Blah blah blah, mumble mumble, something snarky about dishonest critics & reviewers, yakkedy smackedy about ones lack of veiled acknowledgements about ones smug superiorities, blah blah blah, brief slivers of humanizing introspections immediately undercut by constant reappearances of crippling persecution complexes, pithy plathity, and trisyllabic segue.
WHAT, were you expecting something pretentiousness from me... FUCK NO, I don't that that kind of shit!
SIGH... BUT in all seriousness though, my acknowledgements that arguments on the internet over movements that exist on the internet for/or against things on the internet, and against stuff that only the internet cares about via the viewers adding meaning to art is not exactly "More or less" the ideals of democratic discourses that theoritocles fought & died over at the battles of the blue & green-screens.
This does not always precludes my additional sad acknowledgements that people with a big mouths like me, should endeavor to also have big ears like me, and the "NOT SO" fundamental & influential laws of averages holds that even flaming-tornados hitting broken down sewage treatment facilities resulting in burning-shitstorms that all internet arguments will "ALWAYS"/eventually descends & devolves into..., but "IF" sufficiently sized it can manage to toss around a few ideas worth taking into considerations.
Just like Bob Chipaman did in his old show "The Big Picture" on the Escapists channel I'm trying to zero in on today as my very first video of my second show "The Honest pictures" is one out of too many components of the myriads & complicated grievances "SUPPOSEDLY" held against the geek, dork, and nerd medias as well as the presses of all forms of entertainments.
Mainly because it keeps constantly cropping up, even before the most VERY recently unpleasantness for the last three to seven years that the ideas that there's entirely too much talk of politics in geek, dork, and nerd cultures in the entertainment industries, and especially around comics, movies, animes, cartoons, and most importantly video games in particulars... MOREOVER, I happen to agree with them on this topic!
Now to be fair, much as I appreciate picking apart any narrative art pieces for a way to tie this and/or that, low and/or high-minded hot-button an/or bullshit-button issues as a thought exercise or even for kicks I can also concede that it can be tiresome reading yet another analysis piece about a videogame, or a movie, or a cartoon, anime, book, comic, music, and Est.
But It's obvious there are very many people who are clearly more interested in showcasing the author's expertise in particular fields and/or traditions of cultural critiques, regardless of logical & reasonable stretching requiring to get there... and it's these kind of logic hurdles and complications that give me such a fucking pounding headache, and I bet it's the same thing for you all also?
Although that's not exactly to say that, you cannot fill a library with in-depth examinations of races, classes, cultures, and "what not an what is" in Halo, Mass Effect, Warhammer & 40,000 franchises, and est.
The problem that everyone is overlooking is... "Hmm"... how do I explain this... maybe this old saying will help? "One mans garbage is another mans treasure", and sadly there is more garbage out there in the world than actual treasure in this day & age, and if you still don't believe go check out all the horrible movies that's been coming out for the last 3 years as proof and that's only the tip of the iceberg!
On the other hand, there was nothing to "be said" about gender or sexuality and also colonialisms or cultural appropriations in the Indiana Jones movies, Lara Croft in her games and the "Uncharted" videogames staring Nathan Drake.
If you want my opinion, I really do not think sexual appropriateness should be a "more or less" factor in one's efficiency as an archaeologist, and/or a treasure hunter, and/or an adventurer!
On the other hand, it is not going to be "really interesting" to see how the results from that "Endless Space 2 Free Weekend & Community Challenge!" event for the pc gaming, Because the dlc that is going to be based on the "un-lock-able" in that event is going to be free dlc for the game anyways.
However, if you are looking for a Marxist manifesto's between the lines of Snow Bros & Bubble Bobble... you "REALLY NEED" to re-examine several of your life choices... because I constantly do whenever something monumentally bad & unlucky happens to me!
Nevertheless, I cannot "more or less" get on board with the ideas that discussions in the entertainment industries is either.
