Just something that I thought of today, that sometimes targets are not supposed to hear the shot.
You're thinking that they've got good enough aim and that if they wanted to, that you'd be dead.
This theory is however skewed, since most people are targets and just don't know it.
The world plays as though you aren't targeted but if you were to every really discover it, and find the truth on the matter how surveillance is being used to hurt people, and hurt peoples lives through targeting these people.
Targets, are people who would otherwise do things to help the people. They are usually people who thrive to not only make the world better for themselves but for other people as well.
We as people should want to make things better, and be able to talk about how the world abuses us without having our work be taken off line, or be forced to have to go dark due to financial struggle.
Money was created by people so that we could have fair trade.
That it's not is already targeting people in a way that they need this credential or that educational background in order to make ends meet, and to be "successful," but then what really is success!? Just stepping on a whole lot of toes to get what you came for?
That to me is not success!
He tried to say that he's got good aim, but what he's really saying is that if he wanted you dead - you'd be dead.
This today is simply not the case.
They don't just want people dead I don't think... but that they might even just want you to do their work for them and get you to hurt yourselves, and will stop at nothing to make sure that you're down - when you're more of a man then they are!
Today, I worked - I wrote - I spilled my drink and thought about all the ways in which my dreams and my abilities have been derailed by the ways the establishment likes to keep making sure you're fucked.
When it comes to just a few hours after paying for your license to be suspended, and you just paid it off - and you have to wait for administrations to just allow you to keep working and you can't even do that. We're talking about a few hours here where their "meta-data" couldn't transfer from the DMV to the child support office and them to submit that I'm paying my child support so that by the time I get pulled over - I'm driving still without a license.
I did my part, but these administrations didn't do their work. If it comes down to just a few short hours where all that needs to be done is them to hit enter and the cops don't get to completely make a mold out of me however they see fit, then I don't agree with it. I fought this and lost, can you believe that? He tells me that he doesn't understand, and yet, he's going to ask me if I understand...
It's bull shit and NO I don't agree nor comprehend really how unconscionable that this government can be.
You were the damn target, and you didn't hear a shot. Just, they don't give a shit about you or if you're able to make your ends meet. As long as it takes away your ability as a person, takes away your jobs and future earning powers while you are working your ass off just to maybe be able to spend an hour with your child this year, and you can't because these people don't want you to be able to prove yourself. These people want you to fail and will stop at nothing to make sure that you do.
So much so, that it can even come down to these mere few hours before their computers are saying - you can't pull this man over and be able to fuck him in a few hours, so they make sure to tell that other FIAT bought state person to do the dirty work of making sure that you give this guy a fight he can't fight.
As long as you're being demolished - that's what I believe is their only goal truly is. Everyone wants a scapegoat for the kinds of actions they are willing to take and as long as they can get people believing that you're all nuts and these people are crazies, then they get to do the real work and let people down in such a way where their own minds can be taken right out of them. Their own abilities to thrive can be turned into this hopelessness and worthlessness that comes over a person when they are constantly being run over by the states and being told that they need help.
Of course, you're needing help, you can't get out from under and you're struggling with facts that are feeling beyond your control. It's to get people to lie down and just accept that this is what life has to be like - and I can't take it anymore to a point that I'm set out to change these things. Stop these peoples lives from being abused - and so much so, that I don't believe that people know what they are willing to take when they get you thinking that you've got a brain chemical imbalance. And, even if you do - who wouldn't when dealing with time after time - where the people who were said to protect you are the same people you have to fight.
Are we truly in a nice country or are we in some foreign lands - because, personally I feel like I'm in a foreign land and these people are not my friends. These people just aren't set up in a way to actually protect the rights but break them down - take them away - constrict them, but nothing that is allowing you to become the man that you should be able to be. As long as you feel hurt, sad, frustrated or confused about why your officials are able to treat you with less consideration then it would their own friends then fuck no - we aren't safe in this country - we are being brainwashed and abused.
Please help me tell these people off, and please help me stand up for what is right. And, have the courage to face that kind of right - even where these people are going to want to make you feel wrong. Just know and have the moral groundings inside of yourselves to know that you deserved a much better world then the ones who are said to protect you - actually are. Be leery about how they are willing to take more of your actual livelihoods away. Break you financially and destroy your reputations. Be leery! Because, it's not an unfounded fear.
Peoples lives are ultimately destroyed by people every day. I'm just saying that my name is Chase Dreams and it doesn't have to be that way. Build your dreams, and say NO - I'm not going to be worthless, and feel hopeless!
I'm going to feel hopeful!
And, when they want to take something away from you - let them have it.
You're more successful in the doing right part then these people could ever be. And, I'm sure that if people like you got more power in your life that you'd actually change things for people where they are continuously being hurt and abused and you'd be out to stop all those abuses. Stop them and make sure that you are helping enfranchise peoples lives and not making sure that they are destroyed!