Thursday the 8th of November 2018
2 of Cups Inverted Photo by Pixel2013 on Pixabay
Conflict with self and/or others ensues when the masculine and feminine force and push each other. Today is such a day. The outside world is NOT the problem. It is the internal masculine and feminine that are at war with each other. She pushes him and he pushes her, as though to get the other out of the way or to shut up. These childish tactics are a pathetic attempt to be right and the other wrong.
How can this be? How can your feminine be right and the masculine be wrong or vice versa? Only if you are in conflict with yourself. Heart breaking is this conflict between what is our nature.
Remain ignorant of your masculine and feminine and suffer your fate.
Listen to their call and learn. You will at the minimum not worsen your fate.