A: They somehow become "too invested" in to matters of politics, religion, and/or "gods forbids" social justice of the "worst variety"?
B: It "should be avoided, all together "at all times, at all costs" unless certain forms of entertainments "like videogame for example" come along an inappropriately stamped with a republican and/or democratic endorsement stickers on them, or issues that have political dimensions that's NOT supposed to be there in the first place?
On a side note: when it comes to choices A&B: it's already happening for the last 3 to 7 years..."MAYBE, even longer than that"!
I know It "isn't" simply made-up bugbears of cable news reports, "that are" just about anything of values and/or draws interests of political dimensions simply by virtues of existing within our cultures... "DESPITE THE FACT" this has actually happened on several occasions..., IN ADDITION if you still "don't" believe me... does the names Mass Effect 1, Bulletstorm, and the Fox New channel rings any bells because that's also just "the tip of the iceberg" on that topic too!.
Even if you "don't" dwell on them... someone stupid is & will dwell on them, and you "can't" very well pretend they are not there either... even though some privileged assholes will try!
If you "STILL" don't believe me here are a few "examples": the 2016 Ghostbusters, the Warcraft movie, 2016 The Mummy, Alien: Covenant, Thor: Ragnarok, Man of steel film of 2013, batman vs. superman: dawn of justice, The Emoji Movie, Transformers: last knight, Valerian, The Dark Tower movie, and now the new release that's a total mess & flopped Justice league... and I don't know about you ... BUT that's over two years of fucking bad movies!
Now on a much less series note, The Smurfs "have often been described" as an idyllic representations of a functioning communist societies, and on a "darker note" they have also been described as an "idyllic" representations of Nazi Aryanisms if that surprises you... I on the other hand deeply disagree with the after, and I am saying it because I loved watching the Smurfs when I was a kid!
While the Ducktales new & old versions "is considered" one of the strongest endorsements of capitalism could have asked for, I on the other hand am saying this because I love both the old and new versions of ducktales because of there rich story and comedy!
The Flinstones and the Jetsons are both satires of suburban nuclear family consumer values via using cartoon exaggerations BUT I still love both these shows nonetheless, and I wish there are more cartoons like them too, and less like "Family Guy & The Simpson's"!
There's also "more or less" subtle immigration parallel's to the stories of Mork & Mindy, ET, Earth to Echo, Alf, and The Journey of Allen Strange from nickelodeon and I love all of them and I really wish there are more TV shows & movies like them too!
I also totally agree with Bob chipman when he said, "Do you think the characterizations of the Middle East in Aladdin would be different if they made the films and the cartoon series after 9/11, Afghanistan, and Iraq"... and just like him I have to say "probably not also"..., and that fucking SUCK and that SUCKS because I ALWASY LOVED the myths an legends of Genies, magic carpets, Sinbad the sailor, Ali baba & the 40 thieves, Alladin, and the legends & tales of the Arabian nights from the middle east in general... not to mention I also love seeing sexy women wearing those sexy harem outfits like in "Aladdin" an in "I dream of genie" as well... and don't fucking lie to me about you not thinking about it too!
I also found out via Bob Chipman's "The Big Picture" on the escapists channel that Superman's original moral code was once to fight for truth, tolerance, and justice... but it "was changed" to truth, justice, and the American ways in the 50's when everyone was very much worried about fanatical patriotisms of superheroes... for me I have no problems with Superman's original moral code of "truth, tolerance, and justice" because in this day an age we need more of these three!
Now that we are on the subjects of superheroes what are we to make of Batman?
Because I also agree with Bob Chipman when it comes to batman, like is Batman the free-market ideals of a clever capitalist using his limitless wealth to find "more or less" creative solutions to the social problems & crimes or is he an obscenely wealthy, privileged, and stuck up crybaby buying himself a license to beat-up poverty-stricken-class henchmen and the mentally ill in order to feel better about his childhood trauma a.k.a. "survivors guilt".
