Osho Tarot Reading for Today - MIND

in tarot •  7 years ago 

One Tarot card for today - to support with self-reflection and life expansion for 2018 and beyond. The focused card that came up is:


Mind Osho.jpg

I would like to share a post i came across last night, which i found to be quite reflective and insightful for me. Ironically I drawed the same card today, "MIND" tarot reading by @kimzilla

This is significant for me as a key point i tuned into in @kimzilla post is the calm and quiet mind will experiencing sickness/cold. I just happened to get hit with a bug of sorts yesterday...but i didn't quite have that insight. She was noticing how there simply wasn't the energy/resources to give to aimlessly thinking with a super activie mind.

Point of highlight here:

We don't need to be thinking all the time. It's a distraction. It takes us away from experiencing the fullness of each and every moment. "Simplicity" is our Key to our own self-fulfillment.

I realized that I've allowed too much slack within the structuring of my mind. The mind is very well structured as is. It's an extraordinary thing really. The thing is - it's our tool - it's our servant to serve our best abilities and expressions made manifest.

@kimzilla explains the point well:

I am learning to calm my mind, take back my authority and my self-directive principle, equalizing the relationship between my mind, beingness and my body, where I develop an awareness and strengthen my beingness to step forth.

The mind is a tool, that's it. My mind is my tool...

An interesting exercise is to allow yourself a little bit of time to just simply observe what goes on in mind. How many things are we accepting and allowing to just kind of function as like our own 'advertisments'...really, any habitual thinking we have is just like pulsing a commercial of sorts...where we go into a loop and the wheels in mind are spinning....like our gears are going as we have opinions/assumptions/judgements...and whatever else.

The point is this:

It takes some focused direction to clear our mind. However, to some extent we always give attention to our thoughts...thats why they recirculate...because we've fed them. Thats' how our thoughts go. This is an important point to note - because if we really actually in fact know how 'thinking' works, we can in fact use our minds to our best benefit. Critical thinking is a critical skill. Thinking that is less than critical...is just not necessary.

This is a fresh reminder for myself to do my interal accounting in the moment as it emerges...and to actually let go of a need to go off on tangents within my mind when I am actually trying to participate in my environment,,,my world.

I realize I've been a little bit slack within my mind discipline...to actually let go of stuff and not feed and encourage distraction within myself

  • I've realized that i've deliberately allowed myself to want 'breaks' ...distractions from my reality..
  • The irony is, "i don't actually want breaks....distractions from my reality"

What I realized about having conflicting attitudes about thoughts in mind was that it's because the thoughts in mind have various charges attached to them which...in a way have become various degrees of "addiction" for me in my living. The thoughts that circulate most regularly...habitaully...are my "thought fiends"...meaning i created a fiending like relationship as a result of not realizing what i was doing.

Solution is in Simpicity.

Self-forgiveness is my main tool in allowing myself to let go of the charges against myself. I realized that it's a matter of me accounting for the pull and or push linked to the link of thinking.

I realize that tuning into my breath is a way to dsipate the very nature of thinking. It's a natural thing. It's something I am ever increasingly cognitive about and in tune with. However i do realize i can be better. There's much improvement possibe.

I am reminded of the specficis of the phrasing from @kimzilla

I was at the mercy of my body, and what happened over these days was that my mind went quiet.

I had one focus: to support myself as best as possible to heal. I was focused and direct, and every day would push myself to do what I could, but to also recognize my body's limitations and head to them. It became a quiet and peaceful existence within which I could see many things more clearly than before I had fallen ill. I could see points I was living that were not best for me, I could see reaction patterns, habits and behaviours that were harmful to me, and I could see how simply stopping them gave me a peace and self-healing that I ad been depriving myself of due to continuous participation in my mind as all of these things I was now seeing so clearly.




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