Life Span of RBC(Why RBC Die after 120 days)

in thanks •  4 years ago 

Introduction- A love story of RBC and Macrophages

This is basic information how aged RBC identified by Macrophages cells of Spleen,Liver and Bone Barrow and young RBC are not killed or break by Macrophages in the internal body environment.

here we understand role and dynamics of CD47-Cluster of differentiation (a marker protein) localized on upper layer of RBC membrane and PS-phosphatidylserine (a Phospholipid) localized in lower layer of RBC membrane.

In recognition of aged RBC and young RBC the amount of the CD47 and PS-phosphatidylserine changing with the time.

In young RBC expression of CD47 is high while in aged(upto 120 days) RBC expression of CD47 expression is very less,which induce Erythrophagocytosis (that is send signal to Macropages to eat me) while young RBC send signal don't eat me i am younged
after destruction the Haemoglobin break down into amino acids, Fe(iron) and Haem. most of them are used to recycle back in the synthesis of new RBC in Bone marrow.

Although bilirubin and biliverdin pigments also formed in liver by breakdown of Haem. These pigments are important constituents of Bile Juice/Salt synthesize from Liver and stored and secreated from Gall Bladder.

Hope you understand what is the cause of RBC destruction after 120 days and also understand how body select young RBC and Aged RBC.


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