Three Ways To Deal With The Effects Of Actions

in the •  7 years ago 

Three Ways To Deal With The Effects Of Actions

Fate means that a cause has operated to produce an effect. You can change it, if you know the way. However, it is not always easy.

  1. You can minimize the effect of an action.

  2. You can resist the effect.

  3. You can completely stop it.

To resist the effects of karma is to use common sense remedies, but rely more on the power of the mind. Refuse to accept any limiting condition. Affirm and believe in health, strength, success even in the face of contradictory evidence. The effects of your actions have much less power to hurt you when you do not allow the mind to give in to them. Remember that. You can also resist by counteracting the bad effects of past wrong actions with good effects set in motion by present right actions, thus preventing the creation of an environment favourable to the fruition of your bad karma.

But how are you going to completely break the hold that fate has on you? The only way that you can permanently stop the undesirable effects of past wrong actions is by removing the cause of those effects. Harmful past life seed tendencies must be cauterized from the brain; then there will be no recurrence of any type of illness or other troubles arising from them. Roast them in the fire of wisdom. Man suffers because of his errors; and the root cause of error is ignorance. Therefore seek the wisdom born of meditation, which removes forever from within you the darkness of ignorance. Krishna said: "O Arjuna, as enkindled flame converts firewood into ashes, so does the fire of wisdom consume to ashes all karma." When you meditate deeply, God's light of divine wisdom cauterizes the seeds of undesirable karma stored in the deep recesses of consciousness in the brain.

~Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda
~The Divine Romance

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