Even though Bruce Wayne has the money an political influence to eliminate the violent crimes all but completely from Gotham... the same violent crimes that his "rich, stuck-up, and privileged upper class society created in the first place" by building a few factories here & there in Gotham and putting every single remotely able-bodied citizen to work at them for a living wage and benefits!
On another side note here: To tell you the truth about the superheroes in the comics... they will never work correctly and/or properly in the real world... in this day & age of contradictions, stereotypes of the worst variety, hypocrites, procrastinators, and superficial scumbag-eerie's... no matter how hard they work or what ever they do someone will fucking complain, bitch, gripe, and again complain about them.., and if you still don't believe me go check out "What If The Justice League Was Real?" at "LifesBiggestQuestions" on youtube, also check out the "Dark Knight" movies, the "Man Of Steal", Batman VS Superman: dawn of justice, and the recently came out flop that is "Justice League" as proof of it!
IN ADDITION, if you want my BRUTAL HONESTY, we need more people like the Punisher and Dead pool in the real world, who have a more realistic perspectives of the world, "fighting fire with fire" if you catch my drift!
Now were on to the main topic of videogames now, and I "More or less" agree & disagree with Bob Chipman here, as videogames are very different from any other forms of entertainments as some of you may say and I agree with you there, videogames are interactive, so the narratives are often broad-err, arch-i.e., unorthodox, and sometimes non-linear in order to allow a more immediate immersions by the players who will bring enough of there own perspectives to the experiences that it would make in-game themes secondary.
..."Well okay" the theme is still there regardless & nonetheless and we do not mean that like how the stupid "battlefield" franchises and "Modern warfare" franchises was/are inherently political because it involves "more or less" real-world armies and very obviously willed into existence to slake the western bro-gamers-trolls and in particular to over-patriotic-Americans needs for more semblances of control if not catharsis's from Middle Eastern military conflicts in a post-9/11 world , but I fucking hate the Battlefield and Call of Duty games!
Well okay, but what about the historical business in the assassin's Creed games or the various things in World of tanks, World of ships, Gone Home, and Papers Please... because I do not like the assassin's Creed games, or World of tanks, or World of ships, or Gone Home, or Papers Please!
On a side note: I think games "like" Depression Quest is garbage shovelware, and Zoë Quinn doesn't deserves the money or the prestige from the game in the first place... but that last part is just my opinion!
BUT NO those are the obvious ones, what I'm talking about is "more or less" the brutal criticisms of the "so called" socially directionless and sexual immaturities among the Western, European, and Eastern otaku cultures when it comes to the lack of games based on NONE-western, NONE-European, and NONE-Japanese cultures like Buddhists & Hindu cultures & est. inherently like in Asuras Wrath's via the characterizations of Asura and all the other characters in the game too?
Because I am still convinced, the game is awesome nonetheless!
Or the most surprisingly, realistically, and accurately designing of women in the video game industry to this very day that is Bayonetta... just like the fact that the famous revealing of Samus Aran being a women in the gold power armor in the original Metroid game being a surprise in the first place says more about the place of gender in our societies in the late 80's than in the whole series that all "more or less" failed attempts to characterize her in the first place.
While Mega man can "more or less" be easily read" at least in some parts as a cautionary tale about allowing day-to-day life to become so overly mechanized, that a single man "with an axe to grind against the world" as the old saying goes, could threaten the world by being the one who masters an controls the machines, and this is "more or less" shown & considered as perfect examples of the "Frankenstein's complex" and the "Frankenstein's paradox"... topics that will get there own future episodes on "The Honest Pictures" or "The Existential Overthinker".
Sonics conflict with Dr. Robotnik is definably about "NOT experimenting" on animas as well as "protecting the environments" from people like Robotnik a.k.a. the corporations in our real world!
Where as Duck Hunt is ambiguously just a simple sports simulator in the form of hunting ducks "WITHOUT" actually hunting ducks for real!
