Pantun : Kesucian yang TerkubursteemCreated with Sketch.

in teammalaysia •  8 years ago 


Rimbunan padat satu silam lampau,
Mewarnai kehijauan pelbagai coretan,
Dimana unggas dan haiwan mencari teman tanpa silau,
Riwayat dan memori satu kehidupan.

Rakusnya kamu menodai diriku,
Melapah dengan tamak untuk kepentingan nafsu,
Kekayaan pelbagai habitat bertemu,
Kini sudah tamatnya sebuah lagu.

Dahulunya pembekal sumber air dan udara segar,
Bertukar wajah tanah gersang bercerucuk cerobong asap,
Segala nilai engkau telah terbiar,
Demi satu illusi kekayaan yang akan lesap.

Ku meratap dalam kesedihan,
Air mata mengalir dengan derita di dada,
Beraninya kau memilih emas menggantikan dahan,
Kicauan burung bersilih ganti dengan deruman jentera.

Hilangnya satu khazanah,
Yang amanahnya kamu telah terima, ,
Jahanamnya kau meracuni tanah,
Dimana budi mu kepada yang pernah berjasa.

forest deforestation.jpg

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You wrote this? Super awesome!

Must tidy up my malay language. Been a while...used to berdebat dan berpantun aeons ago.

I am impressed. Keep it up. Would love to read more of your poems :)

Thx...havent seen your drawings in a while. I am ur ardent fan.

Thanks. I have been taking a break from Steemit. A lot of things happening in my life right now. Hopefully when things are more settle I will write more =)

I really hope that it is good happenings. Looking forward to ur presence again..

My family will shift back to KL end of the year so there is a lot of planning and packing needs to be done. I am not thrilled to move but I am glad to be reunited with old friends in KL. I will continue to post but not as actively as before :)

Hey you are closer to us...we look forward to that.

Fuh, boleh tahan juga pantun depa... kipidap dongibab.

7 hari sudah berlepas tuan...malam sudah tiba...

Wah! Pantun dengan bahasa yg sangat tinggi. I am impressed. 😅