The power of thoughts

in thelawofattraction •  7 years ago 

I understand the power of thoughts. I understand that what you think about, you become. But I am asking how that happens? How can I deliberately get what I want with the power of my thoughts?

My Inner Being:
It is not magic, it is a natural process.
First, there is contrast. Contrast helps you to create a wish. When something, not wanted, happen to you at that very moment you know exactly what you want.
For example, if you are without money, you wish for plenty of money.
That is the first step in deliberate creation.

Ok, I understand that. I understand how wish is born.
That happens naturally, without me doing anything except being exposed to contrast (to something, that I don't like very much).

My Inner Being:

And then, what happens then?

My Inner Being:
Your wish is a thought. Your wish is energy. Your wish is like a seed you put in a soil. Your wish is planted in a vibrational reality.

What is a vibrational reality?

My Inner Being:
It is a reality that is vibrationally based.
You live in physical reality, where you can see, smell and touch things around you. Vibrational reality can become a physical reality too if you want to, but the ​vibrational reality is vibrationally based, so you can't see it, can't smell it or touch, but you can feel it.
In vibrational reality are your thoughts, your wishes, seeds that you planted with wishing.
Every wish is vibrational first. every thought is energy and exists in vibrational reality.

Do I have my own vibrational reality?

My Inner Being:
Yes. Everybody has it.
There also exist collective vibrational realities, but about that maybe another time...

Ok. So, I understand, that I have my vibrational reality where my wishes are planted. I would like that energy, that wishes, that thoughts to become true.

My Inner Being:
They are already true.
Do you mean, to become visible in physical reality?

Yes, I would like, my wish for plenty of money, to become touchable in physical reality. I would like to spend it you know.

My Inner Being:
Yes of course.

How do I do that?

My Inner Being:
Like we said, every thought, wish has its own vibration. Plenty of money has its own vibration.

Ok, I understand.

My Inner Being:
You can connect with that vibration.
Actually, you have to connect with that vibration in order to 'make' it physical.
You have to connect vibrationally with your thought 'plenty of money' if you want that idea gets a physical form.

How do I do that?

My Inner Being:
You feel.
When you feel like you have plenty of money, you are connected with that idea.

Ok, but how that helps me to get plenty of money on my bank account?

My Inner Being:
Don't be too fast. First, feel plenty of money and become stable in that idea. That is preparation for physical manifestation. When you feel the idea of 'plenty of money' you prepare yourself for it. You become ready for it.

So, I just think about plenty of money, and it will become true?

My Inner Being:
Like we said it is not magic it is a process. Natural process.

So, how does it happen then?

My Inner Being:
When you nourish that idea 'plenty of money' you feel good. You start to feel like you have plenty of money, and then you get an idea. You become creative.
You feel better and better, and more ideas flow to you. You become more creative and you enjoy every step of the way.
And of course more contrast come on your way as well and with that, more wishes are born, and clarity about what you want and how to get it.
When you connect yourself with the idea 'plenty of money' you get clarity how to get it, how to create it in the physical world. And then, the inspired action. You get a need for action.
You feel the excitement. You start to expect money. And when you start to expect money, you are on the brink of manifestation.

Uau. That was wild. I may have few more questions, but I have to process that first. So maybe another time?

My Inner Being:
Yes of course. You can ask us anything, anytime :).

Thank you.

Your wish is a thought. Your wish is energy. Your wish is like a seed you put in a soil. Your wish is planted in a vibrational reality..jpg

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