in technology-trail •  8 years ago 


Tourism attraction in Cyprus

A Country's economy is dependent on it's ability to generate bountiful incomes that surpasses it's expenditures, any nation that fails in this process toils with severe recession.

Major advance economies of the World rely on their Technology, foreign exchange, Exportation etc. as a force behind their stable finances. While others bank on Oil&Gas, Trade, Tourism and many more. Today, one of our focal point is Cyprus.

Located in the Middle East, an Island in the Eastern Mediterranean. Cyprus or The Republic of Cyprus as it is officially called joined the European Union on the 1st of May 2004, an estimated population of 1,141,168 Million as at 2013.

Famous for it's large tourism and financial services sectors, but this great nation is aiming to become one of the top Natural Gas exporter in the World.

An offshore gas field, known as Aphrodite, which is believed to contain arpund 127.4 Billion cubic metres of Gas (Natural Gas). Huge Right?

With this colossal deposit of Gas, many nations wish to trade with her: Egypt and Cyprus have already signed an agreement regarding the transport of Natural Gas via direct Subsea pipeline from Cyprus to Egypt for Domestic consumption or Liquefaction and Re-export.

With another large discovery of deposits offshore Israel, East Mediterranean region becomes extremely important for the World's energy industry.

Source: 1- 2

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I just returned from Cyprus, very interesting investment opportunities, including citizenship and property ownership options. Thumbs up !!!!

Really? can we talk on Steemchat please?