1000 DAYS OF STEEM : Coming soon... The Country Culture Challenge

in the1000daysofsteem •  4 years ago 


We mentioned a couple of days back that we have a number of new projects, developments and challenges planned for the final quarter of 2020.

Today we are happy to announce the first of these.

The Country Culture Challenge will be a worldwide contest to find which countries have the best artists, crafts people, writers, musicians and photographers on Steem.

The Five Challenge Categories

The Country Culture Challenge will be looking for entries in five different categories...

  • Art - original artwork in any visual media

  • Craft - anything from crochet to woodwork, and everything inbetween

  • Creative Writing - short story or poetry

  • Music - original composition, or a cover of music from your country

  • Photography - original photographs taken in your country

Stage One - National Selection

The Challenge will be held in two stages.

In the first stage each country should chose up to three entries to represent them in each of the five challenge categories listed above.

These entries can be chosen by contest or some other selection process. This will be left to each country to decide how best to do this.

Entries must be from currently active Steemians in the country, and should be either newly created or first posted on Steem in the past three months.

For ex-pat Steemians living in other countries they will be free to enter either for their home country or for their current country of residence (but not both).

The Country Representatives will be asked to coordinate the Challenge in their country.

Where there are no Country Representatives interested participants will be invited to take on the role of Challenge Coordinator for their country.

We will though be appointing more Country Reps before this Challenge starts in October.

For countries that decide to run any selection contests @steemcurator01 and @steemcurator02 will be able provide some voting support for contest prizes.

Stage Two - Global Contest

The second stage will be the global challenge contest between countries and the entries they have selected to represent them in each of the five categories.

The exact mechanism for this stage are still to be determined once we have an indication of how many countries are likely to take part.

Countries are free to put forward entries in as many or few of the five categories as they want to.

There will be first, second and third placements, with corresponding prizes, in each category.

Those placements will earn points and the country with the most points in total will be crowned winner of the first Steem Country Culture Challenge.

Prizes will be awarded both to the creators of the entries and to the countries they represent.

We still have quite a bit of work to do to finalize the mechanics and rules of the Challenge. Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome.

It is currently planned for Stage One of the Challenge to run in the first three weeks of October, with the final Stage Two taking place in the last week of the month.

Prizes are yet to be decided but they will be substantial.

Although this Challenge isn't starting until next month we thought we would announce it now to give you time to start planning.

If your country is short of people in any of the five categories now might be a good time to recruit new artists, craftmakers, writers, musicians or photographers to fill the gaps !

Thank you and good luck,

The Steemit Team

Notes from the Community...

Weekly Challenge - Food Photographs

@mister-omortson continues to run his Weekly Challenges - this week the theme is food photographs...

Monthly Goals Challenge

@jacorv is running a Monthly Goals Challenge. What do you want to achieve this month? A prize pool of 50 STEEM awaits the winners...

Best User of the Week' Contest

For those with Italian connections @italygame continues its 'Best User of the Week' Contest...

Steemit Contest Management (SCM) Tool

And for those with an interest in development on Steem check out @neerajkr03's work on developing a Steemit Contest Management Tool...



The rewards from this post go to support the work of @fundacorazon and @littledisciples both in Venezuela.

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@steemcurator1 I have dedicated a thank you post for all the work you do, I would love if you could take 5 minutes to read it.


También a @steemcurator02 y @steemcurator05.

Thank you for this post of support - much appreciated.

The Steemit Team

Thanks a lot for the mention about our contest!
We're going to translate this post for showing The Country Culture Challenge to the italian users.

That will be great, thank you

Wow, I think it's a super cool contest, although the participation is still not clear to me? Example: for Venezuela, anyone creates a post with talent in any of the categories and then the representatives of the country will choose a person from each category to compete with those chosen from other countries? I think that is how it will be, the truth is that it will be very interesting and surely quite competitive.

Each country will select the 3 best works in each of the five categories - possibly through their own contest, or maybe by some other method.

Those 3 best works, for example 3 paintings, could be from different creators or from the same creator.

Then for the final each country will present their 3 entries in each category.

Done, that's for the first phase. Well, I understand! It would be great to announce it through twitter to attract new talented users to the platform. talent shows always attract new users.

Thank you for all the info.
A translation into Spanish for the benefit of the Spanish community.

Gracias por toda la información.
Una traducción al español para beneficio de la comunidad española.

Estupendo y siempre agradecida por el trabajo que haces por la comunidad @mariita52

Thank you for sharing these details with us In advance, it's great we have enough time to get prepared for these challenges and get ready to rock and roll at global stage..great work...

Wow This will also promote culture of different countries we would get to know about of different traditions and artwork Made in different countries that's such a great challenge 😍😍😍😍

Great work @italygame for best user of week 😍

#onepercent #pakistan

Thank you very much @hassanabid!!

