Ever wonder if you could make a microchip really small that was also a device like a phone ☎️
Maybe even small enough to insert into your chest maybe a little grain of sand?
How about if it could relay very little whispers
Such a small whisper you could consider it a thought
Maybe your thoughts are just internal dialogue
More like a very mellow whisper…
What if this object was connected to your phone
And while you browse the camera traces your eyes
And the whisper monitor monitoring you using AI
Detects sensitive thoughts and after a while begins to introduce thoughts
What if you think introduced thoughts are your own
What if you don’t believe some of “your own thoughts” 💭
So after expressing doubt
Your exploiter could introduce a social media video
That confirms your suspicion after a long well placed video or image doctored by a powerful organization
Making you more likely to believe
And terror
Shocking and traumatizing you
What if as a cop approaches you
It says just run
Or just shoot him
Ever wonder if this has lead to a school shooting?
I have…
The drug cartels and the Saudi Airforce could be involved
Even Raytheon
And Japan