Investment Firm Client Wants To Acquire 25% Of Total Bitcoin Supply.

in tenkminnows •  6 years ago 


Dadiani Syndicate, a cryptocurrency broker firm, was reportedly approached by a certain client to purchase about 25% of total bitcoin supply. This news was reported by Forbes last May 30. As mentioned by Eleesa Dadiani, the firm's founder:

"One of our clients approached us and said they were interested in acquiring 25% of all bitcoin currently available. There are a number of entities who want to dominate the market."

We have about 17.7 million current total Bitcoin supply, many have been irreversibly lost and lots are not for sale at any price as these hodlers are detrmined to hold it for a long time.

News like this can just spark more interest and drive Bitcoin's price up. The law of supply and demand would dictate that Bitcoin is very much lacking in supply as many are already wanting to hold it on their own. Let's see how this goes in the market prices that is already as volatile as it is gonna be.

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