in tax •  7 years ago 

"When The New York Times hired me early in 1995, friends and fellow reporters around the world called to congratulate me. But as soon as I told them my assignment, the enthusiasm drained from their voices. A few offered condolences. My beat was to be taxes. The callers assumed that I would be covering taxes the way they always had been covered: tips on saving a few bucks, reports on the pronouncements of politicians, the occasional story of an indictment for tax evasion. That was not what I had in mind. I believe that taxes are at the core of our democracy. Americans pay heavy taxes, and most of us complain about them. Many live in fear of the IRS, a fear skillfully exploited by some politicians. What I wanted to do at The New York Times was to apply the techniques of investigative reporting to beat coverage, to launch a running investigation. So did Gene Roberts, who was then the managing editor. A skeptical John M. Geddes, who was then business editor, agreed to let me try, and his successor, Glenn Kramon, pushed me to deepen my inquiry. If you have heard about companies using a Bermuda mailbox to escape American taxes or that the IRS audits the poor more than the rich or that Enron paid no taxes or that executives have amassed untaxed fortunes or that the retired chief executive of General Electric had a free corporate jet, then you have already had a taste of some of the more shocking stories I came across. As you can see, this is not just about facts, figures and statistics. In covering taxes for The New York.."

"Perfectly Legal: The Covert Campaign to Rig Our Tax System to Benefit the Super Rich--and Cheat E verybody Else"
by David Cay Johnston.




Немога да разбера, какво трябва да се случи, за да може иначе високо интелигентни хора като Дейвид К. Джонстън, да разберат, че данъците са неoспоримо ЗЛО и социална неправда?
Какво още трябва да научат за да разберат, че тази система няма да заработи по-добре ако сменим пешките в конгреса или напишем нови закони които ги умоляват да не са алчни и да не взимат парите, услугите, постовете и привилегиите на корпоратокрацията?
Немога да разбера, какво трябва да се случи, за да може иначе високо интелигентни хора като Дейвид К. Джонсън, да разберат, че данъците са неoспоримо ЗЛО и социална неправда?
Какво още трябва да научат за да разберат, че тази система няма да заработи по-добре ако сменим пешките в конгреса или напишем нови закони които ги умоляват да не са алчни и да не взимат парите, услугите, постовете и привилегиите на корпоратокрацията?

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