"Nikola Tesla, the inventor and engineer who helped electrify America, believed the tower was the start of a system that could deliver electricity, without wires, to the whole world."
"At the time, more than a hundred years ago, he was convinced of wireless energy and believed, based on his experiments with radio and microwaves, that he could transmit millions of volts of electricity through the air. They had begun work on the structure, later called Wardenclyffe Tower, also known as Tesla's Tower, but abandoned the project in 1906 because Morgan turned off the money spigot before it got underway."
"This would have transmitted the low-frequency waves which Tesla believed were necessary"
"Tesla confided that in Wardenclyffe he had also designed a worldwide, wireless transmitter of energy for boats, airplanes, and other machines."
"electrical resonance to send electric power freely worldwide. Antennas placed anywhere would be tuned to receive the transmitted energy."
"He described how his World Wide Energy System, based on high-frequency electrical energy, would in no way pollute the earth. A small receiving device in one's home would provide all the power needed and at a fraction of present-day costs"
"tuners and tune in the right frequency"
"The "energy receiver" (gravitational energy converter) had been built by Tesla himself."
"Tesla would later state his plans were to eventually make Wardenclyffe a hub "city" in his plans for a worldwide system of 30 wireless plants, sending messages and media content and broadcasting electrical power."
"Power for the entire system was to be provided by a coal fired 200 kilowatt Westinghouse alternating current industrial generator."
"Set up power transmitters in one location and then the receivers in another. Tweak the variables a bit and then determine if you can make your theories work in real-world conditions."