We're back up and running with a few minor changes

in thailand •  3 years ago 

We have been shut due to Covid for over a month now but as of this week we are going to resume runs with the Chiang Mai Hash House Harriers. There are going to be a few minor tweaks though that might disrupt some members' ability to participate but at least for now, there is no other way for us to reconvene.


For a lot of our members without transportation we have always met at the McDonalds at Tha Pae Gate in the center of town. We cannot do this since social-distancing is still be encouraged for all people in Chiang Mai and with 20 people cramming into the back of our busses that would probably attract too much attention and is, lets face it, the opposite of social distancing.

We are still going to do the pickups there as usual but we are limiting the amount of people per bus to 6 per bus. This will mean that we will need a teensy bit more money from all members in order to participate because as most of you are aware, we put up to 12 people in each bus normally.


We ask that anyone who is thinking of joining us to be mindful of the fact that while we will make some efforts to remain distanced during the runs and the before and after gatherings, we will not be strictly adhering to these rules and will leave it up to you how much you want to stay near or far from one another. There will be no enforcement or discouraging of getting close to one another at the run locations, so if this is something that makes you nervous or upset we think it would be best if you do not come to the events until there is a time that you do feel comfortable with this.

We will have hand sanitizer and masks at the events if you choose to use these things: It is totally up to you.

However, while riding on the buses to the events, and while waiting at the McDonalds for the buses to arrive and at least until we get to the outskirts of town wearing a mask is required. This information has been passed down to us by our friends in the police department as we have been given the "go ahead" to resume our activities.

Please do not violate this rule. I know that the Hash doesn't generally have any rules but given the current situation we ask, actually demand that you adhere to this one simple thing. Put aside your personal feelings about masks to the side and just endure it for the 30 minutes or so that it takes for us to get to the sites, then you can do whatever you want.


As I am sure most Hashers are aware, the events themselves aren't and never have been a distanced sort of event and regular contact with other people will be part of it. It is on you to look out for your own safety if Covid is something you are still afraid of. Seriously, if you are nervous about the virus we ask that you do not come to the events.

We are very pleased to be resuming operations but we still need to be very careful to not piss off the locals or appears as though we don't care about the guidelines that have been established by the local Chiang Mai officials.

I don't think this is too much to ask. As always, please make sure your shoes are as dirty as possible before turning up unless you really want to drink a beer out of it! Now let's celebrate and get back out there.


full details about this week's and all other upcoming events can be found in great detail at our official website

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