Fucking hell people, I mean... think about this, the most famously joked about simple story in not only in the videogames but also in the entire history of entertainment industries an beyond as a whole "rescue the princess", to some it also means implicitly "restore & preserve a monarchy", a.k.a. Princesses Peach, Daisy, Zelda, Daphne, Rosa, Garnet, Shana, Elsa, Anna, Aurora, snow white, Anastasia, Leia, Rapunzel, Belle, Bloom, Stella, Layla "but she's also known as" Eisha in some dubs, Roxy, and est. are political leaders of there respective kingdoms after all.
While haters like Anita Sarkesian, Zoë Quinn, Brianna wuu, and many other horrible people think it is... "In a lot of cases" racist, sexist, misogynistic, and in some way it has something to do with the patriarchy... and I'm here to tell you that it is fucking bullshit and these people have no fucking idea what there talking about... end of story!
Therefore, it is kind of "more or less" there regardless of "whether or not" you think Shigeru Miyamoto, Don Bluth, or even Walt Disney secretly monarchists by the "more or less" same tokens.
Mike Haggar from Final Fight is an actual polititian as well as a former pro wrestler and in making him a player charater in the cult-classic brawler Final Fight "IMPLICITLY SUGGESTS" that heavy-handed tactics are in fact the answer to street crime, gang violence, dirty cops, and corrupt politicians... and I happen to agree with that!
Fucking hell people w hat about Mecha technology, I know for a matter of fact that we've had the technology to build realworld versions of mobile suits from Gundam for about 30 to 40 years, for fucking crying out loud people even the mythes an legends of the nazis say that they THEMSELVES had the technology all those years ago BUT they destroyed it all when the end of WW2 was near, and yet "NO ONE IS WILLING" to cough up the money to build them... THAT IS untill very recently about 3 to 4 years ago via the megabots Eagle Prime & Iron Glory vs Kuratas!
And what about the "Kids Next Door" & the "Grimm adventures of Billy & Mandy" huh... why don't they look an ack like real kids apart from being small and playing?
In both cartoons there lumpy misshapen things who act more like spoiled, privileged, and desensitized brats than actualy children!
In "The Grimm Adventures of Billy & Mandy" can be considered as a representation of how decensitized humanity has become in the last 17 years via how bad the educations sytem has become!
How the world leaders in the cartoon are parodies of people in the real world & inept!
How third wave femenist have become so facist & manipilative & hatefull... thus the name "femenazis" via how evil Mandy behaves threwout the whole serries from 2000 to 2008... thats fucking 13 years before the #gamergate contraversy existed!
How Billy can be considered a purfect representation of how men have become more stupid, detached with reality, and less manly via soy products & women falsely accusing them of rape, and not wanting to be accused of being racist and stuff, and it's rather ironic being that billy's Mother & father are representations of the worse attributions of parents in the 90's and 2000's, via his mother being an overbering nag, his father is a dumbass to borderline retarded, AND the greatest irony is that Billy's grand-father from his fathers side is a fucking MANLY MAN...
MOST IMPORTANTLY... how Grimm is a representation of old time values & fasions that are being mistreated, disrespected, and abused!
On ANOTHER side note here: Billy & Mandy "DID NOT" beat Grimm and make him there forever friend/slave fair & square in that limbo constest... Mandy cheated!
While in "Kids Next Door"... or K.N.D. for short can be considered as a representation of how spoiled, previalaged, detached with reality, and decensitized the melainal children have become and "it's only gotten worse after they became grown ups"... fighting a "more or less" nonesense wars against adults who are smarter than they are, and against treditional family values of the 80's an 90's by flining themselves across the battlefield knocking stuff over with machines made out of "2-by-4" wood and guarbage, blowing stuff up with things that arn't even supposed to blow up in the first place, and feeling like they're accomplishing something within there "massive structures" that is there giant tree houses... when in reality they just made things even worse for everyone!