@steemitblog, this is pretty good.
The contest is worth participating.
Expect our entry from #nigeria, especially from @steemalive community.

Hello @steemcurator01, @steemitblog, I guess you haven't seen it, so I'm going to add one more comment. ^^

We (M95 Global) are a new team gathered to work on a project called Cryptomission. It is our introduction posting. https://steemit.com/cryptomission/@cryptomission/cryptomission-starting-beta-service-now

We started an app service that works with the Steem blockchain because we believe that Cryptomission can give users a useful motivation for making good habits by paying rewards to users based on the Steem blockchain.

Our team plans to continuously develop and expand the functions of Cryptomission app for various users across countries.

If possible, the Cryptomission team hopes to benefit the Steem blockchain and related communities through continuous communication and cooperation with the Steemit team.

Currently, a test version of the Cryptomission app is provided through the Google Play Store and upgraded with feedback, and the launch of the Apple Store and the application of Tron and Ethereum-based tokens will be applied soon.

If you need, you can contact us by email or leave message on Skype : [email protected]

Thank you.

I've checked your app. Good quality

Thank you! come on in!

Hi @steemitblog, this is very useful information, and I am interested in participating in it. Thank you for holding this cool contest

Saludos, desde San Fernando de Apure Venezuela, soy nueva por aca, pero me parece interesante este concurso, espero mas informacion al respecto. Gracias...

Welcome to Steem.

You should follow the Country Representatives for Venezuela to learn more... @anasuleidy @edlili24 @mariita52 @tocho2

Hola @lacharrakey, bienvenida a Steemit. excelente que te guste el concurso aca te dejo la traducción al español.
Y te visitare en tu blog.

Muchas gracias por la bienvenida, aun estoy estudiando todo sobre Steemit para aprender. Estare al pendiente!
#diarydoctor #yourcountryname

Hola @lacharrakey, puedes contactarme si deseas hacer alguna consulta, anímate a participar en estos fabulosos concursos...!
Te esperamos

Hola @tocho2, Siii! yo estaría encantada de poder participar en uno de estos concursos, si me pudieras orientar al respecto sería genial, estare al pendiente...
#diarydoctor #venezuela

Happy to see those five new challenges. I'll try my best in this. Thank you for presenting challenge time to time.

Thanks for organizing this much contest..

Great to see those new contests. I will definitely participate in this and give my best.

I am very excited about this contest.Feeling we have 'Run out of gas' emotionally.It's nice to know that a new contest is being launched.Thanks @steemitblog for the latest news.
I will wait for this contest.

I am very happy to know that a new contest is being launched.I find the contest very interesting.I hope everyone will be interested to take part in this contest.Thanks @steemitblog for informing me about the new contest.

it's a great idea, by this Culture Challenge we can see lot of creative work, thanks for this project. steem on...

btw... @steemcurator01 sir hope you are busy a lot,from 11-8-2020 to at this moment i don't get any support.

Overall Thanks

Is it mandatory to run all these five category contest or less then 5 that country have .. !

This challenge is going to very amazing and too much interesting,
Great idea!
But can everyone do post,relating their skills,and can participate??

This will bring out talents from all over the world as the phase 2 will connect the best of the best from individual countries. Talk about the Steem Olympics. I think it's really fantastic. I have been following up on @neerajkr03' s SCM work and it's quite fantastic. Hopefully it'll help manage all contests when it's complete.

I am very keen on becoming a country rep for Ghana so will continue to work hard here on steemit. Always a pleasure to visit @steemitblog.

Cool .. As I understood CR 's have to identify talents of the currently active members through a contest inside the country members and the best to the global challenge.. Really cool idea and it will help to make steemit more and more popular globally.

The challenges will be really great. We can now prepare for the challenges.

Creative Writing - short story or poetry
Music - original composition, or a cover of music from your country
Photography - original photographs taken in your country
The three challenges are great for me.

Many thanks to @steemcurator01 he has increased his power.This is good news for all Steemians.

The steem team.

Wow... It's gonna be really nice. But I think people whose diary game posts have not been curated at all will not have interest in still taking part in other contests. Like myself, despite the consistency with the rules, my blog has not been visited. It's just a humble suggestion that people should be encouraged. Thank you

Just be patient, I bet it's really hard to curate all the huge amounts of posts that are done every single day. Just keep posting and you'll receive @steemcurator01's visit.

Thank you very much for the support!

Happy Start of the Week! 🔺

Súper genial está iniciativa que resaltará el talento de cada país, la verdad es que desde ya estamos organizando concursos para saber cuáles son los talentos y pasiones de cada uno de los integrantes de la comunidad esto permitirá ver resaltados los mejores, es una excelente iniciativa , seguiremos descubriendo los mejores y haremos brillar a Steemit 🌟, hay bastantes estrellas en este lugar y seguiremos reuniendo las mejores. Vamos por más 😺

We will be attentive to the new updates for the game @steemitblog

This is really great, each contest makes things more fun here in steemit, surely the participation will be massive and great ..!


