These images are from a beautiful war memorial park recently dedicated in bucolic Keene and Keene Valley, New York, nestled amongst the mighty high peaks of the Adirondack Mountains. If you are wondering where the Vietnam memorial and memorials for various other wars our country has since decided to take part in (or to actually cause!), Vietnam's stone marker was still being completed, and, let's face it, those other wars? They might never end. Yesterday, 27 June 2017, happened to be National PTSD Awareness Day, so I thought it fitting to remind us of our violent past (and present)... also, did you know that every day, an average of 20 veterans of war commit suicide in this country? And remember, PEACE begins from within.
Hopeful sign at the Keene, NY Memorial Park
Entrance to the Keene, NY Memorial Park
The first wars commemorated at the Keene, NY Memorial Park
The Great American Civil War, Keene, NY Memorial Park
The First Great World War, Keene, NY Memorial Park
The Second Great World War, Keene, NY Memorial Park
One of our great 'forgotten' wars, The Korean War, Keene, NY Memorial Park