The teachings we should give to our kids

in teachings •  2 years ago 

Assalamu alaikum,
I send good wishes to all the readers.



We all are kids someday when we are taken care by our parents. We all get blessed enough to become parents one day and then we meet our destiny and die one day.

Don't worry i won't be talking about death today, i will be talking about life and it's beauty. There was a video that i saw today on the internet.

It was seven month old video but still it brought smile on my face. In the video there is a little girl seen doing something that will make you happy and praise her parents for what she is doing.

Here is the video i am talking about.


So , the girl touched the feets of a soldier who was standing in front of him. At first when soldier saw her he touched her nose but after that the girl touched his feet and soldier was very happy.

In Sanatan Dharm people touch feets of elders or of those to who they respect. This is to show respect to them and take their blessings.

If this girl is doing this in such a small age then she is definitely blessed with good parents who are teaching her to respect elders.



We don't understand how important these teachings are until our kids start disrespecting us. We then realise the importance of teaching them good manners.

Anyways, i wish that this little girl stays like this for the rest of her life.

For us, may Allah give us strength to teach our kids how to live a good life with all the good teachings in it.

That's all for this blog, thank you for reading till the end.

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