. Here is how my father, the sagacious yodeler, Shrii Cube, came to my aid in the hour of absurd darkness, and initiated our saga with such gentlemanly refinement. He teaches us about the dangers of dogma and duality, of Hindis and Bengalis:

The two opposing armies were arrayed in the finest armaments made by man, perfumed with liniments from the Orient. Adornments included hardened leather breastplates with embedded teeth made of shining metals and resplendent plumage of feather-tufted helmets seated on the finest mullet-cuts: all of which prepared them for battle. Even though throbbing apprehension drained their leaping hearts; their eager longing for glory was palpable, understood.

Then it was that the yodel pierced the pregnant silence.........loud and clear ululation echoing across the desert battle plain, to a higher and higher register until it reverberated back in harmony from the mountain declivities on either side (with more banking echoes continuously lending to the choir). And neither battlement could overcome the hastening of the supreme consciousness to the fiber of their souls. So it was that they wept in earnest a multitude of tears at their untoward path, until 'the great lake of peace' filled before them – a lake that forever upon imbibing, would each time renew to their ears the 'clarion call of the yodel' to calm their hearts. And thus were they prepared for the Kundalini.

Thanks, Shrii Cube. I am a little ruder..........

"We are not a bunch of dumb-asses. People from all over the world know that you cannot patent a mantra!" - May 2013

This is Rayo, the sixth Son of Relampago. He stands at over 7 feet tall at the top of his head. He is very easily the biggest donkey in Northern Mexico. His father, Relampago, stands at over 8 feet tall, possibly making him the biggest donkey in all of the world. Making their armor was a difficult task but well worth the effort. He, along with his Valkyries broke the Ranchi lines in the battle for Monterrey. I only had to repair minor dents.

Currently, Comandante Relampago leads a fleet of Misterio Motherships over Ranchi, India. He leads squadrons of angry donkeys ready to rain hell down upon the rotten oranges.

Meanwhile, Geronimo, The Dead Dadas Society,
and a few LeFTies are on their way to pay a visit to the Bengali mafia in Tiljala. They plan on re-enacting the last scene of The Odyssey with hard rubber tomahawks and axes. There will be no dawn for Purodha Pramuks.

"Relampago Kicks @ss"

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