Hello all!
have been enjoying a relaxing weekend there?
I have brought weekly news of Tezos today.
Seems like after launching Tezos mainnet in September, it has been actively enforcing its ecosystem in various parts; training 1,000 Tezos dedicated developers.
Thus the first news of Tezos is about providing education programs via an institution.
- Tezos has partnered with Kingsland Univ.
Kingsland University and Tezos Foundation has partnered each other to in order to enhance new blockchain education opportunities. Kingsland University is founded in 2017, located in Atlanta, GA and it is also called as school of blockchain that offers blockchain training programs.
Recently, Tezos announced a grants program to support 1,000 Tezos-focused developers, engineers and it also announced Kingsland will be a partner with Tezos Foundation during NASDAQ Summit. It mostly seems like Kingsland will help train those developers.
2.Easier way to check out my Reward via Bäckerei
Bäckerei, it means bakery in German. Bäckerei is an automated rewards payment manager for Tezos bakers. It connects to a full-node, scans the entire transaction history, determines which delegators should be paid, performs calculations on exactly how much they should receive in rewards, and executes the transactions.
Another outstanding feature is it alerts if baker’s baking and endorsement activities with notifications in case either failed and auto-notification to a Telegram group after payments for a cycle have been successfully made.
This is it for the week!
Stay tuned with us and share with us if you know anything interesting of Tezos :)
Do Baking! @ http://tezdele.io