1000 DAYS OF STEEM : Day 23 - Get to know your Country Representatives

in the1000daysofsteem •  5 years ago 


As we mentioned yesterday we are keen to expand the network of Country Representatives.

They will play an increasingly important role in the coming months.

We hope they will be actively getting to know all the Steemians in their respective countries.

And we hope Steemians in countries that already have Country Representatives will do their best to get to know them.

The Country Representatives so far

The Country Representatives recruited to the STEEM POD so far are...

We are keen to increase the number of countries covered, and to get at least two Representatives for each country.

Each Representative is given a direct delegation of 5,000 SP to start, with potential for that being increased to 10,000 SP.

We hope they will use that to actively engage with and support Steemians in their country.

Expanding the network of Country Representatives is going to be one of our main areas of focus over the next few months.

We will be continually looking for more suitable people.

A number of the current Country Representatives came to our attention during Season 1 of The Diary Game.

If you are interested in becoming a Country Representative Season 2 of The Diary Game is a golden opportunity to get noticed. Make great posts, comment as much as you can, recruit people to join the game, get engaged, become visible...

The Country Representatives & Steemit T-Shirts


We mentioned last week about the Steemit T-shirts we have available.

Thank you to everyone who made posts expressing their interest in getting some of the T-shirts.

We will be making a further announcement on that shortly.

In the meantime we would like to offer a pack of T-shirts to each of the current Country Representatives to show our appreciation for the work you are doing.

Country Representatives - if you would like the T-shirts please put a comment below, with a way of contacting you if we don't already have that.

Once you have received the T-shirts, if you would like to make a post showing people in your community wearing them we will be happy to give happy votes.



Daily Diary Tips

If you already have a recent 'This Is Me' introductory post make sure you link it at the bottom of each of your Diary Game posts.

If you have not got a recent intro post, why not make a new one...

And if you are a member of a Diary Game team remember to mention it at the end of each of your diary posts.

We are very keen to grow the network of Country Representatives around the world.

It is a great way to build communities on Steem and to get real support out to those communities.

We are looking forward to finding more people to take on Country Representative roles.

If you have the commitment to Steem let us know.

Thank you,

The Steemit Team



The rewards from this post go to support the work of @fundacorazon and @littledisciples both in Venezuela.

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We are happy to have the steemit t-shirt and share our photos/videos wearing it with you all steemian. Thank you for the appreciation gesture The Steemit Team. Now the dance challenge while wearing the steemit t-shirt is about to begin. No excuse for all Country Representative, you all must accept the dance challenge and we compile it to one video and make it viral 😆😁

Great idea for a dance challenge !

Country Represenatives... will you rise the Dance Challenge ?

Best dance wins an extra upvote...


I would totally make a dance video for a t-shirt!!!!!!

@openmindedtravel haha let's go! We have to think of the song for it and the dance that everyone can do so everyone can participate 😄

TikTok has taught us all that anything that involves rhythm and music is valid. ;-)

I have an idea. We will were that T-shirt and arrange our own favourite sports . Then shot some picture and film it.

@tarpan what sport? football? you and @toufiq777 must join us dancing, don't worry it would be easy to follow dance, something like Oppa Gangnam style dance haha😁


Any sports. Different country people love different sports. They play their sports and celebrates them their own way.

The dance challenge is a very good and welcomed idea, you are doing well.

Hi @steemitblog @steemcurator01 i would love to have a pack of t-shirts please contact me on my discord i believe you already have that.
Thank you!

Congratulations to you

Thank you brother!

Congratulations @rishabh99946, your are a good representatives recruited in steem, i feel proud when i see you in this rank from india.

Thank you so much

Sorry @steemitblog team, but vipnata is Russian, not Italian.

She also doesn’t support our contents, writes in Russian and already has delegation for the Russian community. Nothing personal against her, be clear, but she’s not the right person for this role.

I ask you to reconsider the application by evaluating a name between @sardrt, @mikitaly, @mad-runner and @girolamomarotta.

We are the most active Italian users, we write in Italian, we have formed the @italygame team and we are working to promote the platform to the Italian people.

You can take a look at our Diary Game posts and you will surely realize it.

Thanks for the attention.

