The Battle For The Mind & The Changing Glass | (Text & Audiobook Versions) #texttosteemsteemCreated with Sketch.

in texttosteem •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Quick! Before you start! If you'd like to LISTEN to this post instead of reading it, scroll down to the comments section where you'll find the audio-book version of this post read by me!

Think of the most epic fight scene you can. For me, it's some ridiculously over the top Hollywood Avengers end-sequence with The Hulk whipping an Apache helicopter at someone, or that cliche landing move that all the heroes seem to do, where they kind of kneel-fist punch the ground, and make a huge crater in the cement. What the heck is that all about lol.

Not sure what this says about me, but whenever I'm watching a scene like that, all I can think of is, "How the hell are they going to clean all this up?? It's going to be a huge burden on the taxpayers that's for sure, and local tourism to this fictional city is definitely going to tank hard, leaving small-business in trouble and hundreds out of work. Total economic crash down. Maybe they were better off with the alien invasion.."

Yeah, I'm that guy. While the rest are cheering in the theater because the good guys "saved the day" all I see is the wake of destruction they left behind in the process.

I wouldn't say I'm a negative person by nature. I remember when I was young, (maybe 8 or 9) my friend's mom asked me if she handed me a glass of water would I describe it as half empty or half full?

I replied, "Depends on the size of the glass."

Sure, a positive outlook might mean you to see the glass half full, but what if your mind's eye conjured up a 10-gallon glass with the same amount of water, now we're not even talking halves anymore we're talking drops.

And in the same vein, if we imagined that glass to be the size of a thimble, our water is now overflowing, spilling over the top, running towards the edge of the table, and pouring on to our feet.

Perspective is one thing, the ability to imagine the same thing from multiple angles. OK great. But what if you're a Wizard? What if the laws of time, space, physics and matter don't apply in your imagination and suddenly the glass is sinking and tumbling toward the bottom of the ocean floor where the glimmer created by light reflecting off the glass catches the eye of an enormous whale and it's swallowed, and years later the whale washes up on a Japanese shore and it's entrails explode from gasses expanding in the sun, and the glass is hurdled with the explosion to the top of a nearby building, where it sits until the next rain storm and it is filled again.

Then what? Is the glass half empty or half full?

What if you were the glass and you can expand or contract at will? Now THAT would be cool because no matter how much or how little you have, you could always feel full, content, happy.

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Nearly 20 years later, from the day I was asked that question, I'm just now realizing I've always been more concerned with the glass than the water. I always look to myself for the answers, for the tools needed to make me happy. It's not about what you fill yourself with or how much you can accumulate, it's about your ability to change, adapt, optimize and move forward in any situation making the most of any resource you may have a the moment.

This week I've had a lot of headspace trouble, riding waveforms of anxiety and depression up and down up and down. I haven't felt my best physically, I've been over worked, out of sorts and absorbing different energies and new schedules. Recently I've been having a bit of a toothache and inner ear pressure on the right side of my face. This makes me think I need to see a dentist, and that thought sends me into cold sweats.

There's an old verse of scripture that I've always identified with that talks about taking captive every thought. And so now this is what I must do, take inventory of thoughts as they come in, If they are in alignment with the truth of who I am and where I want to go, they may stay, but the rest have got to go. You don't have to go home but you can't stay here...

The Changing Glass

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I think of the glass as being a tool, and that it is achieving it's purpose. So the glass is happy to be used regardless of how full or empty it is.

I'm sorry you've not been feeling so good lately, I hope you get better soon!

Be proactive about the illness, prepare for the future, if you need to visit a dentist, start putting aside some funds to make it happen.

Time management is also important, balance the me time with the you time.

Pot calling the kettle black here, I am horrible at this. :D

Hope you have a great day and thanks for sharing. <3

Insightful and thoughtful as always, thanks friend :)

Awww dayleeo I hope you feel better soon. Go to the dentist though! I didn't go for ten years because it scared me and when I finally went I was quite lucky to only have a few cavities but it lifted a small weight off my shoulders. Sending good vibes :)

Thanks love I had a temp filling fall out about a year and a half ago and I'm fearing the worst, got to be done eventually ☹️

Do it you will feel so good after, I hate the dentist though mine is pretty nice!

aah see I dont have one at the moment, would love a nice one but I may be limited :( cold sweats

Dentists are money hungry they will see anyone, at least thats in your favor!

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I think it's not about the glass state whether it's full or empty , it's all about the glass itself is refillabe , we could decide to fill it to the fullest or to left it without anything .how we respond make all the difference

Yes, I believe those who learn to adapt will ultimately have a much easier go at this thing called life :)

sure glad to found you , have a nice day