Usually, I write poetry and art stuff on this blog but something has recently
come up and I cant ignore it false advertisement in big corporations!
Seriously, you may think that in a company like say Microsoft, They wouldn't lie to masses of
people using their products. This particular article is going to be a rant: it is far different to my
usual content, but it is time to get serious.
For starters, those of you who use this site are aware of cryptocurrency: The site is
built on the block chain after all, and the site even gives you it's own versions of
cryptocurrency! I am sure many of us are also aware of Trump's new laws on cryptocurrencies
TAXES. Sure the IRS can now extract money from us, but what about losses? Will the state give
back 100$ worth of losses should one of your assets\crypto stashes go missing? I bet not.
The above is just an opening to an issue I just encountered myself where both tax
regulations and false advertisement meet. Many are aware of the fall creators update. Many
have by this time installed it and reaped many results bad or good. The fall update is but an
example and foreshadowing of things to come.
When I updated, it said on the site "we will not touch your files", yet when I started my
system this morning, several apps were missing including (in a twist of irony) various
Microsoft applications, personal files, and both of my crypto wallets: one with some info, and
another containing OVER 8000 BCN or a value of just under 100 USD. Not that big of a loss for
now, but how much will it be worth next year?
The thing that burns me up the most is that I'll never see that again! What is more,
the windows store wasn't working before, and now it is just gone, cant install a version from
the main site... cant find the apps on other sites because it links to the windows store...
Endless Cycle!
If you have experienced similar situations, please comment down below. Hopefully, I will be
back to writing poems soon.
God bless
-Michael Newberry