A New Definition of Technology - The Scientific Texts That Guide Human ActivitysteemCreated with Sketch.

in technology •  2 years ago 

The advances in technology will send people to Mars in the near-future. Internet of Things, 5G, Artificial Intelligence, Automated Driving, and so on and so forth, probably no one is capable of listing all the new technologies that emerge. The complexity of the techno-world is wonderful, yet just as bewildering, difficult to grasp, and challenging to comprehend. Yet, the researchers and engineers just need to focus on the part of their work that they are responsible for. The complex robots are made up of smaller functional units that can be managed by the respective professionals. These are guided by scientific texts, and in the minds. Regardless of the complexity of technologies, these will eventually be traced back to the simple origins in scientific texts.

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Technology is the sum of techniques applied by scientists to achieve practical results. Wikipedia describes technology as the application of science to produce useful products. Bing.com uses the word technology to refer to any useful product.

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Technology is a form of human knowledge that uses text as an instrument. In order to understand the meaning of this sentence, you need to know what the word 'text' means. This is because the word 'technology' is used in conjunction with the word 'text'. Texts are written words or other forms of symbols that convey information. Therefore, technology refers to the use of texts to convey information about the real world.

1. Scientific texts - the core of technology

We consider texts as the core. We are not repeating the textual natures of science or technology. Interested readers can refer to our articles "Language - the Core of Science" and "Textual Nature of Technology".

Science is able to record anything, even human behaviors. Human activities are also recorded and organized into text. Texts are used to establish science techniques. These textual records are then used to build upon existing knowledge.

*Characteristics of Technology

Technology is usually used by humans to control other living things, especially plants. Humans use technology to make themselves rich, powerful, and famous. Humans use technology to destroy the environment. Humans use technology to kill each other.

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Technology is an important part of our lives, but it's also changing rapidly. We need to understand how technology works and how it affects us.

*Technical Documentation

Methods, skills, materials, protocols, procedures, and principles should be documented well. Documents such as user manuals, technical specifications, and descriptions are very important for understanding, learning, communicating, and recording purposes. Their stability, accuracy, reliability, and explanatory power are also very important.

The technical documents take effect in mind, and don't equate to technological documents in mind.

2. Differences between science and technology

Science and technology are both important subjects that help mankind. They have many similarities, but there are also some differences. Their appearances and emphases vary because of how they are used.

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Science and technology are two different branches of knowledge. Science focuses on observing and explaining, while technology focuses on taking action and making changes, and vice versa. Texts about science and technology can be considered as science and technology depending on how they are used. For example, Newton's laws of motion is considered as a science, but it is also technology when being applied to make and operate machinery.

Technology is closely related to the human society. People use sciences to change their environment and improve their lives. Technology helps them do what they want.

Today, information spreads instantly. Products are transported speedily. More people live in environments surrounded by machine manufactured products and constructions. People increasingly live in an environment surrounded by machine manufactured products. It became easier for them to achieve their goals by using existing knowledge and tools. Technology is becoming more popular than science.

3. The text-based definition of technology

Science and technology are both important aspects of life. Technology guides our activities, while science provides us with knowledge about how things work, now we provide a new definition of technology as:

The scientific texts that guide human activity.

This definition contains two points:

First, technology is scientific texts.

Second, these texts are employed as guidance.

Our definition is more focused on the text than other definitions. We're trying to define what our article means by using the terms we used in the title.

*Usability of Technology

Technology is useful for humans, but it can also be harmful as well. A technology that is helpful at certain times may harm others at other times. Some technologies are beneficial for society, while others are harmful.

*Possible Extension of the Definition

Animals and machines can employ technology in the future, and already currently, such as AI, and also possibly, such as AI. Scientific texts exert their effects not directly via human activities but instead indirectly via animals or machines. These texts' uses of technology are imitations of human intelligence without essential differences.

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*Unifying the Non-Textual Technology with Textual Technology

People living without literacy use non-textual forms of communication, such as pictures or sounds. These forms of communication are less effective than text-based ones. While there may be some other ways to communicate, humans still need to learn how to do it. Literacy makes things easier because people can write down what they want to say, and others can read it later. No matter how much time passes, everyone can understand the written words. Technology is an important part of our lives today because it helps us communicate better and work together.

4. A text-centered model of science and technology

Science and technology are both integrated within texts, and derived from investigations. Texts become subjects of investigation, leading to actions through proper applications. These actions change the environment, thus forming an endless iteration of scientific and technological activity.

5. Conclusion

Technology is explained by defining what it means. Science and technology are integrated into the text. Complexity of understanding technology is reduced, and a new basis is provided for further discussions.

Each language has its own unique alphabet, script or syllabary. Some languages use more than one system, such as English, Chinese and Japanese, while others, such as Arabic, Hebrew and Russian, have two alphabets. In addition to these written forms, many languages use some form of spoken communication, such as sign language or oral storytelling.

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