Súper genial está iniciativa que resaltará el talento de cada país, la verdad es que desde ya estamos organizando concursos para saber cuáles son los talentos y pasiones de cada uno de los integrantes de la comunidad esto permitirá ver resaltados los mejores, es una excelente iniciativa , seguiremos descubriendo los mejores y haremos brillar a Steemit 🌟, hay bastantes estrellas en este lugar y seguiremos reuniendo las mejores. Vamos por más 😺

wow! this a great contest. i can wait for this day to come, it will be so entertaining and educational. expect our entry from Nigeria the Giant of Africa more especially from @steemalive community.

I think you have to add one more challenge that is steem promotion challenge this will boost the number of user at steemit. it's my simple opinion. This will be amazing i am waiting for this. I like story writing and i will participate ..
#onepercent #pakistan

This contest will be fire. I can't wait 💃🕺💃🕺

Sounds really exciting 🤩 I mean, REALLY.
I think it would be even more interesting if on the 2nd stage countries receive one extra task - extra entry which should be created during determined time 🙄🙃😁

Hi brother, i like your enthusasim towards the upcoming event. But, Why dont you wait for it to start, before requesting for additional task!. Dont complicate things, steemit has done the best for the ecosystem (diving into a snow without knowing its foundation, might lead to loss of life😉)

Brother, I am sure this post is written just exactly for discussion. Steemit questioning the steemians all the time. These are not the final rules, it's a draft. Write your suggestions, don't be shy.

Creative Writing & art attracted me

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

¡No puedo esperar a que el concurso empiece! ¡Ya estoy pensando en mi entrada! Gracias @steemitblog y también a los curadores por todo!

An inspiring challenge, everyone has the opportunity to participate in this activity, each individual has their own abilities. success for the steemit team

Hello @steemitblog, @ steemcurator01 and @ steemcurator02 I no longer know how to get your attention, I need you to please help me with a problem I have, in #hiveblog there is a person who is impersonating me, a profile with me was created Steemit name and place all the posts that I publish daily, the truth is I did not know about this and I do not know that Hive blog platform either, a friend told me that surely because of that problem the curators had not wanted to vote for me and my post was they expire and are not cured.

Please I would appreciate if you would help me with this problem, every day I am publishing and I am not receiving rewards, I know that you are very busy people but possibly that could be one of the problems, here I tagged you in my diary yesterday and I want that they pass by here so that they see there I explain everything.


I want to report this user @daanielaa from #Hiveblog because he is copying from me, and this is about putting 100% original and exclusive content for Steemit, I am doing that but that person will not let me, I go to you because not I know what to do.

I apologize for the inconvenience caused but it is something that escapes my hands, I hope you will give me your answer when you can and thank you very much for reading me.

La labor que ustedes realizan es admirable en organizar y tratar de que todos participemos en esta plataforma eso es lo que mas nos motiva a estar activo todo el tiempo, deben ser súper fuerte para no descansar y ustedes mismo estar revisando y leyendo cada post del diario los felicito, estaremos atentos a lo que son los nuevos concursos

@steemcurator01 why are you ignoring my last posts in #thediarygame?

Wow seems ideal challenge! Culture Challenge! Thanks for project, hopefully everybody steem on..

Between @steemcurator01, from 10/8/2020 until now, I didn’t get any support.

Appreciate your effort.



Thank you!

We mentioned a couple of days back that we have a number of new projects, developments and challenges planned for the final quarter of 2020.

I am really excited for new projects. This is great initiative for the people who want to show their talent. Waiting for it. ♥

Greetings friend @steemitblog, I love this championship, it is going to get really good, I will try to participate as a writer or supporting in the coordination, but something I will do to support this excellent initiative.

In the meantime I leave my recent contest to put in movement the creativity of the steeminians, an event that requires the sketch between the newspapers to recreate a good story about desserts.

Here is the link:


cc @rishabh99946 @fendit

Added, thank you for mentioning.

Actualizado, gracias por avisar! :)

Nice , wonderfull projects , waiting for the photography contest.

So the month of October is going be super-substantial.
Curiously waiting for those challenges😍
@steemcurator01 Let the games begin😍😍

I am very happy to know that a new competition is being launched for us. I hope everyone will participate in this competition.

Thanks for the information!

This is the Birthdays and Memorial Community on Steemit

Eventually I want to have a Horoscope Bot in the group, and everyone can earn STEEM on their Birthday.

Hello @steemcurator01, This post was 6 months ago and I would like to know if it is still valid or is it finished. Greetings wherever you are.