THE DIARY GAME: 04/08/2020 | Gloomy but beautiful day

in thediarygame •  4 years ago  (edited)

Hey guys, I was feeling so lazy to get up today, but my maid is always on time so I had to woke up and open the door. She is very hardworking. She's a single mother with two daughters and she is raising them on her own very nicely.

It was kind of a gloomy day, most of the time its raining here in Bangalore now a days. So, I again went to sleep after my maid left and woke up at 11.00 am, I know its very late, but it doesn't happen everyday :P. OK, so I made just easy to make salad sandwich, you just have to put some cucumber, tomato, onion and salad cream with some butter and tadaa! it's ready to eat , I had a glass of juice with it.


So it's been quite some time I wanted to arrange my cupboard as it had become very messy. So I thought Today should be the day . Now due to COVID, we don't get to go outside like before, and there are no parties around town as well :( . I decluttered some of the items which are now not in use at all and overall I organised it categorically.
It took me good amount of time and I was again late for lunch, my bad i know :( .

I quickly went to kitchen, prepared lunch. It was normal Indian meal chapati and curry, actually I have been eating rice in lunch for some days, but I realized it has added some extra pounds on my body. So, now I switched my diet back to chapati, because I researched a little bit and found out that rice contributes in good amount to gain weight.

Anyways, If anybody differs from my opinion can put their thoughts in comments. I would be happy to know.


After having lunch I was reading this book by Author Mark Mansion 'The subtle art of not giving a f*** '. It's a New York Times and Globe and Mail Bestseller. This book is about a different approach to living a good life.

There are so many valuable things said by author in this book which will make you question your existence and the way we are living our life. I was reading this chapter named 'Don't try' in which the author wants to convey that acceptance is the key, all those motivational speakers, they only sell their idea of happiness. But the very first thing is to accept your condition and move forward.

He says "you can never be happy if you'll continue to search what can make you happy".


I took a break and made myself a cup of green tea and continued reading the book.

It was evening and I switched on my TV to watch some news so I can keep up on current events, Then I played my favourite music and started my exercise.

Around 9.30 p.m I started preparing Dinner. Spoke with my mother over phone, it's always a long call, then I had dinner and called it a day.

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You are right Covid-19 is spreading very speedly in our country India. So you may take green tea and warm water. And you may also take fruits for immunity power.
And yes chapati is better than rice I also like to eat chapati. I enjoyed your post .

Steem on.

Thank you @satyam996. I appreciate it.