Frequently Asked Questions About Termites

in termites •  6 years ago 

Termites cause devastation across the USA every single year. The destruction they cause amounts to well over a billion dollars worth of damage, and unless you know how to spot and then deal with a termite infestation, then you may find yourself on the wrong end of those little critters. 

If you do need to seek professional help then cannot recommend the following website highly enough:

Everything you need to know about termite infestations

In this section, we will look at some of the most commonly asked questions regarding termites, and then provide detailed answers to them. We aim to provide you with enough information so that if you ever think you may have a termite infestation, you are armed with the requisite knowledge and are able to take action.

Am I able to treat a termite infection by myself?

By all means, try. However, as termite infestations can spread exceptionally quickly and cause a lot of damage in a tiny time frame, we advise anyone who suspects that they may have an infestation to contact a pest control company immediately. Successfully getting rid of infestation takes specialised skills and equipment - something that your average person simply won’t have (access to). If you value your home, then we cannot recommend anything but speaking to an experienced pest control agency.

Will my whole house need to be treated?

Although it may make sense only to treat the areas where termite existence is visible, in reality, termite colonies can spread far and wide and could be under every inch of your home. Just because they haven’t shown themselves in a specific area doesn’t mean they aren’t there. This is also a great way to decipher whether or not the pest control company you’re using is worth its salt (or not). Any reputable agency will never recommend spot targeting the termites. They will be aware that termites will always find a way to enter your home; therefore total eradication over a wide radius is almost always necessary. 

How long will termite treatments last?

It’s difficult to give a specific answer to this as there are a plethora of variables that will impact upon the longevity of the treatment. Typically, liquid germicides are supposed to last for at least five years; however this can vary depending on which procedure was used, the environmental conditions, how thorough the application of the termicide was, and the number of termites that were in the property. Most pest control agencies will offer a warranty for a certain amount of years. It must be remembered, however, that termites are living creatures and treatment to rid your property of them may not always work. They will continue to evolve and find new ways to survive, which may result in them coming back and attacking new areas of your property.  The salient point here is to ensure that you hire the best pest control company you can afford. Which leads us onto our next question…

Which pest control agency should I choose?

Due diligence is the key phrase here. Always research before agreeing to go with a specific company. Ask friends and family for recommendations, look at online reviews, ask to see examples of their work, i.e. successful termite eradication jobs etc. This should never be something that you rush. If you make a bad decision now, then your home may suffer further down the line. 

Remember folks, if in doubt then seek out an expert! Termites work fast, so time is of the essence.

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Have a great day!

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