Arcade city is (MOST LIKELY) a SCAM - Taxi APP on the blockchainsteemCreated with Sketch.

in taxiapp •  8 years ago  (edited)

arcade city scam.png

I have been following Arcade City, since the start and here is my personal oppinion, based on what I have seen so fare:

Arcade city is a SCAM

I have downloaded the APP, and even though it should have worked at that time, it does not work! As fare as I know, there have not been one car, one driver, getting a ride from the Arcade city APP, EVER!

Programmers have made backward engineering of the APP, and it does not have GPS and other functions in it! So it is not what Christoffer David say it is!

Christoffer David have a long record of scamming people.

I am all for a taxi APP on the blockchain, but I lost ALL faith in that Arcade City, made by Christoffer David, will ever deliver that. Most likely he will run away with the 2 million danish crowns, that investors have trusted him so fare. He is speaking at Anarchapulco (tomorrow or the day after), but I do not believe he will ever deliver what he promises.

Mark my words!

Steem on!

Lasse Ehlers
Copenhagen, Denmark.

Update: I talk about arcade city in the last 2 videos of this post:



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I am giving them the benefit of the doubt. I was not happy with how they handled the crowdsale and voiced my concerns.

I was giving Arcade City the benefit of the doubt for a long time, I will say that I heard an interview with Christoffer, that convinced me that this project is a scam. Unfortunately this interview was taken down, so I can't link to it.

Also many other sources and information suggest that Christoffer have been scamming many times, that suggest that, that is what he will do again.

It takes an genius to build a taxi app on the blockchain, and I dont think Christoffer is this genius. has emerged from Arcade City. We will make this happen especially as Christopher David is not involved for sure and it will be blockchain based. You can see the progress on and compare to the account.

I will follow your project, I hope it succeed.