A Tarot Reading for June 5-12, 2018 - Someone Has Painful Secrets They Are Keeping From You - Time to Say Goodbye...

in tarot •  6 years ago  (edited)

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Happy #TarotTuesday everyone!
This week, I inquired about the energy we will be encountering starting today, ending one week from now. I don't know if anyone is noticing, but the energy of the Universe is really ramping up right now with Mars and Ketu coming to an exact conjunction on June 13.

We will be noticing some kind of building frustration leading up to a possible blow out with others. Be careful and very mindful, remaining disciplined instead by channeling this fiery energy into exercise or physical activity since Mars is exalted now until November. We will definitely benefit if we direct this very powerful energy appropriately so that this blow out doesn't happen or is minimized if it does.


I initially tapped into the energy of this coming week by casting a rune and received Othala. Othala is a rune that signifies ancestral spiritual power helping or aiding us in the restoration of some sort of breach, setting things right once again. This means that something is amiss, but don't worry as ancestral forces will be with us in making sure issues are settled in the correct manner and in our best interest. This is also a rune denoting the idea of freedom. It appears that it is now time to free ourselves from a situation where we know something is wrong and ancestral spirits are helping to give us the push to do just that.

Many of us have been dealing with a situation that involves secrets and a general lack of clarity. Uncertainty and fear of the unknown will have us contemplating a choice we have in how to respond to this. There is a great sense that we do not have the whole story here and that things are being hidden from us. The only other option we can see at this time besides accepting being in the dark is to begin grieving this situation, going through the pain in order to sever ourselves from a person and/or situation due to the heartbreak, secrets, and resulting negative emotions we have been experiencing. We have been left out in the dark to figure things out on our own for too long by this person and we now find ourselves at the precipice with a big decision to make - to stay in the darkness waiting for answers or to embrace the pain of saying goodbye.

There is a choice to make here, but we have been feeling like we need to wait before taking action to see if anything is revealed before we make our decision. The reason we feel we need to wait is because we can't yet seem to free ourselves from the heartbreak and extreme pain we feel we are bound up in. This is a temporary perception that is currently being challenged now so that we can move beyond the hurt and betrayal to free ourselves because we have the power to do so now with Mars being exalted. Conjoining Ketu is telling us to let go and create a break.


The above image shows what I received when I asked for advice to apply over the next week ahead with regards to this situation. The rune cast is wunjo, whose energy warns of the need for caution, blindness to danger, deception, and betrayal. Indeed something is being hidden from us and it's not good. Wunjo banishes alienation and other inharmonious impediments to trust.

The best way to deal with the secrets, the uncertainty, and the ensuing pain that this person brings to the table is to realize that they are staying in their comfort zone, are shut down in self-protect mode, and are thereby causing a lot of unnecessary personal pain to you. By not being transparent, this person is doing even more damage to you emotionally and they need to be shut down and locked out of your life. This way, their actions or inaction cannot have any influence over you or your feelings, allowing the healing process to begin when you let go of this narcissistic person. Realize that they have gone way too far with selfishly playing it safe for their own sake and are not open to revealing the truth if they are not being forthcoming with you. They should be coming to you with an explanation for their behavior and an apology but instead are not thinking of the emotional pain they caused as they are only out for themselves, once again.

It's time to get logical and rational, keeping our energy to ourselves and not extending it towards this person at all for any reason. Shut down, guard yourself and what you hold precious to you. This inconsiderate person's actions are not producing anything emotionally positive for you, quite the contrary. They will not address their wrongdoings, nor admit any responsibility for the pain they have caused you, so protect yourself in this week ahead.

If this reading is for you, you will know immediately who I am talking about. This is someone you can't get the truth from, someone with secrets, a person who betrayed you, and someone who refuses to address their wrongdoings, and denies you full disclosure on what happened and why to assist in your healing process.

You know you deserve more... way more than what they are doing. If they cannot or will not uncover the secrets that cause you to feel like you are in a perpetual state of pain and aren't trying to make it right - move on and start grieving the loss of this person from your life. You would really be doing yourself a favor if you did as they are thinking only about what suits them and not at all about you. This person looks like a backstabber who betrayed you multiple times and isn't coming clean about it at all. Show them what self-love and self-respect looks like by walking away. You can do it!

If you would like a personal reading with me, please click on the link below:

May Lord Shiva help us destroy all energies that no longer serve our highest interest and good.


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