Time: Did you know ...? Lines, paradoxes, Déjà vu, etc. Find out!

in tiempo •  7 years ago 

Hello, read carefully.
¡I hope you like it!Is it true that there are different journeys in time ?, or perhaps it was only human inventions to define and even give more complexity to what we call "Time?".
Normally we know as time at the hours of the clock that they are passing and tell us the time, but ... We do not really know what is the TIME nowadays. I have always said that we humans are creators, inventors and even people who have discovered things beyond understanding, something even cavemen could not do in their years of existence. But .. What would we know ?, Normally our capacity is reduced, limited only to the things we normally observe and live through the days, the years ..
We are not scientists to study thoroughly what is Time and its inconsistencies, but something I do tell you .. Time, like us, hides secrets, secrets that even the greatest scientists on the planet have not been able to complete, I suppose It will always be a mystery, or it will only be something that exists and already. But no, we are curious beings that discover more and more things that we thought were already solved but still hide great secrets.

The human capacity, is currently limited by many things, we simply learn what we need to learn, and only activate (According to my opinion), 5% of our brain capacity to do and finish the things we do throughout the years. days, but .. Can you imagine if we used 100% ?, in my opinion we would be the most complete people on the planet, acceding to be more prominent people in all existing places, that is to say in everything we do. But the capacity deceives us, we believe that we use it in its totality but it is not like that, to study the time .. We must have great understanding ..We know that time has many things to discover but it would be a little crazy to talk without having bases, even without some study.
I identify myself as a person who studies medium but with great capacity for understanding, I am a fan of the curious and if I like something I find out, for me time is something that was already written, some say that before all creation (I speak of not only planets, also galaxies, etc). There was no time, everything was empty, but with creation came time, something that would reward the planets for existing to discover their evolution and that would bring that planet into existence.
I know they are complicated but interesting topics, time was brought with many curious things, and we know that everything can be possible not by the simple fact that we exist, but by the simple fact that there are "Remnants" or even the famous holes of worms that from my point of view are holes of remote time, it does not have place but if origin with its corresponding time, holes that were created thanks to the "Creation", (Topics that I will elaborate later).
Then, if there are the wormholes then ... There may be time travel, yes I know.
An introduction and even personal opinions to give prominence to the main theme, time travel and its variants, do they really exist?
We will not find out everything in itself, it will only be small opinions and studies that I have discovered over the years. A subject that fascinates me and that I think will fascinate you too.

"Time is a physical quantity with which we measure the duration or separation of events."

Once once understood that it is the "Time" itself, we could go directly to the Trips, something that for some is impossible and on the other hand for some it is completely possible. That is, if there is time .. Why is there no "Travel" in it? It is totally correct. For a long time people have wondered and have even lived with the doubt that everything they live has already been written, but. Are you sure that the creation created all your destiny and that of the others ?, well .. You are correct in saying that you control your destiny, it is true. But and if I tell you that everything is written or at least the great part. If you stumble upon a madman like me, surely you would laugh but I assure you that yes, destiny and time is something curious, something that I have respect and I know when something is good for me or not. For me, time is written but if we have absolute control, we are the ones who draw our goals, our goals and visualize ourselves in them in the FUTURE.
Little by little we are doing it, do not you think it's because that's how it was written ...?
Yes and no. Yes because of the fact that if time exists, destiny also.
No, because we are the ones that control in a certain way our future and actions.

Of course, time also brings its lines, that is. Each action has its reaction, and each step you take has a different future, that's why your mother tells you to behave well, it is to be well in the future that you have to yourself that in itself, is a good future.

Each time line changes according to the events and actions of the person, today you can be an average person, wanting to move forward. It turns out that tomorrow, because of your effort, you are the greatness that you longed for so much. The lines are written like time, like everything. Only that simply depending on your actions you will guide yourself to the destination that time has for you, why do you think they say: "Take the best decisions, millet, is the best for you"? Well that's why ... as I said before, "Every action has a reaction" ..

In our lives, everything is possible, we can get everything we want with the most minimum effort, you only have to get it."Time allows ordering events in sequences, establishing a past, a future and a third set of events neither past nor future with respect to another. In classical mechanics this third class is called "present" and is formed by simultaneous events to a given one ".

In other words, we are the ones who control our present and our future, the present is what we live and the future is uncertain, there is only the past. What we have already lived and live in the now. All originated by the same thing .. "The Time", Incredible no ?, are themes that come and go, but interesting in turn, something that will explode your head, but at the same time you will like it just because it is, who knows ..?, and yes .. Are we a small child's creation ..? We are not completely Omnipresent, but I bet you that if we are we would soon discover who we came into existence for, Incredible, no?

Hey, do not worry!
We are almost done.
Time will always be the or one of the greatest mysteries to discover and even study, we know that apart from the Time Lines, paradoxes, etc ...
There is also ("Time") in us. As well...?
Has it ever given you the feeling that you've already experienced something? (Yes, I know, another cliché theme, believe me, it's cliché but it never goes out of style).

Dejá vú, known for that feeling that you traveled in time for unknown reasons and have already lived and know what will happen by simple work of the universe, yes.

For me the Dejá vús are more than all trips .. But not any kind of trip, I speak of those trips when you sleep .. If you understand me ... no?
At this point you will say: This time if he is crazy, but believe me with a little curiosity you will find out how I do.
These trips in my humble opinion, are something more Spiritual, a topic that we will touch in another post. These trips consist in which the person during sleep, for seconds or minutes is disconnected from his body, traveling through life beyond the present and returning to their respective bodies to continue as they have to be things.
The question is: Why do those things happen ?, Well who knows .. We are beings that still do not discover everything, our body travels or dreams events that we will live or have already lived ..
Have we already lived ...?, Let me tell you that it does not just stay there, the Dejá vús can be experiences beyond life, perhaps they are occasions that your body lived when it existed in another material body, in other words when it was I live in another body, so that feeling is manifested that we have already lived because our new life (The current) is linked to the previous life, symptoms that are chained to the same destination. (Funny, is not it?)
To culminate .. The time and its variants, the temporal lines, the paradoxes and even the Dejá vus are creations that life has brought with it to explain things that will not be explained by a good time, I would explain more thoroughly what that I think of the Dejá vús but it will be a subject for another Post. I will only tell you that if we live now in another life we ​​will live something more like the "Now", do you understand ...?, Yes. We will talk about reincarnations, a subject that I would like to explain later but now I do not have time.

I hope you liked it, time is something curious, something unexplored, something that we will discover with the passing of time.
"Déjà vu, is a kind of pair amnesia of recognition (as opposed to the amnesia of memory) of some experience that we feel as if we had lived previously."

¡Good Bye!

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