My Carsome Awesome Experience!

in teammalaysia •  7 years ago  (edited)

A hassle free car bidding service that helps car owners sell their car at the highest price, and a car buyer to buy the car they want at the most comfortable price.


This is Carsome, situated in Kelana Jaya. When I arrived at the outlet I saw a few car inspectors very busy inspecting the cars that was brought to them. The inspection is FOC but it is preferred that an appointment is to be made via their website before sending a car in but they also accepts walk ins.

The car inspectors are busy doing the inspection along the road

So how did I end up at Carsome? Well, it’s because I received a call from my dearest dad this morning. He asked me to help send his car here for an inspection as he wants to sell his pre-loved car ASAP! I can say that I’m like his personal PA sometimes because I am home most of the time as I work from home. So out of my 3 other siblings, I’m probably the only one that he sees "most free" to help him run his errands! It’s ok if I am free but sometimes it can really be frustrating especially when I have that day planned out and suddenly I receive a call from "DAD"! He is my dad so I have to help him, if not who else can he depend on? My siblings are all at work.

This Is my dad and mum, don’t be fooled by their smiles! They have been biting each other’s head off for almost 40 years, bless them xxx

Well let’s go back to Carsome! Sorry I got side tracked a little!

So it is stated at their outlet that Carsome provides a TRANSPARENT BIDDING SYSTEM where car owners can SELL their CAR IN 24 hours and it's 100% FREE with GUARANTEED HIGHEST OFFER. Wow wow how awesome is that huh?



This is how it works... car owners can request for a free evaluation via their website. Here it is

Snapshot from their website

The process as seen on their website:

The documents that a car owner need to produce is the JPJ Car Registration Form and they will want to know how much more is needed to complete the payment of the car loan. If the car has already been paid off fully, then Carsome may ask for the Release Letter from the bank.


A thorough inspection is going on

After the thorough car inspection is completed the inspectors will inform the car owner how much is the valuation of the car. If the car owner is happy with the value given by Carsome then the car owner can close the deal with Carsome. But If the car owner is not happy with the valuation, then the option is to put the car on to Carsome's bidding site with the lowest bidding price that the car owner agrees on to start off the bid.

Once that is done, the owner will have to wait for an available bidding space on the website. Once the bidding space is available, Carsome will post the pictures and details of the car to start the bidding process. The car will be sold to the highest bidder. P/S: I’m not sure if there are any charges from Carsome for the bidding process and I do not know if there are charges for the seller or the buyer or even both! You can check that out at Carsome's website or even ask any of their inspectors.

Photo taking after inspection

Overall my experience sendingmy dad's car to Carsome for an inspection was good. I had no problems with the inspectors/staffs there. All of them are very kind, helpful and professional. I did not have to wait long to have the inspection done and the car was indeed inspected quite thoroughly. All in all it's good service 👍🏻.

From my point of view, I think Carsome is a great business idea and awesome service for busy people who wants get their car sold off and fetch the highest price possible! And it’s definitely a WIN-WIN situation where it’s less hassle for the car owners. The car buyers can choose the car they like with confidence that the car has been thoroughly inspected and start bidding up to the price that’s most comfortable to them. Yeah truly support Carsome’s idea of selling and buying pre-loved cars. All the best Carsome and I wish you success.

The photo wall of cars sold successfully with the pictures of happy owners or ex-owners

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Cool. I bet it beats being ripped of by those darn used car dealers.

I hope so too @dxn

That is a great place to sell your car! Nice. Your parents seem like a lovely couple. :)