The Truth about Tesla, the Trumps, Thomas Edison and the Cabal's Clamps on Free Energy. A clip of Trump from 1980 speaking Just as he speaks Today!

in tesla •  5 years ago  (edited)

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Highlight of my day!

I had finished my other working so went back to pouring over my notes of the OIG analysis which will show just How ridiculous Mueller's witch hunt was And how many times these corruptors. . .the true colluders lied and how often they were Caught. Why isn't it on mainstream news? Why is it not in every paper, I'll Bet you can guess?

Who owns them all. But I digress, so much unfolding all around us and I get a share from an Amazing Patriot friend whose name is Robin. She sends me This thread which she guaranteed would be fascinating and Boy was she ever right! Recently had a fun visitor from the UK so my Boy sounds more like Boi!

This was the thread. I will post then tell you about some interesting research I came across along with the history of John Trump.

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Hear what Trump had to say about these hostages. It's like seeing him talk today in a different era.

This was dropped in T. Benjamin's thread and originates from a youtube channel called ReelinInTheYears66

Donald Trump interview 1980 (Rona Barrett) [Reelin' In The Years Archives]

This is what is stated in the description under this video,

We are posting this 4 minute interview excerpt of a 34-year-old Donald Trump from October 6th, 1980, not for positive or negative political reasons but rather from an historical standpoint. We are in the business of licensing footage and that’s why our web site is across the screen (to protect it from being used without our permission) . We realize that Donald Trump’s presidency causes very strong emotions (both pro and con) but we are not in any way sharing this to take a side. We very much appreciate history and this is a fascinating interview considering that when our client Rona Barrett asked him these questions in 1980 he seemed to have no political aspirations, and now here in 2017, he’s days away from becoming President. Rona had not planned on asking him these political questions as she was there to interview him for a TV special on millionaires, but only a few minutes of the 47 minutes filmed ever aired, but nothing concerning politics.

We posted this interview for what it is, an historical document. We’re hoping (but realize it’s a long shot) that people will show restraint and keep the comments civil. We as archivists appreciate footage and the story it can tell about a moment in time. Over the last few decades, we’ve dedicated so much time, money and resources to build a company that locates, preserves and makes available for licensing, lost archival footage whether it be music performances or interviews with important figures in Film and Television, Comedy, Literature, Art, Science, Fashion, Sports and in the case of this unique interview with Donald Trump, politics.

Reelin’ In The Years Productions

"The One proper man that could turn this country around." That is what he spoke of at the end.

Back to the thread,

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This image of Trump's Uncle from here,


Who is Donald Trump's 'brilliant genius' nuclear Uncle John?

The article states,

It is not the first time the president has cited his late uncle to back up his arguments.

The uncle in question, Prof John Trump, passed away in 1985 - but who was he?

When asked how long it would take to denuclearise the Korean peninsula, the president referred to Prof John Trump.

"Well, I don't know, when you say a long time," the president said. "I think we will do it as fast as it can be done scientifically, as fast as it can be done mechanically.

"It's a 15-year process. Assuming you wanted to do it quickly, I don't believe that.

"I had an uncle who was a great professor for, I believe, 40 years at MIT. And I used to discuss nuclear with him all the time.

"He was a great expert. He was a great, brilliant genius. Dr John Trump at MIT.

"I think he was there 40 years, I was told. In fact, the head of MIT sent me a book on my uncle. But we used to talk about nuclear.

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He was a professor of engineering at the elite Massachusetts Institute of Technology for 44 years.

According to MIT, Prof Trump focused on high voltage phenomena, electron acceleration and the interaction of radiation with living and non-living matter. He also designed X-ray generators for cancer therapy.

During World War Two, Prof Trump researched radars for the Allies. When legendary physicist Nikola Tesla died in 1943, Prof Trump was asked by the FBI to examine Tesla's papers and equipment.

Prof Trump co-founded a company making generators for use in nuclear research, according to MIT archives.

Physicist John Trump was the younger brother of Mr Trump's father, Fred.

John passed away in 1985 at the age of 78, according to an obituary in the New York Times.

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The CONNECTION between President Trump's Uncle John and Teslas. . .Electricity of course and Common GROUND ; )

Donald Trumps Nuclear Uncle John G Trump MIT Archived Interview

This one is only a little over 5 minutes where John Trump speaks of examining Tesla's papers.
Dr. John Trump on Nikola Tesla - Interview (Donald Trump's Uncle)

Some interesting history of Tesla here,

Nikola Tesla invented the radio in 1892 and the first remote controlled toy boat in 1898, making it to the Newspaper’s headlines.