@steemitblog Girolamo raises some very valid points. I would add that Country Representatives should be as native as possible in order to better understand the culture, which helps to determine what is good or bad content, or relevant content to the country. I believe @girolamomarotta would be the ideal candidate not only because he's Italian, but also because he's an active Steemian and has an excellent handle on the English language, allowing him to be able to serve as a mediator between the Steemit Team and the Italian Community. Thank you for your consideration.

Grazie mille per il vostro supporto. Avete scritto delle cose davvero molto sensate e condivisibili ✌️
Speriamo che il team capisca qual è la strada più giusta da seguire.

Un abbraccio 🤗

We are certainly interested to appoint another Country Representative in Italy.

You mention in your diary that you dedicate almost all your spare time to your children which is excellent. If you were selected as Country Rep would you have time to spend on that?

I am currently on vacation with my family, so I am very happy to dedicate myself to my children.

In any case, as you can see, I am present and actively follow all the developments and updates of the platform.

It’s clear that my holidays will not last forever (unfortunately 😄), in fact I interpret the importance and relevance of the role longer than in the short term.

In addition, I also would to point out the candidacy of @sardrt 👇 https://steemit.com/the1000daysofsteem/@steemitblog/qe7pt1#@sardrt/qe7w76
She is an expert and very active user and she is already actively working for recruiting Italian people.

In short...Italy is here, you can count on us! 😊🇮🇹

Together towards the top, we always support each other

I would LOVE to be able to wear a steemit T shirt around NZ :)
My discord is kiwiscanfly

Twins :)

After a very long time out from steemit, I found my way back in. Glad to see my country representative @beautychicks and believes you will do well. Won't mind one of the shirts when it arrives in Nigeria. Steemit live on

Hi! Thanks for the opportunity!

As a representative in Ukraine, I want to receive a pack of T-shirts. I described here my idea of using them.

The easiest way to contact me is via telegram http://t.me/alexmove
Thank You!

Круто! Ты отлично справляешься, но нет предела совершенству,
Что бы работа Алекса была более совершенной, украинские пользователи поставте плюс под этим сообщением что-бы Алекс вас увидел и мог жать апвоуты под вашими постами;)

  • )))
  ·  5 years ago (edited)

😊 ❤️

Alex, congrats again! You are really the most dutiful Steemian among Ukrainians at the moment! You deserved it!

Thank! Your support is great!


  • 💨




@steemitblog and @steemcurator01 i'm happy to have the steemit t-shirts. Thank you so much for everything you do for Steemit and for all of us.
Have a beautiful day!

Hey @steemcurator01,

Hindi translation is ready:-1000 दिन STEEM : दिन 23 - Get to know your Country Representatives

Rewards are also distributed in charities and post promoters

One upvote so many great things. Do consider voting everyone

Thanks for keeping us informed @steemitblog and for the tips mentioned.
On the other hand, I am currently living in Argentina, I would like to know who is the representative in this country.

There isn't a Country Representative for Argentina yet as we haven't found many active Steemians there yet.

Do you know of other Steemians there?

Actually the ones I know only one is participating in the game, my friend @pablo1601, through the tag #argentina I have visited the publications of @fendit and @belenguerra and in fact I am currently following it.
However I will contact other Steemians who live in Argentina.
Thanks for your answer @steemitblog.

Same! I still haven't found many other argentinians out there... will get my friends and family to join! :)

Thanks u brother

Steemit is a good way to earn Money and become a famous.

I would like to be considered for a USA Representative spot. I AM a diehard STEEMER and always recruiting people to our beloved platform. You will have a hard time finding a more LOYAL supporter than myself in the USA. As you probably know I also run GREEN HOUSE RADIO and always interact with people across multiple platforms, being sure to bring a postive light to Steemit. @steemitblog

Good afternoon @fracasgrimm; In which city are you located? In my healing process I sometimes meet some English-speaking users, It would be interesting to form a core of users in North America that help to activate different internal communities There are many Latinos living in the United States, whom I could very well support directly with ideas and strategies to grow together.

I live in Casa Grande, Arizona. I am a Caucasian, so while I fully support people of all culture, I do not have a direct connection to any Latino communities or causes.

Hi @fracasgrimm, active Steemians in the USA seem to be quite thin on the ground at present.

Do you know of many others in the US?

Yes. A good portion of the people I know here are from US.

How many active Steemians do you think there are in the USA now?

I guess I can do a poll? Is this one of the questions asked of other country reps? I am not feeling the love for the USA much. Why would it matter? We exist. No denying we have users here from the USA. Is there a minimum number needed to have an official community rep? Hey where did most of steemitinc once reside? Texas or something? WTF.

