Cards are Up for Tarot Tuesday! "Pick A Card" and have some fun by Sunscape

in tarottuesday •  5 years ago  (edited)

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Sunscapes Card Reading

Pick a card from the following to receive
timely advice that your spirit/soul guides
would like to share with you.

  • Choose the card that feels right to you, number 1, 2 or number 3.
  • Choose before you scroll down to see what the cards have to say.
  • Enjoy this magical and fun way to see what spirit has to say to you.
  • This is purely for entertainment purposes only.
  • If you are drawn to a second card as well, then that would represent an underlying energetic movement working in your field as well. 

This weeks reading is from the Card Deck

Return to Spirit
Souls Journey
& Divine Guidance

I will be sharing the information on each card
according to his/her interpretations found in the guidebook
that accompanies the deck, along with my own
intuitive thoughts on the card pulled. Enjoy!

Card 1 Recognition

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It is important that we each feel recognized and seen for our hard work and unique contributions that we make to this world. This card has come to you today to let you know that the Universe is supporting and recognizing all you do. Perhaps, you are about to be given an award, honor or mention from within your business world. You may even just be beginning to work on a project or idea. Just know that whatever actions you are taking now, they may well take you down a path to be recognized later in a more prominent way. Wherever you are at the moment, you are going to be recognized publicly soon. When this happens, you are going to begin paying it forward to others by uplifting them and recognizing their unique talents too.

Purpose - You know what you are here to do.

You have come to this life with one major goal in mind; to express love in all that you do. There can be obstacles in this physical dimension that can easily distract you from your goal. Throughout life, one has many roles to play and obligations that are fulfilled along the way. This card comes to you today to remind you to always infuse all of your decisions with caring and compassion.

Your purpose in life is not your career; rather, your career is guided by your purpose. What activities are speaking to your soul and what is bringing you your joy? This is the direction your soul is calling you toward to best convey your own unique expression of love and compassion as you share yourself with the world around you.

If you are not happy with your current situation or circumstances that show up in your life, then that is your soul telling you that there is a better way to manifest your own distinct gifts. Listen to your intuition as it is your connection to Spirit and the voice of your soul whispering softly in your ear.

Creative - #41 = 5

You are fully aligned with the powerful light of Source energy and loving harmony of Mother Earth. Your creative energy is centered and flowing. It is time now to embrace this energy.

Perhaps you are an artist, a writer, a speaker, a dancer, a healer, a musician, you are creative. Dedicate time each day to using your creative force in a way that brings you joy. Keep yourself grounded and connected through meditation. When you are aligned with Source and Mother Earth, your creative juices flow in abundance.

Card 2 Gifted

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You are receiving a special reminder today of how talented and gifted you are. You are a unique individual and your gifts are special to you and you alone. It is time for you to stop looking outside and comparing yourself to others. Your talents are not meant to be exactly like those of others. If they were, how boring would the world be if there was never a difference between one's gifts?

You may not know it, but, if you are looking at others as being more gifted than you, you are sending vibes out to the Universe that you are less than. This action is the very thing that is blocking your gifts from developing to their fullest potential. You cannot compare yourself to anyone else. If you see greatness in someone, it is because you hold that quality of greatness within you. That is how the world mirrors ourselves for us, by seeing ourselves in others.

Another aspect of receiving this card is that you may be apprehensive about sharing your gifts with the world. Underlying this fear are beliefs and doubts about whether you are enough, or good enough. Spirit is here to ask you to address any of those types of beliefs immediately. Sometimes our fear of sharing our gift is the very thing that blocks us from discovering how we can best use it in service to others.

However, the Gifted card comes because you are doubting yourself; questioning who you are as a person or whether you have anything of value to give. It is time to place any doubts aside and to start cultivating self-worth and personal value. Your gifts were given to you, and only you can bring them to the world the way that you do. Trust your soul's wisdom in choosing the path you are on, and the gifts you are here to give.