All n all, are we to be reminded of the joint overextentions and domestic glutonies of say... The late roman empire, which if you recal had "massive structures" as one of there insignias of power?
Or the nazis... they had "massive structures" and "massive machines" as there insignias of power too... before they were destroyed for there crimes against humanity & nature in WW2?
Or maybe we can even take them "more or less" as a metaphore for a more recent society symbolized by "massive structures" but now more popilurly known for first world problems via complacency, roundness, anger, false accusations, racism against white people, long range bomb-tossings in the battle fields and on the internet?
One that's grown so comfortable in it's directionless at the top for the last "more or less" 30 years that it can no longer be bothered to maintian it's own mythologies, instead it's glomming onto trappings of consumer nostalgias in desperations for quests for modurn identities that can only be slaked by further an further probre... Okay okay that's exactly the kind of overreaching nonsense bob chipman was talking about from the very begginning of his video "Everything Means Something" in his old show "The Big Picture" on the "Escapist" channel where he used to work at, AND I totally agree with him because I fucking hate that kind of nonsense too!
Please listen okay, pretentiousness is one out of very many things I HATE in life, but a distaste for that shouldn't turn you off from looking at things you like more completly and fully, because you can't really divorece most things from any deeper meanings and/or readings and/or influences that are from broader cultures... or as Bob Chipan would say "I hope you can't" because other wise I've made this one video based on a massive fallacy" BUT "HONESTLY" if you want my opinion, I'd rather you all DO understand this already... because this would makes my job easier because I really don't think this is a fallacy at all!
Now your probably going to ask me whats my point and what you the aidiance are overlooking?
My POINT is that "EVERYTHING INSPIRES EVERYTHING" just as bob chipmans said in his video "Everything Means Something", BUT in this day & age of contradictions, stereotypes, hypocrites, procrastinators, shameless shallowness, and superficial scumbag-ery of a world decensitized to reality... EVERYTHING in the enterntainment industries is becomming too spoofy, too parodied, too slapstick-ish, AND too pretentiousness and people like me arn't allowed to be angry about it or anything anymore and are forced to accept it a face value... WTF people... SERIOUSLY WTF?!
BUT there is hope in the enterntainment industries... because thanks to youtubers like MatPat via his channel "Gametheory" we now know that batman has a "heros complexe" via his Gametheory "Batman: Arkham Asylum, Diagnosing Arkham".
Thanks to Austin's "The SCIENSE" he proves batmans fighting styles are deadly via his video "Proof Batman Kills, A LOT! "The SCIENCE!" of Batman.
Thanks to Matpat again for his Gametheory video "Call of Duty, Modern War Crimes" we now know there were a shit ton of war crimes commited in these wargames and it is these warcrimes which helped give rise to contraversies about wargames like Battlefield & Call of Duty incuraging war/hate crimes.
Thanks to Mr. Enter via his channel "The mysterius Mr.Enter" we can "more or less" reconize what is a good and/or bad T.V. & movie-based enterntainments via his shows "admirable Animation" and "animated atrocitise".
And thanks to Bob Chipman via his channel "Moviebob" we now know that "NOT ALL" technology is dangerous and what to do when we meet living technology like in TRANSFORMERS and TRANSFORMERS: THE MOVIE (1986) via his show "Really That Good" which also shows us how a feature length Toy Commercial from the 80s like transformers can become an emotional "coming of age" story as well as many other examples online on youtube via his many other shows on youtube.
Thank you all for watching & listening to my video here, sorry it lasted so long but I really needed to get it off my chest, sorry there are sections that sound lackluster I've been tired and haven't been feeling well for a while, and would you kindly leave a like down below and leave a comment down below as well... just be respectful when your leaving a comment and don't troll me or other commenter-s okay?
This is FortKavanagh, and this is the very first video of "The Honest Pictures"...
▶️ DTube
if anyone has any questions just come an ask me, and if anyone has any constructive criticism come and tell me but please be respectful when you tell me?
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