I’m a American and use Steem every day. Haven’t been super active, but we still here

Expandation in country representative would helps a lot and this season really become massive i can see dairy post in every minutes new post are publishing...

Hello Steemit team, thanks so much for the offer. On behalf of my country, "Uganda," I would love to receive a pack of those steemit t-shirts. You can contact me on my email address and I believe you already have it.

Hi @steemitblog I would love to have a pack of t-shirts by sharing our photos/videos wearing it with all steemian. Thank you for the appreciation gesture The Steemit Team & please contact me on my discord i believe you already have that.

Today's post from @steemitblog, many steemians have their eyes tempted and want to have a T-shirt bearing the logo Steemit, I feel this

Thank you very much @steemcurator01 and @steemitblog.

By : @f21steem

I would like to get a T-shirt . It looks very nice !

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Hello @steemcurator01 @steemitblog
These steemit t-shirts are looking so good. By wearing these t-shirts , It can also increase the number of peoples in steemit. I will also want to try these t-shirts.

T-Shirt yang bagus merupakan impian setiap orang untuk menggunakannya, sebuah logo tentang dunia steem, dunianya para milineal. Terimakasih @steemitblog, @steemcurator.

Great news I will join you friends, thanks for the opportunity ..

Hello! This is great idea. I am from Latvia, been in steemit since 2016. Maybe I could receive some shirts on behalf of my small country. My email- [email protected]

This is great work.

well done to the team of this great initiative.

I really want Steemit T-Shits for the Turkish Community.

I want to be the Representative of the Turkish Community and prepared a post introducing myself. Would you check ? I will also actively participate in diary games and other events. @steemitblog and @steemcurator01

Contact Discord: alikoc07 # 5714

We will certainly consider having a Country Representative in Turkey.

How many active Steemians are there in Turkey now?

There are no users currently very active in Turkey can say. But I can say that they do not know the activities in detail and they do not have information about how to participate. I can translate the information shared daily in Steemitblog, and I can also provide information about the rules required to win awards in events such as diary game, shopping game. I had previously created a community for monthly community curation and applied. Turkish Users gave me a lot of support here. I am sure that if I become a representative, we will increase the number of users by establishing the "SteemTurkey" community by supporting the quality and original content of Turkish users together. Two years ago, a company had done content and contests in this way, and then our number of active users was quite high. Currently, the Turkish Community is sharing posts there because they receive support from some communities on the Hive platform. @steemitblog

GadgetReview: https://steemit.com/trending/hive-165296

Me parece muy buena las sugerencias que has dado,de igual manera las buenas intenciones que tiene de ayudar a crecer a las comunidades. Muy buena información @steemitblog

Hola amigo @steemitblog, estoy entusiasmado con esto, soy nuevo miembro y me gusta esto de las actualizaciones diarias.
Amiga @mariita52 felicidades y muchas bendiciones en este trabajo como representante de #Venezuela. Si tienes el gusto me visitas, y si observas algo errado estaré feliz de que me corrijas! Éxitos a todos

Hello team, when something is too good, there is a saying here in Venezuela. "¡It is a lot. With too much!" and that is what it would mean to me if I could get the shirts (flannels) in my country, Venezuela.
Discord mariita52#2102

Felicitaciones a nuestra representante por Venezuela - @mariita52 estupendo el trabajo que has venido haciendo ya todos de Venezuela te conocen, por tus colaboraciones al traducir los texto de @steemitblog. Aquí estaras acompañandonos en este camino de enseñanza para todos.

Thank you for finding it in your heart to appreciate us. I'm very grateful beyond measure. You can reach me via my email address [email protected] or beautychicks#5635 on discord. Organizing meet up would be glamorous and other people would be keen to know the purpose of the uniform. It would be great having the pack.

SeeI'm with @steemitblog all the time. But I did not get any vote in the post five days ago.please Chake it🙏

Hello there @SteemitBlog. Thank you @anroja for redirecting me to this post. Here was my application to be a country representative from the Philippines.
My Application To Steem POD and Country Representative | Philippines
I have already recruited 5 people to do the #thediarygame and more to come. Thank you so much in advance.

