Moving Solid Objects with your HigherAwarness aka Telekensis

in telekensis •  6 years ago  (edited)

oh yea i remeber last night i learned how 2 move small solid objects just by realising i could
i stayed up for like nearly 30 hours when i was doing that
ive had much more luck with wind and other things like water up until that
in some groups on ur own planet such things are very common like the spirtiual leadership group of atlantis up until its dark age

Not only can you do this but u can teleport objects to. Dosen't matter the weight matter has weight in exactly the way our believes dictate ive begun noticing this with everything. Like cryptocurrency 100% of inner believes effect my outer reality.
Example day i went partying hard with a girl with a dick. All sudden tons of young pepole all the sudden that night where partying to . Concidence my asshole we can feel energy shifts. u can be nieve if u want but i aint playin dat vieo game program reality LOL

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from telekinesis to a chick with a dick? mmk. lol