Thoughts of Ben Sira: Happy those who meditate upon these things; wise those who take them to heart! Ben Sira 50:28

in thoughts •  last year 

The Master of Wisdom Ben Sira recorded his spiritual thoughts on the science of God in the book that bears his name; in this ancient text the author reflected and meditated on this excellence of God that has accompanied him since before the creation of the world, by and for wisdom, all things in the universe were created, the wisdom is progressive, expansive, uplifting, and benevolent: "Before all other things wisdom was created; and prudent understanding, from eternity" Ben Sira 1:4.
Ben Sira in his book wanted men to know where all the blessings of the Lord come from, in a world of appearances, finding the truth is fundamental, because everything is built from it. In man, the sage taught, everything begins with the desire to be instituted, that is, everything begins with the fear of God, and whoever knows the fear of God receives a great blessing, the master of wisdom taught in his book: "The fear of the Lord rejoices the heart, giving gladness, joy, and long life" Ben Sira 1:12.
And it is also the fear of God that leads men to understand the greatest mystery of God, his wisdom: "The beginning of wisdom is to fear the Lord" Ben Sira 1:14. And whoever understands this in his heart understands the meaning of human life, God created man to increase the order and perfection of the universe.
And so, with the intention of blessing his readers, the wise man left a final reflection, who meditates on the wisdom and the teachings of his book, will be able to face everything in life, achieve success, and be blessed:
"Wise instruction, appropriate proverbs,
I have written in this book—
I, Yeshua Ben Eleazar Ben Sira—
as they poured forth from my heart's understanding.
Happy those who meditate upon these things;
wise those who take them to heart!
If they put them into practice, they can cope with anything,
for the fear of the LORD is their lamp." Ben Sira 50:27-29.
Thoughts of Ben Sira. Happy those who meditate upon these things; wise those who take them to heart! Ben Sira 50,28.jpg
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