From National Geographic

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in 1898, he invented the first radio controlled robot-boat which was controlled by radio waves. This toy boat was also exhibited in the Electrical Exhibition in the same year. This was the first invention of its kind and it made way to the front page newspapers in America.

Tesla's robot-boat was constructed with an antenna, which transmitted the radio waves coming from the command post where Tesla was standing. Those radio waves were received by a radio sensitive device called coherer, which transmitted the radio waves into mechanical movements of the propellers on the boat.

Tesla changed the boat's direction, with manually operated controls on the command post. Since this was the first application of radio waves, it made front page news, in America, at that time.

Most of us, think of Guglielmo Marconi as the father of radio, and Tesla is unknown for his work in radio. Marconi claimed all the first patents for radio, something originally developed by Tesla. Nikola Tesla tried to prove that he was the creator of radio but it wasn't until 1943, where Marconi's patents were deemed invalid; however, people still have no idea about Tesla's work with radio.

And here some interesting tidbits here, a fun read!

Do you suppose there is More to Q's infamous statements on Dark to Light?

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That wasn't the Only thing Tesla didn't get credit for.

Tesla proposed the idea of AC current, but was never recognized for his invention. Edison’s proposal of the DC current was more popular those days.

Why do you suppose that was?

From News dot Net we find,

We were taught that Edison had invented the light bulb, but the truth is that he had purchased the patent from Henry Woodward and Matthew Evans in 1880 and then he hired a team to help him perfect the patent that he made a fortune on. He did however invent the electric chair and apparently had a fetish for electrocuting living animals and people.

It all started in 1882 when Thomas Edison invented the DC or direct current electrical power system. Eventually he hired a young Serbian genius man named Nikola Tesla to help him improve his electrical device. While working for Edison, Tesla discovered how to make his own electrical power system and began building an alternating current system that used a transformer to step up voltage for long-distance transmission and then stepped it back down for indoor lighting, a more efficient and less expensive system that directly competed to the Edison DC electricity system.

In brief: AC electricity can travel much further distances than direct current DC. Without AC electricity we would need massive nuclear power-plants in every city throughout the world.

Check this out, so basically the controllers who Need Profits were up to their nefarious deeds as usual.

In 1888 George Westinghouse bought the patent for Tesla’s AC generator. As many other electric companies joined in and the use of AC spread rapidly, Edison’s company made claims that alternating current was hazardous and inferior to the patented direct current system. Tesla’s AC generators were spreading across the country faster than the DC electricity alternative. Edison began publicly questioning the safety of the Tesla-created system, stating, “Just as certain as death, Westinghouse will kill a customer within six months after he puts in a system of any size.”

See more on the character of Thomas Edison here including,

Thomas Edison’s shocking history of electrocuting dogs, horses and people

Back to the fascinating thread,

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This is Wardenclyffe Tower,

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Wardenclyffe Tower (1901–1917), also known as the Tesla Tower, was an early experimental wireless transmission station designed and built by Nikola Tesla in Shoreham, New York in 1901–1902. Tesla intended to transmit messages, telephony and even facsimile images across the Atlantic to England and to ships at sea based on his theories of using the Earth to conduct the signals. His decision to scale up the facility and add his ideas of wireless power transmission to better compete with Guglielmo Marconi's radio based telegraph system was met with refusal to fund the changes by the project's primary backer, financier J. P. Morgan. Additional investment could not be found, and the project was abandoned in 1906, never to become operational.

In an attempt to satisfy Tesla's debts, the tower was demolished for scrap in 1917 and the property taken in foreclosure in 1922. For 50 years, Wardenclyffe was a processing facility producing photography supplies. Many buildings were added to the site and the land it occupies has been trimmed down to 16 acres (6.5 ha) but the original, 94 by 94 ft (29 by 29 m), brick building designed by Stanford White remains standing to this day.

It's interesting that Tesla discarded the idea of using the newly discovered Hertzian (radio) waves, detected in 1888 by German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz since Tesla doubted they existed as basic physics told him, and most other scientists from that period, that they would only travel in straight lines the way visible light did, meaning they would travel straight out into space becoming "hopelessly lost".

In laboratory work and later large scale experiments at Colorado Springs in 1899, Tesla developed his own ideas on how a worldwide wireless system would work. He theorized from these experiments that if he injected electric current into the Earth at just the right frequency he could harness what he believed was the planet's own electrical charge and cause it to resonate at a frequency that would be amplified in "standing waves" that could be tapped anywhere on the planet to run devices or, through modulation, carry a signal.

