1: de vez en cuando por las noches una cara sonriente se asoma a mi ventana, eso no me preocupa, lo que me preocupa es que vivo en el último piso.
1: Occasionally at night a smiling face looks out my window, that doesn't worry me, what worries me is that I live on the top floor.
2: mientras arropaba a mi hija ella me dice “papá mira debajo de la cama por si hay monstruos”, yo riendo le dije que lo haría, al ver bajo la cama vi a mi hija asustada y me dijo “papá hay alguien en mi cama.”
2: while I was wrapping my daughter she tells me "Dad looks under the bed in case there are monsters", I laughing told him that he would do it, when I saw under the bed I saw my daughter scared and she said "Dad there is someone in my bed."
3: lo último que vi fue que el reloj marcaba la 1:07 am antes de que ese monstruo atravesara mi pecho con sus garras, desperté aliviado sabiendo que todo era un sueño, escuche algo que intentaba abrir el armario, mire el reloj y…. marcaba la 1:06 am.
3: The last thing I saw was that the clock read 1:07 am before that monster went through my chest with its claws, I woke up relieved knowing that everything was a dream, I heard something trying to open the closet, look at the clock and ... . It marked 1:06 am.
4: revisando mi celular vi una foto mía dormido, pero…. si yo vivo solo.
4: checking my cell phone I saw a picture of me asleep, but ... I live alone.
5: mi novia me pregunto porque respiraba tan fuerte, no lo estaba haciendo.
5: My girlfriend asked me why I was breathing so hard, I wasn't doing it.
6: mi hija no parar de gritar y llorar en las noches, siempre voy a visitarla a su tumba para que se tranquilice, pero nunca lo consigo.
6: my daughter does not stop screaming and crying at night, I will always visit her at her grave to calm down, but I never get it.
7: escuche a mi hermano llamarme desde su habitación cuando estaba a punto de llegar el me agarra de la camisa y me dice “yo también escuche eso.”
7: I heard my brother call me from his room when he was about to arrive he grabs me by the shirt and says "I also heard that."
8: siempre pensé que mi gato tenía una obsesión con mi cara, no paraba de mirarla hasta que me di cuenta que no me miraba a mí, miraba a lo que estaba detrás de mí.
8: I always thought that my cat had an obsession with my face, I kept looking at her until I realized she wasn't looking at me, looking at what was behind me.
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Soy CREEPYMAN te deseo dulces sueños
I am CREEPYMAN I wish you sweet dreams