
in themachine •  last year 

VOTE MICHELLE OBAMA. Or else you're racist and sexist. Never mind Britney Spears with knives. Just announced, this is the plan. Roger Stone has been saying Michelle would be running for the past like 2 years since like 2021. Alex Jones reporting. Covid Contact Tracing. Michelle Obama will replace Biden. They're blocking RFK. They're trying remove Trump off ballots. They want to replace Trump with anybody. So they can have Obama beat the anybody. Whether it's Pence, DeSantis, Vivek, etc. Roger Stone & Alex Jones reporting. Big Mike vs Orange Man. Just announced, Michelle Obama will be running in 2024 against Trump who they're trying to remove off ballots, imprison, and murder. Vote Big Mike or you're racist, sexist, and crazier than Britney Spears dancing with knives next to puppy poodle dogs.

NO CHEATING: You're last saved celebrity picture is your therapist... Alex Jones and his Alien Seal. Britney Spears needs help. But we all need help. The question isn't do you need help but how can people help you. Both things are true. Her father did her bad and she did herself bad too. It's not either or. I blame MK-Ultra and the drugs and everything. I relate to her.

Covid Contact Tracing is back. Biden ordered American Airlines to reinstate the evil Covid Lockdown Contact Tracing just announced, this is scarier than Britney Spears dancing with knives near cute puppies who you want to squeeze. They want to squeeze you. Covid Camps. In America. Comply with Contact Tracing. Or they come to your house. They drag you off to the camps. They did that in Australia. They're preparing to do it in the United States. Just Announced. Scarier than Britney Spears.

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