Tesla dealt with using the upper conductive layer of the atmosphere. Now I wonder Why J.P.Morgan and other globalist financiers wouldn't want him doing that.

Tesla not only believed that he could use this layer as his return path in his electrical conduction system, but that the power flowing through it would make it glow, providing night time lighting for cities and shipping lanes.

Tesla not only believed that he could use this layer as his return path in his electrical conduction system, but that the power flowing through it would make it glow, providing night time lighting for cities and shipping lanes

Why would they rather have everything in total darkness rather than some helpful light?

In a February 1901 Collier's Weekly article titled "Talking With Planets" Tesla described his "system of energy transmission and of telegraphy without the use of wires" as:

(using) the Earth itself as the medium for conducting the currents, thus dispensing with wires and all other artificial conductors ... a machine which, to explain its operation in plain language, resembled a pump in its action, drawing electricity from the Earth and driving it back into the same at an enormous rate, thus creating ripples or disturbances which, spreading through the Earth as through a wire, could be detected at great distances by carefully attuned receiving circuits. In this manner I was able to transmit to a distance, not only feeble effects for the purposes of signaling, but considerable amounts of energy, and later discoveries I made convinced me that I shall ultimately succeed in conveying power without wires, for industrial purposes, with high economy, and to any distance, however great.

YIKES for the profiteers of the money making globalists. Plus how in the world would they keep us as slaves if energy was FREE for crying out loud?

This was a Big No Thank you for the NWO globalists. Just look at all Tesla wanted to do in this article titled "The Problem of Increasing Human Energy" by Tesla appeared which appeared in the June, 1900 edition of Century Magazine.

Tesla described his futuristic ideas on harnessing the sun's energy, control the weather with electricity, wireless control, and how future inventions would make war impossible.

WHAT? This is a controller's Nightmare. Why people who were like Soros back in Tesla's day can't get behind this kind of freeing energy, power and genuine help for humanity. They're not REALLY in the business of human rights, but rather about. . ."how can we as the elitists with deep pockets, take advantage of the people while making our pockets Even Deeper?" .

Morgan wasn't delivering on all of his promised funding so,

Tesla began moving his laboratory operations from 46 East Houston Street laboratory to the 94-foot-square brick building at Wardenclyffe. By the end of 1902 the tower reached full height of 187 feet. What Tesla was up to at Wardenclyffe and the site itself was generally kept from the public. Tesla would respond to reporters inquiries stating there was a similar wireless plant in Scotland and that "We have been sending wireless messages for long distances from this station for some time, but whether we are going into the telegraph field on a commercial basis I cannot say at present.

This is interesting to me as Trump's mother was from a little village in Scotland.

As a side note,

  • Mom was Mary Anne McCleod

  • Mother was from a humble family and grew up in a village in Scotland. Her dad was a fisherman and the village postmaster.

  • Father was Fred Christ, he was originally a builder from Queens

  • Uncle John Trump was an MIT professor, electrical engineer, inventor, and physicist., who knew Tesla and collected his papers/research after Tesla's death.

  • John Trump he developed one of the first million-volt X-ray generators with Robert J. Van de Graaff.

  • Trump switched from work on hospital X-ray machines to research into similar technologies with a more direct application to warfare, especially the development of radar. During 1940, he joined the newly formed National Defense Research Committee (NDRC)

  • During 1942, Trump became Secretary of the Microwave Committee, a sub-committee of the NDRC.

  • In 1943, as the technical aide in Division 14 of the NDRC, Trump reviewed and analyzed the papers of Nikola Tesla when the inventor died in a New York City hotel. The research was completed on behalf of the Alien property Custodian office in Washington DC. From February 1944 to the end of the war in Europe, Trump was the Director of the BBRL ("British Branch of the Radiation Laboratory" ).

  • Trump received recognition for his war-work from both the United States and the United Kingdom.

The Scottish Connection" is written by A.J. Morton in which he states,

Speaking about Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower, Mr. Morton wrote:

"According to Tesla himself, a secondary tower, a sister of Wardenclyffe, was built in Scotland and was in operation. Nobody knows where this enigmatic structure is. I wrote a four-part series of articles for a number of Scottish newspapers in 2008. These explored the forgotten contribution of Scotland to early radio pioneering, and the fascinating, tantalizing connection Tesla had with that country."

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Interesting what took place in Colorado Springs according to Tesla Research,

Tesla dedicated most part of his research to develop the right design of a wireless power transmission system to be able to energize the whole planet without wires and to send signals or messages instantly and non-transferable.