Regret - I know that I cannot change the past

The soul doesn't know 'time' time is a construct of the physical dimension. To your soul, there is only one big now. Think of the "past" as the now that has already been created, and the "future" as the now that has yet to be created. You don't have the power to un-create the past, so let that go. Your power of creation lies in your awareness of the present.

You have the power to not only create your future but also create acceptance of your past. You should realize that you are the total summation of every single experience you have had. These experiences have helped shape you into the person you are today. Train yourself not to judge past events as good or bad but as opportunities. What have you learned from the past that will help enrich your future?

Focusing on the past and letting it dictate the direction of your future is taking your power away from yourself. You are the creator that holds the power so go ahead and reflect on the past and create a brighter future in the moment of "now".

The Grid - #22

This is the Grid, the living energy matrix of Mother Earth and the secret pathways to other dimensions and realities of existence. The power of the sacred geometry within holds many keys that your subconscious is unlocking. This card shows your ability to explore and maneuver through other worlds and to bring information back from them. You may do this in the dreamtime, during meditation or even unknowingly while completely conscious and alert. Hidden within this card are messages that only you can retrieve. Sit with this card for a while and see what Spirit brings to the forefront of your mind.

Card 3 - Worthy

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You are one of the loving spirits who has come to be in service to humanity this lifetime. This strong desire and need to give to your fellow man is embedded deep within your soul's blueprint. You play an important role in the cosmic plan and Spirit is giving you a much-needed reminder --- that you hold great worth and value --- do you know that?

You can no longer question whether you are worthy or if you have value in this world. We all like to look to the world for confirmation because we sometimes question if we are good enough, or if we are wanted, or even if we are needed by others. We often look to others to tell us that we are doing well and that they want what we have to offer. But your value and your worth cannot come from anyone or anything outside of yourself.

Just as you are, right now at this moment---you are enough! It is time for you to begin to understand just how important you are. Begin by asking yourself: How much would you value someone who was as kind to you, as you are to others? If you met a person whose inner heart was as caring and loving as yours, would you value them in your life? If someone gave to you, as you give to others, would you value it? Of course, you would.

You need to see yourself. See just how valuable you really are. Your worth does not come from what you do or how you behave. Your worth comes from the fact that you are part of the God-Source. Once you fully realize this, you will play an invaluable role in helping others to discover their own worth too.

Freedom - "I possess the power and the free will to create my own happiness"

Your soul is open to receiving new wisdom and insights that will allow it to make the right choices for its own growth. Remember, you are never a victim of other people or their circumstances. You have complete control over your own choices. By following your heart and being authentic to yourself, you present the real you to the world. Making decisions based on other people's expectations is not the true path to happiness. You are responsible for creating your own reality.
When a soul shifts to a place of honoring itself in its totality - free from judgment - only then will it find its true freedom. Every soul is unique and follows its own path. Don't give in to peer pressure or the urge to fit in. You are the only one who truly knows the real you, so feel free to march to the beat of your own drummer.

Expansion - #30

The expansion card is about your connection to large groups of people, whether it is to offer yourself in service through community events, volunteer work, workshops or healing groups, speaking, or publishing your writing.

It's about sharing your gifts and talents in a way that serves many, on a more public scale. In doing so, your energy reaches far and wide, having a meaningful and powerful effect on all those whose lives you touch. Now is the time to really put yourself out there, so take a deep breath, trust the process and open wide! You're ready for this!

This weeks Spirit Guidance

I hope you enjoyed this week's card reading. I will continue to post bi-monthly cards on #tarottuesday using various decks to keep it interesting. I look forward to you following me for the current spirit guidance. Thank you for stopping by my post, I hope you had fun and found inspiration today.

Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

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#3 got nearly tears in my eyes because that's the question I ask myself since weeks

thank you

Awe, I am so glad that the reading spoke to you. Have a wonderful week my friend.

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