TIL: Nobody Really Knows What Déjà vu is...

in til •  8 years ago 

Today I learned...

Most of us had the that experience.., where we feel like -- "we've been here before," or -- "haven't we met..?" You are positive, you can feel it in your bones.

deja vu

But what is it..? What is actually happening that gives us "that" feeling?

It's usually accompanied by a strange sort of feeling… But as usual, us humans have to explain everything. "There must be a logical reason for this…" And there are -- there are actually a few different "logical" reasons for it.., which leads me to believe -- they have no idea why this happens and are just trying to squeeze it into a box, in an effort to understand, everything.

  1. One theory is there is a split-second delay in transferring information from one side of the brain to the other. One side of the brain would then get the information twice – once directly, and once from the 'in charge' side. So the person would sense that the event had happened before.

  2. Another theory is "cryptomnesia", which is where information learned is forgotten but nevertheless stored in the brain, and similar occurrences invoke the contained knowledge, leading to a feeling of familiarity because the event or experience being experienced has already been experienced in the past.

  3. And another one is… Certain drugs increase the chances of déjà vu occurring in the user, resulting in a strong sensation that an event or experience currently being experienced has already been experienced in the past. Some pharmaceutical drugs, when taken together, have also been implicated in the cause of déjà vu.

  4. Another… some researchers to speculate that the experience of déjà vu is possibly a neurological anomaly related to improper electrical discharge in the brain, creating a strong sensation that an event or experience currently being experienced has already been experienced in the past.

  5. And some link it to… good memory (c'mon, really…)

  6. Here's another one… the feeling of having previously seen or experienced something that is currently being seen or experienced to that of having dreamt about a similar situation or place and then forgetting about it until one seems to be mysteriously reminded of the situation or the place while awake.

And Im Sure There Are More…

deja vu

What's wrong with taking it at face value…

YES.., you have been here before

We did meet, before

I have done this already

All in another lifetime!

But that would have all kinds of implications, that most scholars or scientist are just not willing to buy. Why can't they be actual memories seeping into our present life… Or a message from your higher self.., a glimpse into your soul.

I guess it is up to each us to believe what we want when it comes to Déjà vu. I myself, don't need to explain everything.., and would like to think it is the cosmos itself dying to communicate a message -- important or not. Just letting us know -- "You've been here before and that's okay."

BTW Déjà vu literally means -- "already seen."
And there is déjà vécu means -- "already experienced."
And also déjà senti means -- "already thought."
And another déjà visité means -- "already visited."




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This is a great post. Reason 1 and 6 struck me as probable and interesting. #1 makes the most sense to me. Who knows ! Deja Vu is so weird, it isn't just a feeling of "I have been here before" it's a perfect copy of everything going on at that time.

It's freaky, I know... Thanks @gregm!

I used to get it a lot as a child but don't ever seem to get it now.

Have you seen a doctor about that... :))


What if I go to see the doctor and get deja-vu? Maybe I have already seen them before.

The thing is although it feels weird there is something quite pleasant about the sensation so I wouldn't mind getting it occasionally - just not all the time.

Well, in that case -- you're fine :))

I think it's pretty cool, actually!

The phenomena is interesting! I like that there's still a little mystery in life. Another theory I heard of that could be attributed to this is genetic memory.

I agree.., life would be pretty boring if we knew the answers to everything. Genetic memory sounds pretty trippy :))

Yeah, a little mystery is good, it reminds us we'll never know everything. Yes, the more I read about genetic memory the more it fascinates me. I had the DNA test done at 23andMe.com a few years ago and it was mind-blowing. Among other things, we learned my paternal line immigrated to America from the British Isles in the 1600's. The weird thing was I've always been drawn to the English culture since my earliest memory. Genetic memory? Maybe. We discovered before they migrated to England our paternal line was of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage originating from North Africa. We traced our ancestors on paper as far back as the late-1400's when two Jewish brothers set sail on a pirate ship from Spain to Ireland, fleeing the Inquisition and eventually settling in Oxhill Parish in Warkwickshire. Fascinating and trippy indeed.

That is freakin' wild!

Another great post, @macksby! Congratulations! This is actually why I love the #TIL section! Excellent content with outstanding quality and high learning effect.

Thanks @surfermarly... Cheers!

What a very interesting article!
Of all of them, I may have to lean toward the split-second delay. Our brain uses synapse, which uses an electric current - hence at the speed of light, yes? And I don't know about you, but I certainly don't move at the speed of light. It's more like the speed of sloth until I have my morning coffee.

Well, electric current is not 100 % of the speed of light, but usually in the range of 50 % to 99 %. However, a lot of research suggest that our brain is a lot slower than that. So, the split-second delay theory sounds very possible to explain the deja-vu.

Anythings possible... Thanks @valth!

Sounds good to me... WAIT -- I think I've read this before :))!!

2 and 6. So true for me. You are right, @macksby. Some things don't need to be explained. I think we already know the answers.

Thanks @fairytalelife... Yeah, it makes things interesting.., a little mysterious.

It may be destiny telling you that you are on the right track.

Could be...

I have a recent post about deja vu and being able to create the feeling. Its more understood now.

Im still in the boat of, who knows...

Love those Yogiisms!