Excerpt from "On electricity" - Electrical Review - Jan. 27, 1897:

"In fact, progress in this field has given me fresh hope that I shall see the fulfillment of one of my fondest dreams; namely, the transmission of power from station to station without the employment of any connecting wires."

Tesla's went to Colorado Springs in mid-May 1899 with the intent to research:

Transmitters of great power.
Individualization and isolating the energy transmission means.
Conditions of propagation of currents through the earth and the atmosphere.

In early 1902 Tesla sent a letter to J.P.Morgan to explain his research in which he evisaged the following distinct steps to be made:

The transmission of minute amounts of energy and the production of feeble effects, barely perceptible by sensitive devices;
The transmission of notable amounts of energy dispensing with the necessity of sensitive devices and enabling the positive operation of any kind of apparatus requiring a small amount of power;
The transmission of power in amounts of industrial significance. With the completion of my present undertaking the first step will be made.

Tesla spent more than half his time researching transmitters. Tesla spent less than a quarter of his time researching delicate receivers and about a tenth of his time measuring the capacity of the vertical antenna. Also, Tesla spent a tenth of his time researching miscellaneous subjects.

J. R. Wait's comment on Tesla activity:

"From an historical standpoint, it is significant that the genius Nikola Tesla envisaged a world wide communication system using a huge spark gap transmitter located in Colorado Springs in 1899. A few years later he built a large facility in Long Island that he hoped would transmit signals to the Cornish coast of England. In addition, he proposed to use a modified version of the system to distribute power to all points of the globe".

The authors note that no alterations have been made to the original which still contains certain minor errors; calculation errors which influence conclusions are noted. The authors also note the end of the book contains commentaries on the Diary with explanatory notes.

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Already in a meeting of the National Electric Light Association on 1893, Tesla told:

“practical to disturb, by means of powerful machines, the electrostatic conditions of the earth, and thus transmit intelligible signals, and, perhaps, power”

He said,

“It could not require a great amount of energy to produce a disturbance perceptible at a great distance, or even all over the surface of the earth.”

By the end of the 1890s Tesla had come to the conclusion that it might be possible to transmit electrical power without wires at high altitudes where the air is thinner, and consecuently it is more conductive.

In a patent US645,576 - System of Transmission of Electrical Energy - March 20, 1900 Tesla claimed:

"it has become possible to transmit through even moderately rarefied strata of atmosphere electrical energy to practically any amount and to any distance."

A friend and patent lawyer, Leonard E. Curtis, on being advised of Tesla's scheme, offered to find land and provide power for his research from the El Paso Power Company of Colorado Springs. The next supporter to come forward was Colonel John Jacob Astor.

After receiving large donations from several wealthy friends, Tesla arrived by Train to Colorado Springs on May 17 or 18, 1899 and was met by Leonard Curtis. He brought the inventor riding by horse to the Alta Vista Hotel, located on Cascade Avenue between Kiowa Street and Bijou Street in Colorado Springs, El Paso County, where he resided during his stay in Colorado.

A group of reporters were already waiting for Tesla in the hotel. One of those reporters asked to him about the reasons why he decided to chose Colorado to develop his research. Tesla replied:

"I might as well tell you the truth, I have come here to carry on a series of exhaustive experiments in regard to wireless telegraphy. I come here for work."

The reporter asked again:

"Are you going to flash (his) message from Pike's Peak to Long's Peak or another mountain of Colorado?"

The question appeared uncomfortable to Tesla who tersely replied:

"No, I am here to work. It is not pleasure. I am very busy and life is short and there is a great deal to be done."

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Universal Newsreel - Gen. Butler bares plot by fascists

From the youtube channel IfEveryOneKnew

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This is called Howard Hughes Plane Crash (1946)

from the youtube channel AirBoyd

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An Australian editor, publisher, and activist who founded WikiLeaks in 2006. WikiLeaks came to international attention in 2010 when it published a series of leaks provided by U.S. Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning. These leaks included the Baghdad airstrike Collateral Murder video (April 2010), the Afghanistan war logs (July 2010), the Iraq war logs (October 2010), and Cablegate (November 2010). After the 2010 leaks, the United States government launched a criminal investigation into WikiLeaks.
Who gave Assange the rest of the information that Exposed the corruption of a Certain party?


UPDATE 6.25.2021
Two words from a dream the other night to look up. . .
Quasar and Lye
how do they tie?

Tesla’s Dynamic Theory of Gravity

More Information on Nikola Tesla,

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Awesome! I came across the T. Benjamin thread and this just add to it!

So glad! Love this history of Trump, his family and Tesla. The clip just blew me away!

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