RE: Technology is Poised to Make Moot Many of the Most Contentious Social Issues of our Time

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Technology is Poised to Make Moot Many of the Most Contentious Social Issues of our Time

in technology •  6 years ago 

These are all fantastic points and I feel you are more describing a utopian society where through blockchain and unified purpose we can accomplish things that the current power structure of governance seems to drag its feet on like the transition to green energy. As long as these technologies are accessible by everyone then the future is incredibly bright. My biggest concern is that the aristocrats with their hands on the steering wheel might opt to drive it off the road rather then let us get our hands on the wheel. Then they can manage control of the technology in the aftermath. A future with the tech in just the hands of the elite ruling class would be a dystopian society with little hope of liberation.
I really don't like painting ugly pictures but that is one possible outcome. We all need to be aware and diligently ready to protect our right to utilize the technologies we discover. We need to quickly embrace and embed the blockchain into our world. As a collective we can flip the script in the blink of an eye

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From a game theory perspective, the worst case scenario you describe is very, very unlikely. Supression of blockchains (if it’s possible at all) would require universal, worldwide coordination, something that just won’t happen. If even a few countries support blockchain, they will benefit so greatly that others will be forced to follow.

We can look to the Internet as an example of how things will likely play out. Despite initial resistance from dicatators, market and competitive forces obligated them to make the Internet available in their country even though it meant their likely downfall. And, just as they worried, it did lead to their downfall—the Internet is credited with contributing to the toppling of dictators all across the world. No country (except North Korea) was able to effectively resist it.

Do you really think that most every country in the world is going to coordinate to enforce North Korean levels of tyranny and control over their populations? I don’t.