It's time to celebrate 500+ followers in 5 Weeks and 50% SBD GIVEAWAY! Go Steem Go Digital!steemCreated with Sketch.

in thankyou •  8 years ago  (edited)

My pencil sketch thanks note to my followers!

It's time to celebrate 500+ followers in 5 Weeks(35 days) and 50% SBD GIVEAWAY!
500 followerssss.jpg

Special Note to my 500+ followers:
If you are reading this, then you are probably following me!

Your support is a daily incentive for my blog!

A Big Thankyou to everyone for upvoting, commenting and resteeming!

I would like to giveaway 50% SBD of this post to steemians who upvote and comment this post (after payout)!

Have a Relaxing Weekend!

My pencil sketch of a sleeping puppy!

This milestone is not possible without you, 500+ followers!

@aaagent @aadyashakti @aarauz @aarronlight @abakazam @abcdoctor @abdulrehman @abh12345 @abid2017 @abnys @ace3do @achim86 @acwood @adamflegg @adamt @adeelsiddiqui @ades @adilmehraj @adrian808 @adrianmada321 @adrianobalan @adsun @afrog @ah85 @aileyan @ajmalsoby @ajuar @akarie @akbar-nur @akibmehfooz @akkadia @alanw @alchemy20 @alexross @alfredegrate @alfredotime @always1success @amri @amrizal @amvanaken
@anadeleonartista @anarchyisnature @anassohail @ancapwarren @andreben @andrianna @angelikah @annhoyblog @annlucca83 @anothervoice @anubhav @appupload @aqeelmalik @argekunst @arjunmartavela @artmoney @artpoet @askari @automaton @avvah @awesome-stuff @azizbd @babyboybob @bajatzu @bakat @balajis @barcodekiller @bartjan @bayek @beng05 @berlinmoonlight @besold @besteulz @biggi @bigram13 @birjudanak @birrulibmc @bitcoinandcoffee @bitcoinkings @bitcoinsig @blackhat @blackvapor @bley47 @blissandbusiness @bobross @bosmed @brandi @brijesh.mota @brokentoyland @bryguy @budimir @bymma @calvin2005 @cantribute @captain-nemo @carland @carlas10 @carlobelgado @catchinglife @cem @ceyhun @charlesdavid @chelseaside @chinadaily @chrissymchavez @chrystaldawn @clayford08 @clodoweg @condra @contributor77 @coreyp @cozzasteem @crackdown @crazyhorselady @creativeusername @crepa @crististurgill @cryptodan @cryptonewsblog @cryptoriddler @cryptowallet @curlyhead @cyberblock @dadotheshark @daio @darville @deepti @deliverance @dib1718 @difuel @digital-entrep @digitalplayer @dimidrolshina @dimitrya123 @dirtdiver @djsonic @dlina-v-metrah @doitvoluntarily @dr-boo @dreamiely @drpuffnstuff @dyandayang @eazyh @ecuadorianin @edgarsart @edtorrez @eeazur @elenka @emaa @engraqin @ericgordon @errymil @eternoinfinito @evil-genius @experimental @exploretraveler @eyeofthestorm @fairbee @fannyamor @fauzy-bna @fem-of-war
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Please upvote, comment, resteem and follow me @digitaldollar !

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Thats a big number mate! Well done! Your pictures are cool man, especially that dog and coffee. The obly thing I want on a relaxing sunday morning! Keep it up!

@scrooger - Thankyou!

Always welcome mate! Nice post promotion with the give-away. I said I'll give 5 SBD to my followers in my 100 followers post. 50% payout is better idea. Nice one!

indeed lovely pictures!! thank you for being with us

@digitalplayer - Thankyou!

Nice cment...u justnwon urself a worthy follower @scrooger

Much appreciated! Thank you! Hope u had a great weekend and are getting ready for the ever dreadful Monday blues =)

Nice post dude.. keep rocking!

@balajis - Thanks man!

Congratulations on your achievements. Enoyed reading your posts.


You are welcome, buddy

Congrats on the milestone. That is pretty quick to 500!! Lets see if you can get the next 500 that fast.

@nathanjones - Thankyou! Hopefully ;)

Quality content tends to get that fast

@pm-me-your-dog Thankyou

Congratulations @digitaldollar!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 1 with 114 comments

@arcanage Thankyou for encouraging minnows like me!
Unfortunately I didnt receive enough rewards in dollars!

Nice one , keep on going🏆

@senthilm03 - Thankyou!

Congrats @digitaldollar! I love your sketches!


Congrats, keep up the good work. That is really impressive. Im around 5 weeks in and am eyeing 500 from the 425 position. Really enjoy your sketches and other content. Have a good night/day :)

@starsteem - Thankyou and congratulations for you too!

congratulations on your achievement mate.... keep the steem fire on

@gbenga Thankyou


@adsun - Thankyou :)

Congratulations on getting your first 500 followers @digitaldollar


Congrats brother

@skinnythames - Thankyou

Im looking forward to my 1000 mark im trying to spread the love just hard to keep up with a baby and a full time job but im getting there

@skinnythames - Congratulations! Way to go!

Thank you! Not bad for a newbie lol


Congrats! You are a talented artist!

@silver-saver - Thankyou!


@artmoney thankyou

Congratulations! ^_^

@dreamiely - Thankyou!

well done my friend!

@sashin Thankyou

nice idea!! I will probably do a similar post for my 1000 followers


@digitalplayer - Thankyou!


@ahmadmubarak - Following you as well!

really cool post! keep up the good work! :)

@kintar0 Thankyou!

you're welcome! :)

Congratulations my friend, YUGE milestone! :)

@jujanen Thankyou!


@pancakesex - Thankyou!

Haha! What an excellent way to drive traffic to this post.

Good work @digitaldollar, im tuned in.

This is like facebook super taggin. Lol.

@piercetheveil - ha ha :) Thankyou

hehe I wish it was!! the notifications doesn't work properly!!

@digitalplayer - Yep! Anyways just wanted to mention all of my followers here!

Gracias sigue así hermano eres parte del ejemplo. saludos

@osmerj -
"Thank you, brother. You are part of the example. regards"
Hope this is the correct translation for your comment .
Thankyou @osmerj!
Thankyou Google Translate!

example to follow, un ejemplo a seguir

@osmerj Thats so nice of you!

Congratulations man!
Keep up the grind

@illestbambi - Thankyou!

Am proud to be part of history @digitaldollar
Love ur drawings...upvoted...


congratulations digitaldollar

@the01crow - Thankyou!

This post has been ranked within the top 10 most undervalued posts in the first half of Jun 18. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $54.08 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Jun 18 - Part I. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment.

That's a lot of followers in 5 weeks.(at least for me). Love your drawing! Followed and Upvoted

@walkinharmony Thankyou! Following back!

very-very good

@khairulmuammar - Thankyou!

Nice drawing mate, and grats

@thatadvocate Thankyou

Congratulation on this awesome achievement, @digitaldollar! Keep up posting new quality content and we will be following and upvoting, as always! :)

@oleg326756 Sure, Thankyou

Congrats! And I really love your sketchs haha
especially the puppy! so cute

@kenchung - Thankyou :)

Congrats! Nice work there! Voted and thanks for the mention^^
I also did a 500+ blog! Released an episode of Starman early...hmm wish it did as well as this^^ Keep it up! And a reward no less^^ Your very generous, peace out!
Here was my blog for everyone!

@larutanton - Thankyou!
Congratulations for your achievement!

Congrats!!!!! I see myself in the list too so thanks for the mention. Cheers!!!

@tamsguitar - Thankyou! Cheers man!


@lk666 - Thankyou!

You draw real good

@trillex thankyou

wow ! That's awesome ! Back in the day ,LOL , (11 months ago ) there were not nearly as many people joining steemit or even on steemit haha ! It took most of us months to get 500 followers ! Keep up the great work , glad to be following you ! Upped and resteemed !! 👍👍👍

@karenmckerise Thankyou

your welcome !👍👍👍

Congratulations! The sketch is brilliant! :D

@isteemit Thankyou

Great pictures, you are doing so well! Well done!🕉🤘😎

@ginasarasini Thankyou

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Congratulations ! Nice drawings too. I would like to have 500 followers too!

@guyverckw Thankyou. Soon you will have 500+ too!

500 Followers, congrats :)
Also a very nice idea with the giveaway

@gweigster Thankyou

Your puppy sketch is so cute :)

@foodie.warrior Thankyou

congrats @digitaldollar

@oendertuerk Thankyou

Congratulations @digitaldollar - This is a huge number!!! Love the sketches, got some skills. Enjoy your day

Congrats on 500! Steem On! :)

@xredsoulless - Thank you!

Congrats! Grew fast. Great job!!:)

@teotwawkiman - Thankyou

Sure thing! :)

Congratulations! Nice drawings, really like the dog :3
But wow that's a long list o.o

@tb-illsyore Thankyou

Congratulations! What awesome sketches! I paint in oil as a hobby. Lemme see if this works. I upvoted!

@sarkhomestead Thankyou.
Awesome painting!

Congratulations :)

@baharoba Thankyou

Wow nice drawing..

@jaydee Thankyou

Que genial!! me gusta mucho tu trabajo en lápiz, sigue asi ;)

If iam not wrong, you meant to say this -
"How cool !! I really like your work in pencil, keep it up;)"
@claucollision Thankyou!
Thankyou Google Translate!

Congratulations on such achievements!

@zacharius Thankyou

Wow! Congratulation. Keep going. you will hit 1000 soon mate! Good luck to you!

@uday625 Thankyou

Good stuff! :)

@makshay5 Thankyou

congratulations buddy.

@adilmehraj - Thankyou!

congrats and wish you reach 1000 soon


Congrats !!

@gerardorangel Thankyou

Nice congratulations yo, I'm getting close to 500 I think! You should enter my challenge to make a steemit mascot! Any entries would be appreciated!

@drpuffnstuff - Thankyou. Sure will participate in your challenge!

I am running the same contest in a few days. I should be hitting 500 on day 35 or 36. I have to steal this idea from you. Congratulations on your accomplishment.

@wakeupsheeps - Thankyou!
Congratulations for your accomplishment too!

Felicidades :D



@prostosun - Thankyou!

Well Done @digitaldollar what a great achievement !!

@louiscpt Thankyou

congrats bro keep going

Congratulations DD. It sure is a good feeling getting to 500. SK.

@sirknight Thankyou

congratulations dude! hopefully it won't stop here


That is quite the love you put into this post man Resteemed!

@sinned Thankyou

Congratulations! Very cute drawings. Upvote and follow you!
