On Nov 12, your soul whispers...
Today's energy suggests that there is underlying worry, stress, anxiety, or fear present in your atmosphere. Even if, generally speaking, you are mostly consciously making choices of things you will say, think, and do, the Nine of Swords energy suggests that at least, in the background, there are troubles brewing in your mind or sphere which could derail you from maintaining an uplifted vibe. This isn't surprising given where we are in the global scheme of things, but it signifies a need for you to pay more than the usual attention to what thoughts might be surreptitiously at play in your life, subconsciously directing, motivating, or causing you consternation, or, playing out in your life in ways that may give you low grade anxiety, or that might potentially magnify in your life as some kind of outer chaos or conflict. It might not be readily available for you to notice in this moment, but this energy today puts you on notice that being conscious and aware of what thoughts pass your mind, can help show you where you might not be as centered as you could be. Since we are still in this portal of energy in which we have great manifesting power, we are encouraged to be attentive and aware. Acknowledge your work with your spiritual posse, you cannot afford to allow any unhealthy thoughts to creep by, unbeknownst to you, and side-swipe you from purpose. To the degree that you're able to "put on the entire armor of God," that you might be able to resist the bait of negative thought energy in the atmosphere that tempts you to get hung up in worry, is the degree that you are able to avoid a detour from positive manifestations already underway, that you have spoken into the universe.