Saya senang anda terlibat dan aktif. Ini juga akan memudahkan saya sebagai kurator komunitas di Asia Tenggara. Kita bisa bekerja sama saling membantu dan mempromosikan Steem.

saya berterima kasih atas dukungan Anda. ini mendorong tingkat motivasi saya untuk aktif di sini karena saya memiliki sesama orang Filipina yang bergabung dengan saya di sini dan juga akan mendukung mereka sepanjang jalan.

i am thankful for your support. this drove the level of my motivation to be active here because i have my fellow Filipinos who joined me here and would also be supporting them all the way.

Saya akan selalu mendukungmu kawan

Hi @fycee, are you part of Team Philippines, or did you just set it up for The Diary Game?

Hello @steemitblog, I am an admin of @steemitpowerupph. A grpup of Filipinos that aims to power up our steem power monthly and focuses more on cryptocurrencies.

I am also an ambassador of APPICS to the Philippines where I support and guide a lot of Filipino users. Currently our community on appics is really active. So here I am trying to also make them active here on Steemit back again thru #TheDiaryGame and yes created Team-Philippines for this. Thank you so much for responding.

Congrats all Representatives.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Hi @steemitblog I would love to have a pack of t-shirts by sharing our photos/videos wearing it with our all steemian. Thank you for the appreciation gesture The Steemit Team & Here is my discord contact tarpan#2384 .

Thank you!

To represent a country, what should I do?
I want to represent the Republic of Korea.

Apoyando a los representantes de los países en especial a @mariita52. Saludos desde Venezuela.

Congratulations steemit .And again thanks for giving this opportunity

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Hello @steemitblog thank you very much for this great offer of Steemit T-shirt for Country representatives. I think it would a great day to celebrate here in Ghana with my Team mates if we have these Steemit T-shirts wearing and boasting with them on street for our friends to know this amazing community. I would be with great joy to have some packs with all members here since I even don't have one. With all humbleness you can contact me on my Gmail Address: [email protected]. Thanks for this support, Steemit Team.

Hi @steemitblog @steemcurator01
I love this Site and also it's product of this one.....
It's Really Amazing in looking

Excelente aporte y gestión de @steemitblog para continuar el desarrollo de esta plataforma, éxitos

Felicitaciones @mariita52 siempre consecuente en la plataforma, Dios te bendiga lo estas haciendo muy bien pendiente de tus hermanos venezolanos. Saludos desde Cumaná edo Sucre.

En venezuela hay mucho talento y - @ mariita52

es una de ellas, que bueno que que sea nuesrtra representante y ojala que pronto se sigan uniendo más personas que lo hagan bien.

Hello @steemitblog and @steemcurator01 @steemcurator, I noticed that none of my mini-challenge entries was curated. I really felt like I did put a lot of work into creating those post. Kindly look into it and thanks for the awesome work so far.

Below are the links ;


Thanks for the tip reminder. It is important to follow them to the letter. In the first post in #thediarygame, I made some mistakes, maybe because of the nerves in trying to do things right. Then, I've been getting up and I think I haven't made any mistakes that shouldn't be made.

What is the real use of getting know about our country rep?

Saya dengan senang hari akan menerima T-shirt dari tim Steemit. Anda dapat menghubungi saya melalui discord : @anroja#8443

Hello @steemitblog, I really love the t-shirt design and it seems like good to wear during our dairy or other activities to share here on steemit. Is it also available here in the Philippines?

Да, футболка - это хорошо. Может сам себе соображу нечто подобное

Isn't it there for Philippines?

That's an great initiative by you guys to build some great connection between all the people around the country and i am sure it will help build some good relationship among all the country representative.

So I need to make a This is Me post. Hmm. Thanks for the tips!! And best of luck to those who joined the daily diary game! :)

Wow!! That is a very nice T-Shirt, i love to get some for promoting Steem, and the black color is okay. @steemMotivation

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I would whole hearted appreciate a T-shirt, as it will also enhance recruitment over here in Warri, Nigeria,
Contact: +2348062205449, Email [email protected]
Many regards @steemitblog

Hello @steemitblog
I also like to have a pack of T-Shirts. Discord:randula#3630

Where is Russia?

I need a help . I can't insert picture in my post. So can anyone tell me how can I do it?

Hi @steemitblog team, but @vipnata represents Russians, not Italians, even though she live in Italy. She helped me return to steemit - and pulled me into the game)) So the Russian team went to the start thanks to her))

We will be looking to recruit Country Representatives in Russia as well if any suitable people come forward.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment