STEEM Powered REUNION! We Made It to Provo On STEEM Power! First Time in Nearly 15 Years, All 7 Siblings Have Been Together

in thankyousteemit •  9 years ago  (edited)

Thank You Thank You Thank You!

I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters and it's been a looong time since I've been able to attend a family reunion. I was amazed at how many nieces and nephews were running around, my younger kid had a blast. I believe there were 23 or 24 of them? WOW! (My family is mormon, so quite a few large families there)

I told my wife we would be able to make it to the reunion, though I was unsure of how. Steemit came to my attention and I made $1100 in 2 days and planned the trip. I'm glad we went, before I found out I didn't know fully what "powering down" really means. I was expecting the other half of what I'd earned in a week. Now that I'm aware it takes 104 weeks to fully power down, I'm unable to pay my landlord in bitcoin this month.

Definitely read everything about something new, before you go depending on it for something. lol You'd think I would have learned that years ago. The crypto world still surprises me. (Like going DOWN in value, right before I pay rent with it. LOL Can't make this stuff up!) On with the Show, lots more pictures to go!!

We Drove to Provo in the Dark, Mostly

We took a few pictures while we were there and some on the way home. The Reunion photos are on a tablet and I'm personally against posting photos of kids online. I'll look through them and see if there are any photos of just the area we were at. The event was held at a mormon church. (Go figure, eh? lol)

Provo is Currently BLOOMING!

Caught these flowers outside the hotel, just looking awesome! Had to snap a few photos of the colors.

It Was a Beautiful Day With Amazing Clouds

We Had Lunch at the Church and Played Games

A nice sandwich bar/buffet and snacks. The kids and a few of the adults played a game involving plates, straws and m&m's. Another game consisted of seeing who could stuff the most marshmallow's in their mouth and still say "Fluffy Bunny." Without choking of course. lol

Photos Were at Six PM

A professional photographer took family photos of each family and a few different types of group shots. First family photo I'm in, for over 20 years. Always seemed to be somewhere else. lol

We Then Headed for Home Through Beautiful Skies

The first part of the trip home was in daylight, the rest was light the trip out, dark, dark, dark. :) Beautiful stars through the gaps in the clouds though. Here are a few photos along the way.

Rainbow Near Provo

Windmills, HUGE Windmills

You can most likely stand two people high, within the generator pod of these windmills, they're really massive.

The Skies and Road Home

Hope You Enjoyed It!

We certainly did! Thank You Again!
#thankyousteemit #steemit #reunion #photography #family

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I would tag it under NATURE. :D The flowers got me... :D

Another Good Suggestion

I have a couple photos of some gorgeous purple flowers I found in Alma, Colorado yesterday.

Pictures Here

Awesome Purple! :)

Can anyone think of a category this should be posted in, that I forgot?

i would tag it under 'family'

Excellent Suggestion! Ty :)

Should have thought of that. lol

Still feel jet lagged, we basically drove till 9am, passed out for 2hrs while the kids played with the rest of the family. Then early lunch, photos and we left to drive home. Definitely worth it though!

  ·  9 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment
  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment

Keep up the great work @thecleangame