RE: Want to Stay Anonymous Online? Well, You Probably Can't .

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Want to Stay Anonymous Online? Well, You Probably Can't .

in technology •  8 years ago 

Dear roads2wisdom, you seem more likely to reach that than others! I totally agree that anonimity cannot be achieved on the internet and if people think this possible, why are they on it anyway? I often tell the young that everything you consider publishing via social media is OUT THERE. Cannot be erased, inasmuchas there are folks and technicians who are paid to dig things up wherever they lay. I don't know if there are any rules, but it seems that Mr Berners Lee opened a Pandora's box when he started the world wide web. At present I am interested in getting ETHICS into data, but it's going to be a hard slog. I like your ideas and will follow you. Kind regards JV

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People are on the Internet to communicate, play, do business, etc. To do whatever they like, basically. And it's their right to do that as anonymously as they want. But anonymity isn't all or nothing. One can compartmentalize ones online activity. Sure, use Facebook and other social media with family and friends. But don't say much that could feed stylometric analysis. Have other personas for sensitive online activity. And practice good OPSEC, to prevent them from becoming associated with ones real name.

Thanks and well said. I agree once its out on the net its out there! People and especially our children need to be careful on what they post. Thanks for the kind words.