The Dictator - 2012

in the-dictator •  4 years ago  (edited)


  • Movie: The Dictator (2012)
    Genre: Comedy drama
    IMDB Rating: 6.4/10
    Country: US, UK

No Spoiler

The high class people to low class, big, interracial, way, rule, and exploitation that has come.

The society has built the wheels for their own convenience, not for the sake of public interest.

No matter the regime. Democracy, dictatorship, socialism is the same face, self-interest in all systems.

Yes, when the movie ends after a lot of laughter, the audience would have questions like that.

The rating doesn't seem to have something to hang out.In 2012 the film was released, which was widely discussed and criticized.

The view of the shattering smile and the concept of wrap is a remarkable performance.

Dictator Admiral General Alaadin in Wadia, a fictional country in North Africa.

He separates his country from the world for his own interests. He has to think about the democratic system.

And in the course of this, it is hidden by a strange sight. Many may not agree with my "beautiful" word.

But the movie is definitely a great pleasure. Political comedy, however, does not accept the deeper perception behind it.

And in the sight it is"beautiful." 18+ comfortable Concept is full, so take special precautions to see.

In many countries of the world, the film is banned.

The movie was completely banned in countries such as Tajikistan, Belarus, melatia.

The film was closed two weeks after becoming premier in Kazakhstan. In Uzbekistan,

the original 83 minute movie is taken lightly and is shown. The movie was originally intended for the adult scene.

An Admiral General Alaadin's role was very natural. Among other characters are Nuclear Nadal,

Uncle tamir character two are forced to slap your mind. The most surprising is that in the end of the movie,

Admiral General Alaadin's speech on his view of dictatorship. This view will affect your philosophy.

Somewhere in the entire movie, you wouldn't think the story was slow. Every moment you walk into the sea of laughter.

Many may be seen in the terms of many older and well-criticized films. Those who have not seen can take a look.

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