in thediarygame •  4 years ago 

Hello steemians 🖐️, I hope everyone is doing great. I'm ruchii back with another day of TheDiaryGame.

On Wednesday warm morning, It had a sensible temperature of 32° C this morning with 44% humidity. I woke up at 5 am that day and set off the alarm. Today I felt much more humidity than normal so I checked whether forecasting but it shows partly sunny. Then I put my mobile on the charge and got up from the bed for the bathroom to my daily routine hygiene. Then I came down to have my tea.

Now it was time for my daily workout, as I rested yesterday so my body was completely fresh and not paining even a bit. Regular exercise is excellent for boosting energy and reducing fatigue. So I followed my daily workout exercises followed by warm-up exercises. It took around one and a half hours then I took rest and had a protein diet. After a while, I took a shower

At around 8 am, I opened steemit on my mobile to check update by @steemitblog .There was not any latest update so I check my notifications and then went through some diary posts and commented on them. It is such a relief for me to read the diaries of others that I got to learn a lot from them. I learned a lot and tried to apply some of them in my diary posts. I'm trying to make my diary look more attractive with quality content too. After reading some of the diary posts I went through some more markdown styling guide. I need to learn so much on this blockchain.

At around 9:30, my breakfast was ready. So I had homemade idli Sambhar at breakfast
. Then I headed straight to my study table for my morning session of studies. Also, I got to know that this year/semester examination will be held on 30th September onwards whose exams whose examinations were to be held in June. And the examinations of the remaining students will be taken in December at my University. So my exams will be taken in December. So after studying for a couple of hours I took some rest.

At around 1 pm, I read brief national and international news. I got to know a couple of interesting news today. After reading the news on my mobile, I took a short nap at 2 pm. My aunt and my cousin sister came to our home, who are staying just a few doors away. So I woke up to hear their voice. Then I spend some time playing ludo with my cousin as she was feeling bored, lol.

Then we all had some snacks like bhelpuri and chai.. with meetha mixture



At around 9:30 pm, my dinner was ready so I had sabzi and Roti at dinner. After dinner, I went for a walk for 20 minutes. . Then I stayed for another hour watching youtube videos. After that, I wrote my diary and Then head straight to sleep.

So this was my today's activities. Stay safe stay healthy. Thank you for visiting here. I appreciate your time.

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You have prepared wonderful and delicious food for it today. Obviously; I was very curious how the Sabzi and Roti meal was made. You can share how one of the meals you prepare during the day is made and participate in the weekly cooking contest that I organize. :)

Yaa sure I"ll take part in this contest @alikoc07

I'm looking forward to the meal you will prepare. I am sure it will be delicious. :)