Tell Your Story : Voting Post

in teammalaysia •  7 years ago  (edited)


Congratulation to All Winner, I am sure you are now excited happy about being at Top 7. This time around, i will not make the decision on who will be top 3, the decision is left to all Steemian out there to vote, tell your friends and your community that you are on this contest , get their support too. I wish you the best.

To everyone else that is voting, Vote those article you like the most, it doesn't have to be just one, if you like all 5 , vote all 5, give them some support.

Thank you everyone for participating. Dont forget to vote on Post Comment. Cheers.

If you are wondering what is the contest rule , check out HERE

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Nuestro Padre celestial es que sabe porque hace las cosas, son pruebas de vida, gracias por compartir tu historia, por eso mi voto es para @coachmelleow

Read this. It was a good one. Insightful in more than a physical way.

Congrats @coachmelleow! What a great way to immortalise Izzi's story on the blockchain!

Being selected as Top 7 is already a Blessing!
Thanks @danieldoughty

I am sad to read the story of Izzie, and I pray that Izzie can see normally. Nothing is impossible in God's power. Or God wants to give the best on the other side for you and your family.

Izzie in fact is such an easy boy, having the heart to be grateful and able to ease people's burden too. What a great boy he is. You are blessed to have him as much as he is blessed to have you all. Nah, it was not your fault for not noticing it, I was impressed he never fell down. it must had been God's protection all over him. Now and forever you will see...His goodness and His favor and His grace overflowing in your life and Izzie's life.

Your story blesses my heart. 😊

Iam enjoy your story. I see you are so steadfast and patient in accepting this ordeal. the message I get from this real story is a motivation in building a good prejudice against the trials we face today. because behind every difficulty there must be something special behind it. my prayer, hopefully Jensen can return to normal

Yes we do hope he will return to normal although doctor told us his lungs will never grow to normal size because of the fact only started growing after the surgery outside the womb whereas other babies have their lungs grow to good amount in the womb. Thank you for reading my story.

Hugs, @iamjadeline!

Thank you @danieldoughty for the pick to be in top 7. Indeed I feel honored and really am excited. 😊

Thank you everyone for support and also your support and love for my 2nd son. Besides being a story, I also hope it helps to spread awareness of CDH being a rare and unknown congenital thing. Thank you all.☺

sending Jansen much love!

Thank you @calebleejl 😊

You are so brave to tell your real story to us. I am glad finally you came out of postpartum depression is real and it is not just merely tiredness. I had a little but came out of it by medidating on God's words. If I still in, it would be difficult for me when my 2nd son arrived since he has a condition. Mothers are great. You will be doing great. The past has gone. Now is the new you. ☺ By the way, your children are so perfectly adorable. Keep it up @foxyspirit. None of us mothers are perfect, we can be cranky and have our bout of meltdown too, but you know what, we are the best for our children.

In agreement

Thank you everyone for voting!!! I appreciate it so much ^_^. xxx

Amazing story...
Thank for shared..
Success is your.....


I have read the story of 7 top you choose. all good. but my choice is this story. because I am sure he told the reality of the actual, although a lot of the story of a sadistic that not he tell. I am sure he had a good intentions. thanks to teammalaysia which gave us the right to vote.

Good job..success for you..!

Saya memilih postingan ini

Good luck

Thanks to all my friends who have provided an upvote for my story, and specials for @danieldoughty, @teammalaysia, contestants and all who participate in this contest.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

ini pilihan saya !

I like this post

i will wait the next best story like this... good job

I like this post..👍👍

Very good post..
i like it..👍👍

good luck @toniesteem

Go go @beverlyjoe I chose this post!

@beverlyjoe suda sa vote. branja diii kama sa


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@beverlyjoe saya pun pernah kerja mcm nie lps SPM.. I feel you 😅 So, sy undi ko😂

Chayo2! 💃

Good luck @danieldoughty on picking the next winners. Palan2 kio!

Thank you for giving a chance to be the top 7 of your story telling contest. God bless and more power @danieldoughty.

Everyone is born in tears and everyone who awaits your birth smiled sweetly. Will we be able to make the situation upside-down and make people cry when we leave the world and return to the khalik ?.

"Life is beautiful for the wise, life is hard for the strong, and life is suffering for the weak, including which of us?"

"The quality of your life depends on your quality, so make yourself more qualified for you to live a quality life."

"Looking for the point of error of others makes us forget the mistakes ourselves, stop and start from yourself."

"Life is too precious to be regretted, live and be grateful for everything you receive because out there not a few people want to get what you find."

"When the test comes up, it is necessary because happiness is in it."

"Life sometimes does not fit into the plan, but accepting and living what is in sight is more useful than a meaningless grievance."

"Crying and grieving will not change everything to be meaningful, but if you think that everything can change the situation by grief and cry then do it because everyone has their own way to solve the problem."

"Be grateful for what you have and let those who are jealous and dislike you, because the hatred that is shown to you signifies that he is not capable of being like you."

"If the rice has become porridge, then enjoy it and do not throw it if you do not want to be grouped into groups of people who are not grateful."

Nice post !!! Keep it up my frn
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