If "President Trump" Fails You, I Will Teach You How To Build Your Own Government

in til •  8 years ago 

Democracy as we know it is crumbling.

And that may not be a bad thing.

If this election has shown us one face, it is the visage of fate who has appeared like a ghost through the lifted veil of American politics. This visage exposed to us, indecently, the travesties of hierarchy and the speed at which the unheard needs of a hidden majority can compel fear and manipulation to rise to power over honor, truth, empathy and compassion.

Many have been sensing a transition coming for democracy, or at least, for the idea of what a democracy could be. Articles, for years, have been exposing political systems in the United States to be a polyarchy at best, an oligarchy at worst. I believe these insights stem from the almost paradoxical idea of a powerful Democracy in practice and in theory. Power has never been a construct "for the people".

Unless, of course, it is in terms of their rebellion against it.

Humans of the United States of America, regardless of race, creed, gender, background or future, have lived with unmet political needs and interests since the dawn of government. I question why we should be obliged to accept this way of being and continue to come to the conclusion that we should not. I believe this election has pushed many of us to a tipping point of which I have no fear, because the beginning is near. We can rebuild together.

I believe there is clear reason to explain why we are seeing the beast in humanity rise to the surface under Trump’s demagogue facade. This is an not an exposure of the pure inhumanity which rests dormant at the core of every human, but rather, a reveal of our dire need to grow, as a human race, into a more evolved form of being and governance.

People of America and the world at large, fellow members of your human race are not the problem. The archaic functionality of the system is. Why should a system bind people with completely different value systems together in one singular financial model? Why should the interests of the financial model be tied to agendas outside of the direct benefit of humanity and the planet which houses us? Why should a system take more power than it gives?

Change is coming, and in these pivotal moments, it is our job to choose. We can choose creation or destruction, but we must act quickly, because fractures in reality are driving these changes forward faster than I believe any of us could have anticipated. We have to be ready to take matters into our own hands and evolve as a people, perhaps a people who are ready to evolve the idea of what it means to participate in, create and shape a nation.

Now that Donald Trump has been named President of the United States of America and Britain has removed itself from the European Union, I believe it is time to leverage the trauma of these experiences into a Phoenix moment.

Now is the time to begin building a new world together. This is not idealism and I will explain why shortly.

We can create a world that unifies not through tolerance of our differences, but through the organization of a new system. One which has the potential to directly align, bin and harmonize our varied principles and needs into abundance, self-organization and peaceful co-existence.

This idea may sound like a far off dream, idealism, fantasy... but I can assure you, it is not. Should we take our agency as individuals into our hands and become fully responsible for our lives, for the lives of the people around us and for the world we would like to live in, we can harness our personal power to build our own governments, communities, and systems of law and contribution. Once again, we may own our identity and our rights.

All you have to do to legitimately make progress on these ideas is considering joining us and our movement.

With the founder and one of my closest friends, Susanne Tarkowski Tempelhof, we have been pioneering a technology called, BitNation: Facebook for governance using the blockchain.

If you haven't read up on BitNation, start clicking. We're partnered with the government of Estonia to do their e-identity, we have the first World Citizenship ID, first marriage/birth/land titles on the blockchain and our own space agency. These initiatives skim the surface of our work, and the future with your involvement is bright and beyond the imagination of most.

BitNation allows anyone in the world to create and participate in their own government.

We believe the very concept of government should be opt-in with a universal set of values, like Burning Man camps and the Ten Principles:*

To put it simply, we believe government should be:

1. Borderless
  1. Voluntary

  2. Decentralized

People should be able to participate in any countries/communities they choose, support causes they choose, not be forced to get involved with those they do not, and should first and foremost, understand how to be self-governing!

BitNation currently has over 200 registered embassies and allies, thousands of registered citizens and several very serious concept nations who are working toward gaining international acceptance. In addition to these efforts, we have also launched a program for refugees to give those without a state or a national identity the ability to gain a World Citizenship ID and connections to resources who are engineered to help them through this extreme humanitarian crisis.

Implementing the scope of this massive undertaking will take time, energy and dedication, but every day we work together, we become closer to a purer form of freedom. A form of freedom I can only hope, time and the people of this Earth have not forgotten.

If Democracy does indeed begin a slow or expedient crumble, join together. We have the tools to rebuild a better world.

You are all welcome to contact me with questions. I will be happy to answer as many as I can.

*I must clarify what I mean about Burning Man culture, as many people have misunderstood this point due to media misrepresentations and cultural distance from the phenomenon of Black Rock City. We do not believe government should be a gratuitous number of wandering spiritual seekers who travel about the earth going to festivals on the backs of those with wealth, without an attitude of service. If one truly understands the principles of Burning Man, they would not engage in a non-participatory dialogue, however, every member of the Burner culture does not consistently represent the value system of the founders, and I must acknowledge this for those with a tainted view. We also do not believe that government should be built by the wealthy on the backs of those who have not been so fortunate in a free-market capacity. Human beings who are either poor or ignorant from their absence of fortune should be inculcated, opt-in from the individual and their community of interest, into groups who possess significant means. We believe this to be the first step toward sustainable and more evenly weighted distribution networks of knowledge, network value and resources. We must all regenerate ourselves, our interests and each other if we would like this world to evolve in a positive direction.

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Hi! I am a content-detection robot. I found similar content that readers might be interested in:

Burning man culture is all very well if everyone is embracing it. If, however, it is being encouraged from behind the scenes so as to weaken national sovereignty and make the world easier to plunder it is not a good thing. I think you've overlooked this possibility.

I think we are very very far from a voluntary society.

When you can replace everything the govt provides, and replace it in an obvious way, and show that it's really useful, only then and only then we will see more move towards liberty.

But until people cant even convince their family members of liberty, then we have not much chance.

Don't know much about burning man culture, but I do about Bitnation culture, I think is time for us to get control of our own situation.